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Posts posted by Uroller

  1. I think the saddest issue with social media is how it affects kids, the peer pressure, the bullying, the suicides, issues that don’t surface until too late???? But big tech don’t care as they haul in $billions and exploit teens and adding social pressure on them that in most cases parents don’t know about????Guys like Jack Dorsey don’t care as long as he keeps getting richer????????????


  2. 1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

    The Thai government look after foreigners more than their own. How many Thais do you know who  have had Pfizer? How many expat? 

    It clearly states that the French government is providing this Moderna not the Thai government, I think you are pointing your finger at the wrong government! In fact they are also providing it for Thai wife’s and children????

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  3. Makes you think that vaccines are just a political thing with a political agenda???? I would have thought that being fully vaccinated with Pfizer for instance is fully vaccinated, if they want to make sure your not carrying the virus surely a Covid test within 72 hours of departure and within 48 hours following arrival should satisfy  any scientific requirements or are we not bothered about science anymore? Come in Boris, show us your cards????

  4. You can’t really blame the UK for their not recognizing Thailand vaccine even though it might be Pfizer or Moderna, why would they trust anything done by the Thai government. The Thai government has failed big time in their hap hazard approach to the Covid Pandemic and they have a “Sandbox” in Phuket where they are getting over 200 new cases a day????Seems to justify Red label and non trust to me????

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  5. 12 hours ago, Sunderland said:

    I got my first Pfizer yesterday at Central Floresta too. The short stocky lady with the tiny megaphone was quite funny. "Stop calling your friends to come!" she shouted as more people turned up. It was a bit of a free for all with no checking of names and times. Once inside - about 2 hours later for me - it was all pretty efficient until the waiting time after the vaccination. I have no idea what was going on but a half hour waited turned into an hour as they called out numbers in random lottery fashion - 426, 492, 527, 438, 496, 494, 502, 419 ... it didn't seem to matter. Five people shuffling papers on a desk and a poor woman trying to make people sit down who wanted to know why they couldn't pick up their appointment for next time after 30 minutes as stated on the back of every chair.

    Overall, 9/10 for me. The vaccination was virtually painless and no side effects apart from a slight stiff shoulder last night and today, which was not helped by my wife punching me there to kill a bug!

    The waiting time after the vaccine was actually to make sure you had no adverse reaction to the jab. Yes, the megaphone lady was funny????

  6. Got my first Pfizer jab today (Sept 22), and appointment for second in 3 weeks (Oct 13). Have to say it went very well, very busy but they handled  the large crowd in a very professional and efficient manner. I am now glad that I was unable to register for the Moderna some months back at thb3400 as Pfizer was free. I hope the Moderna is refunded as it should be free too. My Pfizer was done through online registration with Bangkok Hospital Phuket.


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