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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. A good dissertation altogether. You kinda lost me though, when you lumped A former US President in with totalitarian dictators. By that measure, you could almost substitute the current administration into that group.
  2. At least the Nigerians have many princes, professors and businesspeople with big inheritances in desperate need of your personal banking details.
  3. It’s the Russians problem—and only they can fix it. Putin has cut off media and most social platforms. Don’t expect things to change there overnight.
  4. There is a happy medium for servicing expensive out-of-warranty cars. In America, you can find independent specialists for these brands. They charge half what the authorized dealer charges. Not easy to find a good one, though. I’m sure you can find the same in the urban areas of Thailand. Of course, you’ll need to bring a translator, and some Baht.
  5. During my working career in America, I owned 5 BMWs (not all at once). Never bought a new one. Drove mostly highway miles. Repairs were steep, but well worth it. Not sure I would ever buy a used BMW here—this is a perfect example why.
  6. Instead of announcing new improved departure regulations—they need to work on things that will really help tourism and the economy—eliminate test & go, test on arrival, and get the Baht moving in a southerly direction.
  7. Moot point—we’re talking about international FX—not personal finance.
  8. Spot on. Russian reserves most likely the culprit which jacked the ruble and thus sank the USD yesterday. Sure the USD looks OK at 33.27– but you won’t get that rate at Wise. It brings Baht purchases down below 33 on USD.
  9. They’re not doing QE anymore. The US Federal Reserve raised interest rates yesterday for the first time since 2018. With more raises scheduled for every month this year. Next month, they will begin to reduce their security balance sheet.
  10. 33.23 at the moment. That’s down from 33.52 24 hours ago. I rest my case. Perhaps you need glasses.
  11. Yeah, let’s talk about currencies today: Ruble way up. USD way down—despite the Fed meeting affirming first of seven projected rate increases for the remainder of this year. And for next meeting, the Fed will reduce their securities balance sheet. But somehow, Risk On wins the day with traders.
  12. No wonder they didn’t allow foreign journalists into yesterday’s presser.
  13. I guess those Chinese vaccines (Sinovac and SinoPharm) didn’t work so well. They sure didn’t work so well here.
  14. I believe the Russians won’t allow foreign-based journalists into the presser—because it’s really just a rehearsal. They have to get their act down cold—before the final performance.
  15. This begs the question: who now would vacation in Russia—besides Chinese communists, North Koreans, Iranians and North Yemenis?
  16. Interesting perspective. We’re not all here for the prostitutes, though. We have great relationships with the locals. No time for bargirls.
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