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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. Agreed. The Green New Deal is killing the economy. Gas prices climbing daily. And worse, electric vehicles play into China/CCP’s hands.
  2. That’s true in Chicago and other Defund the Police American cities. They do kill themselves off. If they take away guns—only criminals (and remaining cops will have guns),
  3. America is a gun owning culture, that goes way back. A colonial era church in New England, where I grew up had a defensive construction. Instead of parishioners entering from the back of the church facing the pulpit, people entered from the front of the church bringing their guns into the pews. That way, they could (and did) shoot attacking Indians. Perhaps we don’t need AR-15s for home invasion defense. On the other hand, no country could ever overrun America—with so many guns in our homes.
  4. Not Fritos, but you can buy PepsiCo’s Doritos corn chips at BigC, Topps and some Lotus—made in China.
  5. Maybe we can buy a good Sonoma Valley Cabernet from this—at US pricing?
  6. At least they’re trying something. SE Asia in danger of being swallowed up by Uncle Xi.
  7. I just looked at currencies—so I must note the roaring Baht. From 34.78 to 34.33 on USD in just a few days—breathtaking.
  8. Of course, it doesn’t help when the Baht gains substantially on USD, and/or other western currencies.
  9. Sudden fluctuations in the Baht—today a prime example—Baht up again.
  10. Actually hip size of a lady shouldn’t matter. It’s the ratio of hips to waist that subliminally attracts men to women. But I still like the small hips on Thai ladies…
  11. Crazy pricing—costs less to drive Ranger (diesel) than our 95-guzzling Mazda3…. Ranger is now our economy car…
  12. More smaller stuff: Thai kitchen counters much lower than American. And Thai furniture much lower too.
  13. Not surprised. Baht gyrates from one day to the next—hardly a sign of stability.
  14. What’s smaller? Today, at least, the USD purchasing power seems much smaller than yesterday…
  15. For me, best smaller thing in Thailand—the small hips of the ladies (including mine)—lovely.
  16. Just keep that Baht down—Thailand will survive, if not flourish.
  17. Obviously, Big Brother forced the neutral stance…
  18. In order to stay in the village house you built for a wife now deceased —you will need either a pre-nup on the house or a renewable lease to live on the land—or both documents. Also possible in some circumstances—a business classification for the property.
  19. Possibly—unless you’ve spent a boatload of money building your home in the wife’s village. In that case, I would stay—and limit my search to women in the family living in the village—and it’s a very big family, with many good possibilities.
  20. The allure of the Thai woman would make me want to stay. Traditional values and small hips.
  21. I live in Isaan and at the Gulf. Wife doesn’t want me to find a replacement wife, either. But nothing wrong with an occasional gf…
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