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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. You are so full of Sh#t bob. You can't even get it up at you age, let alone perform as you claim. Maybe its closer to 3 different ladyboys had you !
  2. I wast overly happy as the girl was clearly at fault but the policeman was trying to go down the middle, make everyone whole as possible and was pretty honest that what he saw wasn't my fault but he or I couldn't provide anything to back it up. He was also honest that if the family was able to make him press charges i would lose and cost more and be a big hassle for all. He did hold the family in check as he promised as they saw $ signs. He even threw the brother out of the station at one point that night as the brother came in pressed him on why they didn't drug or alcohol test. Cop just looked at him and asked him was he saying that he didn't know how to investigate an accident ? He said i wasn't on drugs or drinking and actually went out of my way to make sure the girl was ok. Told him to go home or he wouldnt like how the next conversation was going to go. He never asked or implied any donation needed to him in any way either. So the myth of all the cops are after money or against foreigners isn't accurate although I'm sure it happens more in the highly tourist areas. I live down in NST in a smaller town so not a tourist area in any way.
  3. So now your not in the condo anymore with the crazy Russians, that's a plus. Amazing how your sold off everything and cashed out a week ago and suddenly not just back but in a private residence that you paid for?
  4. Who's the real nutter bob? Go look in the mirror and you'll find him there, right in front of you.
  5. Well there are all the new sexual orientations that he can identify with. Maybe he'll decide to be something interesting.
  6. Since your new here, here's the scoop to save you time, in no real order. Bob's a serial liar that posts bs almost every day and can't remember what he posts. He's been single, then suddenly married. He's an overblown alcoholic that went on the wagon for 4 days, he needed to camp in the north but then owns multiple houses and villas around Thailand. He' a serial womanizer at all the bars and every woman on earth falls for him because he shows them his fake rolex watch. He's also old but changed that story too.. He hated his fat lazy wife but then decided he really was in love after she nursed him during withdrawals. Then talked her into letting other women in for sex only to change that 4 days later. He doesnt like ladyboys but tries them on occasion. He's kicked Mrs smith to the curb a couple times but then she's back again. He speaks Thai but gets thrown out of resturaunts for speaking thai to the owner.. he lives in a condo full of nasty Russians but doesn't want to move to one of the many estates he has. He's mega rich as is the imaginary mrs. He decided last week he hated Thailand and decided to sell all and cash out and had a whopping 800k usd and was leaving Thailand never to return only to be back in 4 days. Now he's a extreme successful twit as is his mrs and doesn't understand anyone that would do bar girls.
  7. Your so full if crap bob. You can't even remember your past posts. Based on comments and life style you write about you wouldn't know what a hyper successful person is let alone be one or have one attracted to you
  8. I had an accident a couple months ago. I was driving my truck at posted speed limit in the left lane and a thai girl on a scooter was behind me about 50 to 70 meters in the lane not on the shoulder. About 100 feet before my soi I put on my turn signal and started to slow down. Check to the right and looked behind me as I was reaching the turn. She was closer, about 25 meters but still in the lane behind me. I slowed more to make the turn which was a sharp left and at the last second she decided to try to pass me on the shoulder on the left side where I was turning. She hit me in the back fender and slide down the whole side of the truck falling in the street in front of me. Several of the locals came over and where yacking at me that it was my fault although no one was outside when it occured. I picked the bike up off the girl who had 2 cuts on her foot and a little road rash on her elbow. Then the locals pushed me away and wouldnt let me near her. Ambulance came and took her away and police showed up a few minutes later. all the locals claimed she was beside me when I hit her, well partially true she did hit me in the side. No CCTV anywhere. Cop talked to me and the locals and draw a picture showing exactly what I just described. We went to the police station and my insurance guy showed up, she had none. Cop showed the insurance guy the pic he had drawn which was accurate and they spoke in thai to each other. The insurance guy then says to me that I am at fault as I was turning and she was going straight so she had right of way ??????? and I was suppose to stop and let her pass me before I turned. I said no and explained again what happened and showed the pic the cop had drawn and said she tried to pass me on the shoulder knowing I was turning. He just kept smiling and said ok wait here and went back to talk to the cop. Cop comes back with the insurance guy and with a straight face says Im at fault because I cant prove my story and the locals all claimed they saw it. He then says the damage to the truck looks like you described though BUT if I agree to just say I did not see her when she was passing me as I was turning no charges would be filed and the insurance guy would agree to pay for her bike and medical damages and lost wages. The cop said if I dont agree the girls family already want to press charges against me and he doesnt want that as it can be solved easily and he promised that no charges or court and fees to me. SO the insurance guys writes up the report just as I described but inserts a line that said "as I was making my turn I did not see the girl start to pass me on the shoulder and we collided. Insurance agrees to accept responsibility for the damages and medical and no charges are filed." I read it over a couple times and was not happy about it and told the insurance guy and cop that. The cop, who was actually a pretty decent guy, says to me, look your a foreigner and I have nothing I can put into the report and no cctv to back up your explanation. They have the locals that claim they saw it and if it goes to court who do you think will win? So I say ok and he took the insurance report and on his official police accident report just made a note saying see accident diagram and insurance report. I signed the insurance report, no charges or fees and the cop kept his word and actually told the family at one point they needed to be thankful everything was paid for and she wasnt killed for being stupid and hoped she will remember this.
