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Everything posted by HaoleBoy

  1. These loans are called "predator" loans. Done all over the world ... get the poor to take out loans they can't afford.
  2. The establishment (up to the one above) is so scared right now. China does not want MFP and made it clear to the powers above from what I hear ... These junta Senators have no allegiance except to themselves and the one above ... Not for Thai people for sure.
  3. I certainly don't have any "special" knowledge of him or the junta government. It was in the Thai papers here. Do a search on "prawit plane" ... https://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2019/07/09/police-defend-buying-1-billion-baht-private-jet-for-prawit/
  4. I believe this is the 2nd time you've stated Pita / MFP won by 28% ... try 38% voted for him. PTP got 29% ... The junta appointed Senators were not picked to "vote what they think is best for the country", but as payoff for their loyalty and their presumed loyalty to the monarch. Thus they are not "well meaning" for the country by virtue at all. Most of the time they did not even show up at legislature sessions, but still collected their pay.
  5. At whose expense does he travel? I remember some new plane being bought under Prayut and Prawit seemed to commandeer this plane as his own.
  6. When is the NACC going to disclose the probe into Prawit's Watch scandal from 2018? It was the Supreme Administrative Court that ordered that the summary report must be disclosed back in April 2023. It would be nice to get rid of this old military guy from politics for good.
  7. When will the NCCP (National Corruption council) release their findings on the watch scandal? The CC already ordered this to be released to the public ...
  8. Why is it an "allegation" when he is apologizing? He's acknowledged the fact!
  9. It isn't just Craft Beer. They could begin making good quality Rum or Cachaca if they weren't hindered so much by current laws. Take a look at Brasil and the many kinds of Cachaca are distilled there. They have the very bottom level of Cachaca that will definitely give you a headache the next day all the way up to very fine sipping Cachaca's. Cachaca Houses exist in N Brasil where you can go in and taste from the barrels. Cachaca is distilled from fermented sugar cane Rum is distilled from sugar cane and molasses
  10. PT does not deserve the speaker slot and they don't deserve 14 minister seats with MF getting 14 too. PT with the speaker slot would block some changes MF wants to do. Why all these politicians are so scared of even talking about constitution changes (including Sect 112) makes no sense. MF party does not have the votes to push some of the more controversial issues, but there is no reason these issues should not be discussed in parliament. This makes more sense ... Thaksin is playing games just to get home.
  11. It seems PT party wants the House Speaker seat so if MF party does not get the PM position then PT will still have the House Speaker slot and its influence over whoever becomes PM (maybe PT itself). The establishment (and the senators that they have holds on) will stop at anything to get the people's choice, MF party, out. Shameful ...
  12. Might be some secret lucrative dealings going on .... Or some secretive dealings to hide longer. Otherwise why engage at this late stage.
  13. Some traction on changes in the RTP force .... Something Prayuth couldn't do in 9 yrs!
  14. The EC already said OK (essentially) since Pita has been an MP for 4 yrs and he brought this issue to the EC back when he started. The other blatant lies stating he said something he hasn't are just lies. One petitioner is being sued already and another will happen in the next day or so. The "establishment" is soooo scared of losing control!
  15. They could use Big Data to help with all the traffic accidents and deaths. Get finer detail on areas to police more of focus more attention to regulations.
  16. They already do produce their own pseudo craft crap - Snowy, U2, .... They even have the can art so unassuming buyers don't notice it's from the big oligarchy families.
  17. There's no reason Thai Craft Beer shouldn't be much cheaper than current foreign Craft Beer. They have little shipping costs and no import tax. This is something Thai Craft Beer pubs need to think about. Most Thai Craft Beer I've had (brewed in / out of Thailand) is too weak and not a lot of flavor.
  18. It's called early retirement.
  19. Between 2017 and 2021, the armed forces managed to decrease the number of military personnel by over 8,000 How many Generals were reduced in this time period if military personnel were reduced? Sure seems like a knee-jerk reaction by the military gov. to MFP's plans ???? ???? Why must the General reduction wait until 2027? Why wasn't this laid out for transparency before this? MFP sure is setting an example about transparency and being upfront on issues.
  20. Some (maybe most) Harley dealers in Thailand are just as bad. If you go in for a scheduled service they don't tell you what they've done (and don't do most of the items on Harley's checklist). I asked several times and got no help at all. It is easy to look in the service manual and see what must be checked for each KM service interval and to print this checklist off and have the technician make a checkmark and give or show it to the customer. But no ... Once I was told there were engine fault-codes, but they didn't note what the numbers were. Yes, it is easy enough to check myself but also easy and thorough to write down what the codes are. Another time I said the kickstand was going over too far. The technician took it apart and said the part was corroded and bad. I asked if he took a picture to show me ... NO. They didn't have a replacement bushing is what he told me. I found another shop that had the bushing (same bushing is used for many models) and got it installed.
  21. Read an interesting observation on Twitter ... If the Senators don't listen to the people and vote some other coalition than Move Forward Party, then the Move Forward Party can move for a No-Confidence vote (not sure when they can do this) on whatever coalition gets voted in as PM. The Senators don't vote in a No-Confidence vote and thus the coalition in power is overthrown ...
  22. You speak about the constitution that his party wrote? Of course he wanted amnesty for himself and the sleepy toad. That's a sign of a criminal that knows he did wrong. Does that make it right? Are coups acceptable political behaviour? NO. Did he break the law before the new constitution was written and pushed through? YES His reliance on China CrapVacs ... you really want to go there? No corruption? He appointed all the National Anti-Corruption Commission people. How is 'The Boss' case going? Did he release the report put together on all the corruption that is associated with this case as he stated he would? His nephew's involvement with the military construction contracts? His nephew's involvement with the tour bus business? People point to the 10,000 THB give away by the PTP. There was an analysis done regarding all the political party money give-aways and the actual cost for 10 yrs. Raising minimum wage to 1,000 THB was one of the most costly. The PPP party said they would give 30,000 THB to every farmer. Cost is high. You have very selective memory of all that he did (and DIDN'T do) over the past 9 yrs.
  23. Sent the old dinosaur home along with his lackey the sleepy toad. Hurrah!!! Now make him move out of military housing as well. Maybe he has 1 more thing on his plate ... welcome Thaksin back home ???? in July. I'm not a Thaksin supporter at all, but if Thaksin must go to jail then Tu must go as well for taking the country by coup and ruining the country for the past 9 yrs.
  24. Presumably, the direct SSA to NY Bangkok Bank ACH transfer then to your Thai Bangkok Bank is to show proof for 65,000 THB / month for Retirement Visa. Do the other methods work for the 65,000 THB verification?
  25. Well stated. Leaves out whatever change happened last year made by the ruling Gov. The change was just window dressing though. How does Phuket get away with producing their own craft beer or is this done out of country? Chalawan and others .... A good Craft Beer scene would increase jobs for the younger generation - the brewers, the creative marketing (can illustration) and at the Thai establishments that sell their product. One big problem local craft beer makers have is pricing. They don't have the shipping costs or import tax that foreign craft beer have yet the locals price the same as imported craft beers.
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