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Posts posted by Uroller

  1. This guy was an immigrant to Canada from India and subsequently deported from Canada due to his gangland activities including hits on other gangs! The fact he was able to travel so freely around Asia shows a complete disconnect between international police forces and immigration. Most of the crime in Vancouver is gangland related and while it has happened, for the most part innocent people rarely get caught up in it. Although the gang hits are getting much more open such as a recent one at the posh Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel parking lot in downtown Vancouver, that happened in daylight hours????

  2. On 12/14/2021 at 2:15 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    It has already been announced in numerous outlets that this latest variant of concern; Omicron, is calculated to be 4x more contagious than the Delta variant of concern which itself is more contagious than previous variants (by how much I don’t recall).

    There have been thousands of new variants already. 
    It is only specific variants which are termed ‘variants of concern’ due to their characteristics. So, no, a new booster will not be required for ‘every new variant’. 

    Variants of concern are called such because they are, well, of concern & can / may be able to evade detection & vaccines, cause more severe symptoms, or are just a lot more contagious.


    It is possible that the Omicron variant evades ‘older’ vaccines (i.e as the antibodies diminish) and is more contagious meaning there is a far greater risk of spread than with previous variants and thus a greater risk of antigenic drift into a variant which causes more severe symptoms. 


    A response is needed to slow down any virus which is so easily transmitted & has the potential to evolve into something more serious. 


    You neglect to mention that they also say it has the same effect as common cold or flu????

  3. On 12/14/2021 at 3:58 PM, Danderman123 said:

    The politicians have no control over future mutations of the virus. 


    It seems that you believe there is a grand conspiracy of politicians worldwide with scientists to induce people to vaccinate forever, as if they all have something to gain from people vaccinating.


    The reality is that this epidemic is indeed tiresome, but most adults can handle it. 

    Too bad most politicians cant????

  4. I see and hear lots of panic from politicians (scare mongering), but nothing about why this new variant is spreading so fast, is it immune to the vaccine, is it immune to mask wearing  is it immune to alcohol??? Fear mongering to control people is a fascist/communist tactic to help governments control the people???? are we trying to defeat the common cold, or influenza that kills thousands and thousands every year, what exactly is the end game with Covid? Will it be a booster shot for every new variant?


  5. The scaremongers in governments around the world should try and unify their message on Covid???? Some say it’s the worst variant so far and nothing works against it, others say all you need is “ another” booster, Thailand tells the 10 million unvaccinated to get vaccinated???? So Thailand is saying Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna etc are just fine. If you look at each country you see a common message based on the narrative that government wants to push????it’s a shame that our bodies have become political experiments????????????Before you attack me please read both sides of the political spectrum not just fake news????

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