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Posts posted by Jared

  1. Does anyone know any online stores based in Thailand. I came back from Samui at the weekend on my way back home to Korat. On the way back I made a detour to MBK to pick up either a wii or a ps3. I spent hours in there going back and forth from stall to stall not getting the information I wanted. It was like every small stall only had one machine, I was hoping to find a computer shop like GAME back in the UK so I could ask some questions about the machines. I think my best bet now is to find an online shop or a shop in Thailand with a website and email them, make an order and go pick it up.

  2. I took my dying truck to a Nissan garage for probably its last injection of life and whilst I was there had a look at some of the new models. The only car I really liked the look of was the Tiida hatchback. I'm thinking of getting one one on finance with possible 50% deposit paid and the rest payed over a year or 2. I have a few few questions that Im hoping some of you people can help me on.

    I would like the car registered in my name and not the wifes, should this be a problem. I think I read somewhere that you need to pay a higher deposit to have the car in your own name. I mentioned this to the sales lady and she said it could go in either name with just a 15% deposit.

    Ive read a lot of people on the forum getting all the extras out of the salesman, is this only when you buy the car outright? I will probably go for the top model but as they did not have it in the showroom I'm wondering if the exteriors will already have the extras that I want. Front, back and side skirting. The model on show had a really crap black plastic skirting which didn't do the car any justice and made it look cheap.

    Do I need a Thai license to purchase the car? I am legal over here but by using my UK license and international permit?

    E20 petrol, has anyone heard of this or used it. They seem to have each model made in a version for this type of petrol, are there any advantages to using this apart from I guess its cheaper? or should I just get the regular model.

    Does anyone have any suggestions to alternative cars available in Thailand? I'm not really interested in the Jazz or Yaris.


  3. Youve got some interesting articles in there and im sure they will be very helpful for people who are thinking of coming over here to train. Ive been here two years now and would love to give muaythai a go but at 26 I reckon it might be a bit to late to start.

  4. Ive managed to get rid of 3 out of the 4 Tokeys living in my kitchen. If it was down to me id leave them as they do get rid of all the cockroaches that come in from under the house but my wife is terrified of them.

    The first one was living behind our fridge, one day we pulled it out gave him a poke. Then as he ran out we trapped him in a bucket. Took him down the end of the road and released him. Whilst he was in the bucket he regurgitated one of those giant dangerous Centerpedes. Those things are really dangerous and can kill giant spiders, watch youtube lol. I should of been praising him really rather than getting rid of him.

    Second one I drowned in a bucket of water.

    Third one I sprayed with bug spray till he got dizzy, i then sweeped him outside into the garden got a stiff broom, waited for him to bite the end of the broom, then launched him to mars.

    Only one left now which i would like to keep but whilst hes there the misses doesnt like using the kitchen, which is a big problem for me lol

  5. I brought all the DVDs on Amazon and also have my dad record a few dvds of the tv for me every couple of months. My son must have over 24hrs of cbeebies but all he wants to watch is the same one episode of big cook, little cook over and over lol

    Slingbox as mention above is another option that I read about in another post that could work, google it and see what you think.

  6. I remember mentioning on another post about the leaking issues with the medium mommy poko pants. My sons 16 months now and about 13kg and he weres XL. We use both the normal nappies and also the pants, since we have been using the L and XL we have had no leaking at the back like we did the mediums.

    When we went back to the UK in October I could not believe the difference in the quality of nappies, even the tescos own brand were so much smaller (thinner) you couldnt even see he was wearing a nappy. The nappies seemed to have some kind of gel in them and were always dry and stayed the same size. A few rounds of Ching Chong in a Mommy Poko tends to swell the nappy up to twice the size.

  7. Cheers Ive noticed something else really strange, when i right click on my network connections it lets you know how many packets have been sent and recieved. Normally its over 1,000,000 but as it is now its 15,000packets sent, 5,256 recieved. Surely there must be some kind of connection problem. This could of happend at a worse time for me so if anyone knows what I could try that would be great

  8. I use a program called Cuteftp 7 so that I can upload and download big files and I normally get really fast speed here in thailand, on my 2mb connection. I can normally download 10mbs in 10 minutes or so. Today I have been getting really slow speeds at about 3kbs which is way to slow. other than this the internet seems to be working fine, my torrents are slow but they have always been slow. I have rechecked my firewalls and also redone my portforwarding. I have also tried to download from 2 different servers as well as upload some files and it is all going slow, any ideas?


  9. All the top teams rotate is part of using your squad and the modern game. It funny how Liverpool only get slated for rotating when we lose. However tonight should be a definite win no matter what team he puts out considering Luton (Scum) have lost there best players due to the administration. More than anything I want to see a win tonight and a good performance.

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