  9. Thats correct except some specific medicine can not be purchased at street Pharmacies.
  10. Not in govt hospitals but Yes at some there can be some with a "tier" system in Private Hospitals where foreigners pay a higher fee for the same services that a Thai would. There was a court case a couple years back where a European foreigner took a Private Hospital to court for charging a "tiered" system for services. He lost the case and the court went as far as stating that it was an acceptable practice as foreigners have a higher disposable income. Being on tourist visa vs a Non Imm O retirement is the same. Main advantage is easily opening a bank account if you arrive on the Non Imm visa versus converting here from a exempt or tourist entry. Getting Certificate of Residency, Drivers License, longer permission of stay being 90 days initially if you arrive on Non Imm with extension of 12 months if you meet the requirement vs 60 days on TR with one 30 day extension, but that's about it. not much else so it really depends on your longer term plan.
  11. There are legitimate thai cooking schools available to learn to use traditional ingredients and dishes. Food in Thailand varies quite a bit from North to South as the different cultural influences different spices, even in the same dishes. They would not be considered "street food" which would be a waste of time and money to learn. Youtube videos can teach you just as much unless you are after the "experience" while in country which a decent school would provide.
  12. Perhaps you should read your own post that started this thread and you might find that fact not accurate
  13. Your the one that made the comment to me. That alcohol messen with your memory?
  14. I don't think its butter on that bread!
  15. Not sure if you can have 2 profile or not but He sure likes him some bob. Maybe he fell for the folex watch Bob flashed?
  16. No bob is full of it and apparently your his alter ego
  17. Nope I'm happy and content with life. Dont care for people that post made up bull$hit just for attention and then cry when people call them out on it. I enjoy every minute of my life. You should try to find some enjoyment yourself some time
  18. Your the one that's whining not me. Its ok, bob will change your diaper later.
  19. None of his claims to stopping drinking , leaving the imaginary Mrs smith, stopping this bad activity or that, Working out to be better, going to be a monk, not posting or leaving Thailand for good ever last more than 7 days. Get used to it cos if he's typing its a made up story so he can feel important or get attention. Alcohol abuse does that.
  20. Repeating bobs own bs stories is hardly abusing him. I even left a bunch out as i was being kind.. Does bob owe you a reach around or something ?
  21. nope, absolutely no obsession with you. you seem to post this bs just to gain some type of twisted attention for yourself. just showing you how utterly absurd your lies have become. You need some serious medical help if you truly believe the bs that you try to sell on this forum.
  22. So bob I would say your an everyday fool. you claim to have sold everything you owned in your vast real estate empire in 24 hours, kicked the imaginary mrs smith to the curb, then asked the mods to delete your account, (which I think they should honor), hopped on a plane killing your visa on the way out cos your never coming back. Visited an adjacent country, got a call from the imaginary mrs smith whom you admittedly dont give a sh$t about and ran back here, quite the tale this time I think a screen play is in the making with steve buscemi playing you, rosie odonell playing the imaginary mrs smith, and ru paul playing the varying cast of imaginary women that fall for your folex watch. We can flush out the other actors as we go along. Opening for gay postal worker, irrate russian slum neighbors, rude restaurant lady that tossed you for speaking thai in Thailand. special opening for Rajee Narinesingh, that first thai ladyboy that tossed you for not paying your bill after a fun filled weekend. I think this could be a weekly series on Netflix.
  23. No one ever believed that you left in the first place because your a serial liar bob. anything for a post.
  24. Your implication is incorrect. "Mercenaries" as you are using tve term and implying are separate and not part of the para military.
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