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Posts posted by animatic

  1. Favorite fantasy line :

    ”...The latest announcement regarding quarantine (hopefully) puts an end to what has been a barrage of conflicting information from health officials in Thailand, which has caused widespread confusion amongst people both in the country, as well as people overseas who planned to visit...”


    No more confusing ministerial announcements and pigs fly with golden wings

  2. No surprise at all. These are folks on the margins before this. They had the gumption to go to Korea, so not wallflowers, but outward movers, and not all would be Phee Noi of course. The better educated folks would be first to leave.

    But the number of 1100 +\- lost to government scrutiny is likely horribly low for any day. Yes they attempt to check IDs along roads for Thais moving about, but that’s mostly to stop smuggling or track escapees. Not to list your average non-criminal thai worker going where the jobs are.

    Most Thais below 40 Stay registered in their home village and then leave for whatever reason motivates them. Seasonal work, regular short term job, ‘sub-Rosa work’ and the like. Not thinking it’s permanent jobs, so not reregistered there. Hence the huge migrations during holidays and around national votes.


    So, if roadblock check points are not logging all national IDs into a national database to track all low income Thais, or their “registered phones” are Not triangulated by cell signals, they won’t be found easily.

    Will Big Brother's surveillance society be 100% ‘finger on forehead’ when some politician decides he wants it. Well the control freak military trained leaders likely wish they could. They were trained a lifetime for total hierarchal control, since that’s what the military is. Old habits die hard, but society is not a military organization, nor should it ever be. 

    The little folks may want to stay unfound by Big Brother or BiB. Especially if they don’t want to get locked down for two weeks. And not understanding the real medical aspects of this virus would be quite common. 


    So many might want to avoid being found, since “the nail that sticks up gets hammered down”.

    • Thanks 1
    • Those who do not have a permanent residence or lodging in Thailand are required to show officials, upon arrival, evidence of where officials can locate them during the 14-day period.

    • Soooo, a TM 28 or a TM 30 and this “New Rule” is different because?  And what now qualifies as evidence?
    • Anutin still wants to kick out foreigners not wearing masks? What if you do not arrive wearing a ineffective greenish mask?
  3. In general the fall of a government is presaged by thai university and HS students coming out in the streets en-masse regularly, and with a consistent message. It rarely, if ever, is a controllable happening for the powers that be. And most often those attempts to control it, make it worse.

    The PM doesn’t seem to be a student of history, because other wise he might recognise the symptoms of his time in control ticking down. Dissolving FF was one of those bell-weather foolish moments of hubris than is typical of ‘dictators in mufti’ grasping at maintaining control when the people are indicating they are fed-up. So few ‘leaders’ recognise themselves as victims of the old adage “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” 

    What is it in the national psyche that has caused so many coups and failed governments both democratic and dictatorial? Yes a very young country, but there are other young countries with much more stable records of governance. It is baffling.

    • Like 1
  4. But isn’t it lovely for the healthy here with no exposure to Chinese tourists or taxi drivers who now must fear groups of Thais calling police on us for not wearing masks in public...


    Or worse we must now be fearing groups of  angry Thais in masks will surround westerners without masks and corral them with sticks  brooms, shopping carts etc because they fear we are all Typhoid Mary’s.

    While awaiting ‘isolation teams’ of untrained police and ambulance crews, who are getting paid by the numbers they round up...


    This man needs to be hounded from office, and sent to an inactive position at Tourism Authority Of Thailand.


    • Like 1
  5. If all expats working in bringing business, foreign investment, purchasing, and general business deals of all

    sorts into Thai business for Thailand, all suddenly said.
    ‘Off to Vietnam’, and/or Malaysia, 

    it would be a far bigger hit than the 3-5% of their living expenses being withdrawn. 

    It is not just retirees, pensioners, misfits and criminal who are expat in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  6. 19 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Indeed... they [the airports] should be scanning (for people with elevated temperatures) upon departure and arrival. 

    Scanning arrivals is flawed approach, anyone infected of a dangerous illness has already spread it to others on a flight !!! 

    Well it also will tell you who might have it, AND who was exposed on the plane they traveled on. It is not the best possible approach, but quarantining all air travelers, whether they can from China or not, just in case they crossed paths with someone Chinese is far too onerous an approach.

  7. 1 hour ago, ratcatcher said:

    I am quite curious as to the meaning of this word.

    Closest I can come:


    Wawel (Polish pronunciation: [ˈvavɛl]) is a fortified architectural complex erected over many centuries atop a limestone outcrop on the left bank of the Vistula river in Kraków, Poland, at an altitude of 228 metres above sea level. ... There are also wooden parts of the complex w

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Chazar said:

    ah but enforcement helps and youve  had  5  years  and the easiest  opportunity with article  44  to enforce things YOU  really  want havent  you .

    Well he’s controlled all political upstarts threatening his power.

    Drunk drivers don’t.

    Bad bus and mini-van drivers don’t.

    Tourist billers don’t.

    Improving general safety doesn’t.

    Poor people don’t. 


    • Like 2
  9. 27 minutes ago, daoyai said:

    I think he was a member of a 'a boy band" with gay overtones.. named something like 'The Back Door Guys". ?


    27 minutes ago, daoyai said:

    I think he was a member of a 'a boy band" with gay overtones.. named something like 'The Back Door Guys". ?

    Ah, so nobody. 

    But wanting more press to gin up cash flow for rehab payments.


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