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Posts posted by Uroller

  1. Further proof that it’s nothing to do with Covid just the obvious hate for alcohol???????????? Blatantly switching to supermarket selling hours! Why not ban alcohol all together and get it over with, then you can clear out many of those dirty farangs. It was easier to drink in Dubai when I lived there????

  2. It is my understanding that every tourist entering Thailand currently pays approx 750THB which is hidden in the ticket price, this was implemented a few years ago to cover Hospital costs but probably got diverted to something else, that amounts to billions of THB. Now once again another charge will be levied on tourists of 500 THB which was going towards “ helping tourists if they got sick” ( ????????????chuckle chuckle) The trouble with lying is that you forget what you said and clearly that initial 750 has just evaporated into thin air: 


    Thin air = brown envelope



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