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Everything posted by HaoleBoy

  1. "the Prime Minister presented Thailand’s peace initiative for humanitarian and economic aid that is not affected by ongoing conflicts" Why didn't he present this at the recent ASEAN / APEC conferences and get buy-in from ASEAN members? Is he just grandstanding in the EU?
  2. It's not just the dug up footpaths, but the L lane is coned off to traffic causing additional traffic problems during the day. I'm not sure when the work is completed each day, but hopefully before school lets out in the afternoons. Previously I thought CM had done a great job of resurfacing busy streets during the pandemic and I applauded them ....
  3. They keep talking about elicit "student visa's" ... what about those Chinese that got Thai ID cards? Those seem to need high level IO support to get.
  4. Happened in Saipan (Northern Mariana Islands) with the US Territory Governor, a casino and Chinese high-rollers. This happened 3 yrs back but is still ongoing (with the casino closed down). One has to wonder who will run the casino's that the Thai government is proposing to open soon. Is this part of the "Brick-n-Road" or Chinese triads coming in to front these gambling dens.
  5. Someone should ask this guy what the meaning of "corruption" is. Watching corruption happen in your subordinates is Corruption! Having others pass out brown envelopes to politicians for you is Corruption! Performing a coup is corruption otherwise you would not have had to grant your amnesty!
  6. CM Immigration is by far so easy. I lived in BKK for a bit and CW was a major mess everytime I had to go there. I got turned around a month ago for no copy of TM 30 when getting a re-entry visa too. No big deal ... walk out back make copy and come back to front of the line.
  7. Amazing Thailand can "help" capture Bout, but can't figure out how to fill out a red notice to get "The Boss" even on Interpol's list.
  8. And Apple is moving production / assembly of iPhones to Thailand looking for cheap labor, yet their profits are sooooo high. Nike coming next??? Should raise min wage to 600 THB for companies that employ > 15 people. Start somewhere ...
  9. If the new "point system" was in effect how many points would he get deducted for this? Why is an RTP Captain having a rank of Colonel?
  10. On the discussion of driving ... What is the law regarding making a L turn at a red light? I'm sure some corners are marked (in Thai) about no L turn on red light, but I would think most are not. Scooters seem to just go with no slowing or stopping ...
  11. And what is your point? You are talking about taxing profits on your investment - long-term vs short-term. Long-term capital gains (held longer than 1 yr) profits being taxed at 15% (assuming you make > $45k per year) and goes up based on your taxable income. There's also short-term capital gains (profits) are taxed at your taxable income level. I was talking about taxing transactions for short-term holdings. Not profits.
  12. Should be taxed only for short-term trades (364 days or less) and nothing for long-term sale of stocks. The day traders are the ones not paying any tax here.
  13. You are just giving fuel to the Thai Gov to blame it on other nations. If Thailand was even trying to curb their OWN pollution then that would be one thing, but they aren't. Thailand wants to be a bigshot in SE Asia then they should set an example and clean up the air pollution that is caused in Thailand first. A big cause of BKK pollution is from all the construction going on within the city ... Thailand burns a lot of plastic itself ... a lot shipped in from other western countries too.
  14. Does the Thai Gov and big monopoly families really care? I've heard CP could do a LOT about the burning of rice stubble in the North / North East ...
  15. If a vote for Scotland's independence were to happen, what should the % be to gain independence? Should it be a simple majority or something like 60% vote for? I wondered the same for BREXIT ... A simple majority for such a huge change does not seem right. The cost of change should be weighed in to justify the overall change it seems.
  16. No goals pertaining to rice farmers burning their waste, why? Doesn't CP own quite a bit of the rice lands in and around CM? If so what are they doing about the rice waste burning. There is a machine in India that can take the rice waste and turn it into biodegradable food containers. The farmers would get paid to bring their rice waste to a specific location (thus earning more money). Problem is the machine is very expensive, but something the Gov could invest in to help solve a large portion of the pollution crises around CM.
  17. "Prawit blamed the probability of the Thais being given selected World Cup soccer matches to watch live on the “overpriced” Fifa broadcasting licence amounting to 1.6 billion baht." More useless dribble from the Watchman. They could have signed up early and gotten it for 1.2 billion THB AND figured out a way to advertise and make some money from the event. BUT, the Thai Gov drags their feet and then complains when Fifa won't give Thailand a break ...
  18. Thai people want ANYBODY but this junta government. Can't blame them when the gov is out buying submarines with no engines and fighter jets and spending 100 million THB on MP/Senate meals. Abolish military coup's in the constitution (oh, but a coup just tears up the old constitution) and maybe Thai people would vote smarter.
  19. Always going cap in hand looking for a free handout. Yet this Gov buys fighter jets and submarines they don't need. The big monopoly companies can pony up some cash and they wouldn't feel it at all. This Gov has given then whatever they want ... Do something good for the country.
  20. Refresh my memory on what laws prohibited "craft brewers" and what year these were in affect. I am reading a fictional book on the South US back in 60's and 70's and the law enforcement reminded me of current Thailand. That's over 50 yrs back ...
  21. Such a loss of new jobs for the younger generation and just so the big beer monopolies won't lose a few satang. Easy to look in EU or US to see the big beer companies still make plenty of profit while having some good competition at the lower end of beer making.
  22. They say leave it to the person's constituents, but this isn't right. These Senators and Congress people have far reaching affects for all Americans when they are part of high profile committees. All Americans should be able to send emails directly to all Congressional people, but can not. This goes for both sides especially the leaders in the House - Pelose and McCarthy - and in the Senate - Schumer, McConnell. Thomas should have recused himself due to his political activist wife.
  23. Can this Thai Cabinet fix the problem of military coups happening too? Those big guns and tanks in the street are a bigger problem here in Thailand.
  24. Was recently dropped to 1 mln THB per bank. Thus you need multiple different bank accounts to be safe not multiple accounts at same bank.
  25. Should change the constitution to outlaw military coups too! Hand guns are nothing compared to rolling tanks on to the streets of Bangkok.
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