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Posts posted by pop_corn

  1. What the guy did was wrong of course,but understandable in a way.He was conned and she knew she was conning him.You,you and you have been here a long time and know the score.It is more than possible that he was blinded by love/a chance for an exciting new life which now lies in tatters.

    He broke the Law and should be punished,but will a long prison term really change a thing on this occasion?He is not the first and by God will not be the last.


    Well Pauly, that's because here is FULL of prostitution, and umm is cheaper than America or Europa hahahahaha... so.. be logic... and you should know that the mayor reason of tourism in THAILAND is cuz the bitches.. no the beaches.. LOL. I think u r the insane one.. or blind one. :o:D

  2. I been many times to BHN, my sister hv cancer and she got already 4 operations there. I MUST say that, they really have good doctors there (if you are informated u can llok their profiles even online, educational background, specialities and inform your self)

    I know that they really like to came with "extra things" like FOOD in the room. to say an example, but I also know that they respect your right to say "NO I dont want it" they dont force you to make all the examinations.. and if you are there all the time, and infrom your self about wots going on, and what they want to make, how much it is and more you can say: yes, do that.. no dont do that!

    but if you dont even hv the time to go with him the first 10 minutes.. dont complain much.

    you are not in the obligation to accept everything they offer. and your big enough to know that I guess.


  3. sawadee everybodee

    I am half thai half farang. My mom is from thailand, and I live in the USA currently, but I'm in the process of trying to move to Thailand. I have a really long beautiful story about how I traveled to Thailand to meet my long lost half thai sister.


    If you have time take a look at how I met her.

    Anyhow, I'm married to a Farang from Serbia. We're multicultural :D

    I'm happy to have found this board!!!


    Hey that's a nice story, I was about to cry in some parts of it..


  4. That's weird... I really think that Thai girls are more promiscuous than the foreigner’s girls, is just a thing to go to the street, or discos, clubs...and look some girls behavior in front of a “falang” guy. And I’m not referring to the prostitutes, also to the rest of the girls.

    In other hand, I think is the way a girl act. Guys can be really annoy with girls if they don’t know how to be a lady, if they see a falang or Thai (doesn’t matter, Im just talking about girls in general) drunk, acting like a “mad cow” or the cheapest thing of pat pong, don’t play respect to her.

    In my case, I know how to treat with guys, how to make them respect me, and I never had any problems with guys.. Not falang, not Thai..

    But…… I must say that Arabic guys are disgusting.. They look at you like u where naked. EW!!


  5. 6-10 I put it umm cuz is the max I can drink in a week, I drink mostly on Saturday night, but I think we all drink in different ways...

    1?? I drink only one, but... soft one? Strong one?

    I put 6-10 cuz when i drink I like it strong.. (Double) so, I go out on Saturday’s and I drink like 4 to 5, but they are quiet strong!!

  6. btw... once I was in Pattaya for food poison, and my pain was really bad, the doctor came to the hotel to visit me, and we where talking, he told me that most of the emergency in pattaya are heart attack!! :o usually old guys, and in the hotels... is one of the biggest death causes he said!! hahahahahahaha, sorry but it make me laugh... :D lol

  7. I was working in Bangladesh and had a stupid accident after drinking too much and I fell over fortunately in my apartment but apart from bruised ribs I was OK.

    When I went to the hospital there they said that i had a heart problem and showed me on the echo scanner.

    I came back and went to Bumrungrad yesterday for a full check up and they told me the same thing.

    Unfortunately I am not insured and at 62 I am unlikely to get cover anyway.

    I will have to have some sort of surgery and possibly get a balloon inserted to fix the problem I hope.

    I had not been to the doctor for years but I strongly recommend everybody to go once a year just in case.

    My friends husband was 48 when he died of a heart attack, on the other hand my grandfather was about 80 when he died.

    You may never know until it is too late.

    Easyride, I am sorry about your friend as he had no notice at all.

    Hey... sorry about your heart problem.... yesterday I was talking with a lady about insurance, cuz I need one for my dad and he's 62 as well. I could not find a place where they want to accept his age. But this lady told me about CSG, she told me that they do accept ppl over 60!! so, maybe you should call 026321122 [email protected]

    BTW... bumrungrad is pretty expensive hospital, and is not reaaaaally good as BHN, or Bangkok Hospital.. are you going to pay the mc donald's inside? (hehehe)


  8. Well, that's why Im lesbian, I really think the connection with a woman is incredible... amazing..

    I understand your friend 100%


    I'm so glad you said that pop_corn ... the last time I saw my friend was on Koh Tao - over a year ago. We had not seen each other for about 4 yrs - we both kinda got heavily involved in study & careers. I encouraged her to apply for a a job in Thailand after her graduation and - as I'd been here already for a few years - she jumped at the idea and scored a great job. We both worked so hard, however, we never found time to hang out here due to our respective locations.

    Sadly, we only got to spend a few days together, during the 12 mths she was here - but I do remember thinking how beautifully she had grown as a person - and, if I were a lesbian I would love her and cherish her for the rest of my life.

    Anyways, I do love her dearly and fate turns out that she did fall in love with a female soul mate! Hooray for love, huh? :D


    yeah, love can came in many forms... and frienship is also one of them !!

    Im glad that you take it that way.. sometimes is difficult to say to your friends "im gay" cuz girls get scared of it .. :o

  9. Hi,

    I've heard that i can only get maximum 3 times tourist visas from the same place. Is it true? And is it maximum 3 times or continuously 3 times?

    If yes if got my tourist visas in Penang can i go to KL even its within the same country? And if i got my 3 times tourist visas in Penang, then i go to KL for my next one, can i go back to Penang again?


    i have 6 tourist visas (30 days x 6) in my passport this year already from ranong-myanmar, last year i had 7 and ive never been asked a question, only smiles in ranong for me. So ... sounds unlikely, besides you can always claim that your thai wife/gf takes care of you, but thats even more unlikely i guess.

    For some.

    As far as I know you can make it all the times you wish to.. well actually I hv really close ppl who are living in thailand for YEARS with only tourst visa.. they go to cambodia and back in a day.. :o

    and so on..

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