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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. Take out the Chicago and other big city shootings (defund the police, of course), and you’ll see those numbers drop drastically.
  2. Vodka can make a powerful persuasion for some.
  3. Dear BoT, The higher you jack up the Baht, the less those of us on fixed foreign pensions will spend. And yes, we also feel this inflation —Baht inflation.
  4. Um, could you please stop the Baht appreciation, before you proclaim your Inflated projections?
  5. Another Baht for diesel? We can take it—but in return, can you please push the Baht down?
  6. Russia’s liberation analogous to near total destruction—nice try.
  7. 34.11? Try 34.06 today. And with another Fed rate increase of 50 basis points due next month—they’ll probably jack up the Baht even more…
  8. You got that right. We’re stuck in the 33’s now. However, if you have a no-fee credit card from a US bank—you can certainly get the higher international rate.
  9. Welcome, foreigners to Thailand, where your money’s worth less every day! (inflation and a rising Baht).
  10. Baht has strengthened over 2% vs USD in last two weeks. Did they write this article two weeks ago?
  11. Place your shorts on TWTR, ladies and gentlemen. Short interest up to 33 million shares today. That’s up 6.35% over yesterday’s short interest. This ship’s going down…
  12. A shady company with suspect financials. Elan should have known better. Good luck to him.
  13. TWTR looks like a good short candidate. Let it fall back to fair value (with 20% bots) to about $32.00 a share.
  14. You got that right. More white tailed deer in America today than in colonial times. When you remove the predators. (Big, bad wolves, coyotes, mountain lions)—Bambi flourishes.
  15. Actually, FYI, our neighbor (the gf) waits patiently. Her family lives on the same lot, with relatives on either side. Her mom is very proud of her daughter, for bringing such wealth into the big farm family. She couldn’t cheat even if she felt so inclined. Sanguine yet sad story.
  16. An American expat neighbor of mine built a nice big house for his Thai gf and her two young daughters. Then COVID hit. We haven’t seen him in almost two years—but he keeps sending her money. She waits patiently… This exemplifies some of the problems in Thailand.
  17. Make harder to purchase AR-15 semi-automatics, and associated ammunition. Require a special permit for current owners with regular inspections, on a federal level. That would go a long way in stopping this problem. A good compromise and a good start.
  18. Thanks for your questions. I have a few of my own: Where do EV batteries come from? Where does most lithium and rare earth come from? Who makes the vast majority of wind turbines? And what about solar panels—who makes the vast majority of them? The answer to all of these questions: China.
  19. Record inflation, record fuel prices, and record border crossings—perhaps you missed a few things?
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