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Posts posted by pop_corn

  1. they always play indie, and brit pop?

    where exactly the place is?

    do they hv web?


    club culture it's more a DJ and electronic dance music place. wide range of different styles and some very good international guests as well. but not boring mainstream so you could put it also in a "indie" context. nothing "mass entertainment"-oriented, and they have a really dancefloor and it is not full of tables for the whisky mixer drinker. more western style.



    if you a looking for a indie, brit pop party you should check out 'Club Soma'


    nice DJ team of 2 thai ladies and 2 english gentlemens

    check the myspace of them and you get an idea what kind of music they are playing.

    they throw a party montly on different locations and have a good crowd follow them.

    and the presenter of this rock night of this topic have been more that team from "mind the gap" then club culture.


    they told me the the next party will be on 4th july . but i don't know yet what and where it will exactly be. but i guess another concert show with different bands.

    it was really fun that night, perfect organised. and if you like to see some thai indie bands watch out what will coming next.

    this weekend see you at supperbed. french dj joakim


    thanks for such a great information, belive me i didnt hv idea of those places, and i love indie and brit pop, :D... also 80's but them there is met club...

    umm i dont really like the bed supperclub, is 2 white, i feel like im going to mes it up, 2 many models, 2 many brazilian gals, 2 many ppl trying to be cool. suxs.



  2. just go, japan is not so far from thailand to meet the gal again, if u break up with her in the future u will always regret not to take a chance cuz of her.. dont waste the opportunity

  3. so scary! umm onece happend to me that a drunken guy was inm y door asking me to open it, but im sure the guy didnt really want to get my stuff.. was just a drunk thai that found his courage to talk to a falang gal. unluckily for him my security came to talk to him :o

    i hv the metal door since then. cuz in anyways scares me.


    half the thai people driving in thailand dont have a driving license, so i'm no different from them, and hey when there is an accident here, most of the people just drive off.

    And where pray tell did you get that figure from?

    I'd do a little research before posting again on this topic if I were you.


    ok maybe not half, but i'm just trying to get my point acroos to the other guy how different it is from england.

    anyway, most the thai people I know dont have a license, but this maybe because they dont live in bangkok, they're more country side people where you get kids 10 years old driving motorbikes.

    ok nevermind, i've found a way of getting my license and will apply next week.

    in that case u should tell the rest of us how is the process to get a license, if u already realized that no one really knows.


  5. So i've been living here since January 2007, my girlfriends (who is thai) parents gave me a car and i've been driving here ever since the first day i got here. However, I dont have a driving liecence :o

    My girlfriend and her parents told me that if I ever get stopped by the police, just tell them i've lost it or something and pay them a fine, and also good thing is where they live they know the police so its no problem.lol.

    But do any of you know how to get a driving liecence here, bare in mind that i dont even have any kind of driving lience back in my home country, so i couldnt get an international one that way..... so any other way?????

    I only ask as i like doing things the legal way, and would like a liecence just to be more safe, if there is no way, then whatever! i'll just carry on the way I am :D

    get a photo and go to khaosan, u can get an international one for around 200 baths, just to show it to the police is okay witha the fake one :D

  6. what about the british embassy?

    I know my one at least will not let an old guy in that condition.

    is th guy catholic or so? he can also go to the church and ask for help.

    umm.. i feel very sorry everytime i read something like that, cuz i will never want my parents to be in a situation like that, broke my heart. BUT, when the beach party is over, and u dont hv money to live, u should know what is next. no?

  7. this is amazing. 22 yrs with aids and parent that want to sell u, plus a 61 yrs old bf?

    for me sounds pretty clear that the girl is not to "decent" as they person said in the very firts post.

    but love is blind and make ppl stupid. i just hope for the guy not to get sick and then go back to his country to make suffer his real family for a bar girl.

    (yeah bar gals also go to the mall mister.)

  8. Beautiful creatures, elephants. First time I was in Pattaya, in 2001, a mahout was leading a baby elephant - asking tourists to buy some bananas for 20 baht to feed the elephant. Somebody else was with him, a lady photographer who would take you picture with her Polaroid camera and sell you a picture of you feeding the elephant for 100 baht. The picture came in a nice little frame.

    Yours truly was very merry (drunk, if the truth be known!) and wanting to practice my (very limited) Thai.

    I thought I was saying: 'yes, I will buy some bananas and get my photo taken.' What the mahout thought I said was: 'yes, I will buy your elephant and get my photo taken.'

    I still remember the moment the mahout handed me the lead to the elephant and started to walk away.

    My BF said to me 'why did you buy an elephant? We live on 13th floor in condo!'

    I had to do some fast talking to convince BF and mahout I did not want to buy the elephant - only to feed it.


    do u still hv the elephant in your condo? hahahahahahahahaahahahahaha!!!!!!


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