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Posts posted by pop_corn

  1. Hi all

    My post is not meant to offend. I am straight and I have many gay friends. Yesterday, I asked a gay friend of mine the question "why do some gay men like to dress up as women" as we see in gay pride parades and stuff. I did not get a response - don't know why. May be someone on this forum could explain?


    Becasue they have mental problems.

    Gender identity disorder, as identified by psychologists and physicians, is a condition in which a person has been assigned one gender, usually on the basis of their sex at birth but identifies as belonging to another gender, and feels significant discomfort or being unable to deal with this condition. It is a psychiatric classification and describes the problems related to transsexuality, transgender identity and more rarely transvestism. It is the diagnostic classification most commonly applied to transsexuals.

    The core symptom of gender identity disorders is gender dysphoria, literally being uncomfortable with one's assigned gender.

    This feeling is usually reported as "having always been there" since childhood, although in some cases, it appears in adolescence or adulthood, and has been reported by some as intensifying over time.[1]

    Since many cultures strongly disapprove of cross-gender behaviour, it often results in significant

    problems for affected persons and those in close relationships with them. In many cases, discomfort is also reported as stemming from the feeling that one's body is "wrong" or meant to be different.

    And so the local resident Phobe has spoken!

    Feed your prejudices!

    See you out of the closet soon.

    If you mean phobic as in fear, then you are wrong.

    If you mean phobic as in dislike then you are right.

    I am not prejudiced at all, just because I find the idea of men dressing up as women to be freaky and abnormal (which it most surely is), does not make me prejudiced.

    As for coming out of the closet, don't hold your breath, we are not all perverts.[/b]

    Wow... thas really nasty..

    I cant belive there's ppl that are actually that "square"

  2. I dont know, but the emergency service can be pretty bad as well, they call u back maybe 3 or 4 times asking for the addy again and again, and is pretty awful to be inside an ambulance with someone u love in risk and see the horrible traffic in Bkk, n no one moving away.. totally bad thing to experience, I did maybe 4 times..

  3. Traffic is crazy in here, and I don't really think they are good drivers. sorry, but there are no rules in Bangkok to drive, is very unsafe for childrens to go and even walk by the street, motobikes are even in the sidewalk.

  4. Sure they do speak english.. c'mon this is not a jungle. hahaha... I'm at Bangkok University, and the international school is good, I got quiet big number of foreign educators. Student are quiet shy in general but oh well, as KireB said, It's what you make of it...

    this is the webpage : www.bu.ac.th/english

  5. Was riding my bike along the River Lea in East London today when I spotted a Pigeon flapping about in the water, I stopped to look and it seemed to try to make its way towards me when 2 water bids came towards it to attack it, it got over to the waters edge and even though I dont like pigeons I felt obliged to help it as there was no way it could get out on its own. I bent down and could see that it had a mousetrap fixed on its leg. I lifted it out of the water and took the mousetrap off, it tried to fly but couldn't due to its feathers being wet so it went into some grass to dry out.

    Made me feel happy to of saved the life of something that would have otherwise died a slow agonising death. Hopefully I'll get some good karma from it but I asked Buddha to give my credit of good karma to someone else who may need it.

    Here is the saved pigeon.


    made me happy to read it :o!

  6. According to the Thai Rath newspaper (be warned, the Thai press love a bit of gory details and foto of course)

    At 9:20PM at the bus stop in front of MBK a man shot twice into the skull of a woman before turning the gun on himself.

    According to the police, his name was Mr Wasan Phuket, aged 39 and the woman Mrs Titaya, aged 23, was his wife. The couple were from Nakhorn Sawan province. The couple were officially married but separated.

    The supposed reasoning for the murder, was that Mr Sawan had travelled down from Nakhorn Sawan in order to make things up but they couldn't agree.

    Press on the link if you wanna see the story (and pic) in Thai

    MBK murder pic and story in Thai

    thank u.

    that's sad .. :o

  7. Im not asking for pictures, Im asking for the situation, I dont think "is not relevant" for the citizens to know about this kind of news, and live in a bubble. information like that should be given, we are not in the jungle to think that killing is something usual.

  8. yesterday night i was outside MBK having a smoke, suddenly i heard 3 gun shot, i look away and i saw many ppl running, i run inside the mall center, after 3 to 5 minutes I decide to go out again to see what was going on, a couple (man n woman) were killed by the street, someone shoot them to death on the head. today i been trying to get info about that, and Bkk post seems to ignore such a terrible thing..

    im still shocked by the situtation.

    does someone know anything?

  9. I don't really think is fair to judge his life style. here in Bangkok a bunch of heterosexual guys take different girls to their places every night, what is the difference? in between a guy taking girls, and a guy taking guys? not much. aids doesnt look for homosexuals only, so I think his life style is not the matter here. no one should talk about it. please people, show some respect for a young boy who was murdered.


  10. umm..

    thanks for the answers, a lil bit bitter both of them, but.. anyways.. !

    I did call, but today many lines are really busy, think that Im not the only one here asking the same thing..

  11. wow..Im very sorry about your rabbit :o

    and surprises me alot cuz I have one rabbit too..

    I want to take her to the doctor to control the fleas, but she does not hv much.. I guess I prefer to let her have them than kill her .. O_o


    I really love rabbits!

    Umm.. BTW, does anyone knows which hospital have doctors for rabbit's?


  12. I been thinking about Buddhism, and I think mostly all the nice things about thai people are from their religion.. I really want to learn more about Buddhism, So, Im wondering where should I go to learn? Temple? wich one???

    Umm, I dont want to learn it by internet guides or stuff.. Im looking for real contact with ppl from temples..

    I live in Bangkok (sukhumvit area)

    Any recommendations please?


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