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The Fat Controller

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Everything posted by The Fat Controller

  1. He doesn't, he, like me, has missing years that he is considering purchasing to increase his pension when he reaches state retirement age. However, he will not be able to buy any missing years prior to (I believe) 2016, I stand to be corrected on that. To find out what is available you have to contact the Future Pensions department directly or use your Government Gateway account. After that you can either send a cheque in the post if you have a UK bank account or if you wish to pay electronically you require an 18 digit reference number which can be obtained by calling HMRC. There are many topics about these issues on this forum https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/categories/pensions-annuities-retirement-planning
  2. We have just purchased some land and the chanote needs splitting, the land surveyor wait time in Ubon is 10 weeks. My wife said there was the option for a fast track service for an extra fee.
  3. I had pain, after a scan confirmed to have NAFLD rather than the suspected gallstones. If you consume more calories than you use, as I do, the body will deposit fat in the liver and this can cause pain in some. Losing weight has working for me. Lots of good information here. https://britishlivertrust.org.uk/information-and-support/living-with-a-liver-condition/liver-conditions/non-alcohol-related-fatty-liver-disease/
  4. 90 day Non 0 (Marriage) took 2 working days in September 2022.
  5. The only people who have ever queried my trip length have been the check in staff at my (UK) departure point.
  6. Angie Taxi serve DMK https://www.angietaxi.com/
  7. Another WISE fan, my last transfer of £1000 funded from a GBP balance to Bangkok Bank took 6 seconds.
  8. Not sure about the Fijians at SUV (Nausori International Airport) though.
  9. Wise to Bangkok Bank is usually in seconds if you DO NOT select "long stay" or "property purchase", however the transfer time also depends on the amount, the app or web page will advise. "Long stay" transfers have always been "next working day" for me and the funds credited between 1400 and 1403 Thai time, except for the October 2021 debacle. As above, Wise do the currency conversion and you are not able to find the rate THEY get! All payouts from Wise are in THB.
  10. You obviously missed my earlier post, there is absolutely NO GUARANTEE that the method I use and you advocate will ensure the money appears in your Bangkok Bank as FTT, as happened to many Wise users in late 2021 who ticked the box and received domestic transfers. Wise themselves do not guarantee the "long stay" method will always work and they said in a reply to a Facebook group member that occasionally other routes may be used which result in a domestic transfer being recorded. Wise have an information page regarding Thai Baht transfers on their UK page, it does not apply to US customers. If you need absolute certainty use SWIFT from your home bank, send in your home currency and let the Thai bank convert the funds. It is not the best for UK users but seems to be efficient for large sums from the US, other users need to do their sums.
  11. Bangkok Bank transfers worked fine using "long stay" in the Wise menu and deposits showed as FTT. However, it all went tits up around October 2021 and many people reported their money arriving as domestic. Wise fixed it within a month. If you use Facebook have a search for "Wise solution Thailand New"
  12. Flying First Class, I hope the OP is paying a suitably large Sin Sot, 555
  13. RTE London are really efficient. I applied for my Non O the day after QE2's funeral and received it 51 hours later.
  14. If your are in Pattaya, Mr Jack at the very eastern end of Soi Buakhao. https://www.facebook.com/MrJack-เรื่องนาฬิกายกให้Jack-2231233850437300
  15. As for the smell of cash, don't forget that the old paper 20's and 50's are being phased out and if you bring any back to Thailand after your trip you may not be able to change them. TT Exchange in Pattaya stop taking both of them next week.
  16. Who are the mysterious T&T that people are posting about ? Has another company cloned the look and modified the logo of probably the best known company in Pattaya, T.T. Currency Exchange https://ttexchange.com/exchange-rate
  17. The condo I had in Bangkok had a split system from Trane.
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