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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. try doing a bit more research from the US about what was actually going on during trumps tenure, laws he changed and money he diverted from future enforcement and how they counted what Illegal meant entry and the impact of covid had. Use all the facts not just 1 from an outside sources there's plenty out there and you;'' see its been an issue as I have said repeatedly for decades. Have a great day
  2. I never said the border issue arent a huge issue but they have been a huge issue for decades for a variety of reasons and trump did nothing to change that other than blame others and worsened it by some of the changes he tried to force thru. Facts are facts and have nothing to do with me loving to ignore them as you seem to be doing. Do your research and you'll see the damage that trump did immediately by his actions and on an ongoing basis which culminated in a variety of the conflicts going on today. Dont reply to me any more on this as you and I are done with this. Believe what you want but facts dont lie.
  3. positive reinforcement works better than negative, thats for sure but you wont get large changes. It can also backfire as the wife may think you like the way she's looking at some point and not do much to change further as she's thinking thats what you want, which isnt the goal to encourage continued improvement. its never productive to give negative feedback on any regular basis as that will have disastrous effects
  4. I was having the similar problem with the wifey mainly because the village we live 2/3 are relatives so it was a constant food fests everywhere we went or every time someone came to visit. What I did was to reverse the view and ask the wife to help me stay in better shape as I'm getting older and want to be in better health for us to have a long good life together. (I've been the same weight for 40 years and no health issues at all). I go swimming every day for an hour or so and she goes with me to "encourage" me. She started to do water exercises with a couple older women at the pool while I swim. When we see the family she now often just has something to drink but uses me as an excuse to watch my sugar or salt or fat intake for me health. The family seems to accept it as its "my" issue were working on and not her or them being a non stop buffet. They even make healthy food and drop it off to "help me" stay healthy.
  5. Pavlov's dogs died a long time ago and that experiment doesn't work well
  6. You should Read the full story of what the reason were for the bills and where the funds where going before posting biased reporting
  7. Hahahaha your using Dr Phil as a credible source? Who's up next for you Peewee Herman .?
  8. Just read the bills yourself. They are available on line and also check who added pork and who voted. Most "added items " have nothing to do with the original bills but just a way to get something thru that can't be done on its own merit
  9. Check your history for facts not claims made by trumlettes. I guess if you tell a lie often enough people too lazy to fact check believe the bs. " strong borders" He made little impact other than his claims. Check the facts. border issues started decades ago and will go on well into the future. The president has little that they can do other than talk and make claims or blame someone else. Congress and the legislative branch control the laws on what can and can not be done. Check facts on the wars, they were already deescalating and he increase actively in some and instigated the belief it was ok to start or increase others from his removal of treaties and agreements. Then he pulled troops without notice in the middle east and jeopardized the little stability there was there but left the impact for the next admin. History is not on your side and you really need to check facts not claims
  10. Are you revising history?? None of those are from anything he did during his tenure. What record low inflation, covid saw to that. He compromised our national security, f'd up nato alliances as well as European. F'd up WHO. Let covid get out if control and then delayed acting. Cancelled nuclear treaties and gave putin the green light to act. Not to mention his criminal activities and f'n up the election process. I can go on
  11. As usual Sheryl gives accurate effective advice and information. There are a variety of family dynamics that go on behind the scene that are never seen and may not be understood by foreigners because of culture. Every family dynamic is different. I am in a similar situation as my FIL has advanced Parkinsons, cant speak much but can walk slowly and unsteady with a walker, he also has a separate issue with his esophagus being damaged and reduced in size due breathing smoke from burning plastics for 30 year so has a breathing tube and has to also us a feeding tube. I've made him some walkways so he can slowly go feed the dogs and fish in the pond, his 2 passions and enjoyment. MIL is 86 and thinks she's 20 and can do whatever work around the house she needs to but lasts 20 minutes because of age and high blood pressure and diminished mental cognizance and has to lay down for a couple hours to recoup. I then have to go and undo whatever new project she started, but I wont stop her as that's what keeps her going is thinking she's still running the family and contributing. All the neighbors know the situation and help watch out as do the stores if MIL tries to spend money or order things. They are polite, take her request but then call us and let us know and never take advantage, which they easily could. They both live with us on the farm full time and wifey does almost all the physical care of both, I help where and when I can and try to fit the farming tasks in between every other issue going on as well as taking our daughter to school and mall outings and teenage stuff (which she hates dad being there) to keep her life as normal as possible. We are fortunate that my pension and savings cover living expenses but the farm suffers from lack of sufficient time. Extended family show up randomly with "mysterious spare" time and nothing to do and pitch in, which is great. Wifey has 2 sisters and 2 brothers that live in BKK and we live in NST, 12 hours away by car. They all send money every month to help as the farm isnt financially productive since all these issues and they all take turns coming at least 1 time a month for a week or so to help with care and rotate their visits and give the wife a badly needed break. We have the best situation possible under these circumstances that are completely F'd but its still extremely straining on everyone. No one complains and we do our best to try to make them comfortable and feel like they still have a "good life" which I think is the least anyone should do. We have our bad days mentally but always come back to this is what families are suppose to be like, not the 2024 version of turning a blind eye because its not convenient. It wont last forever and at some point after they're gone no one will have any regrets or feel ashamed that we didnt give them the best life we could. I wrote this as others go thru the same or similar or worse variants of life like this and it seems hopeless and overwhelming some times. Your situations may be new and unique to you but there are ways thru it that can make it workable. Never be afraid to speak up or ask for help or support if you think you need it, someone will answer.
  12. No idea what happens but that is a caution provided by the US govt that if you renounce your citizenship you need to have a country supplying you citizenship or permanent residency agreement or you end up in limbo and the USA can no longer support you.
  13. you lose access to a variety of govt benefits that aren't SS payments also lose tax protections under DTA and lose easy access to medicaid or medicare coverage for health issues, and tax exemptions and subsidies. When you lose your passport that includes and any existing associated visa\permissions to stay until you establish citizenship in another country, your considered stateless which doesnt fly in living abroad. Its not an easy clean process as some may think and all the answers and impacts are not listed in a singular point of access.
  14. Not sure why my post went to you either as I was trying to reply to another poster. Sorry for the confusion
  15. SS benefits are not taxable by any other entity than the US govt. Its clearly outlined in the DTA.
  16. your now talking out the side of your head and deflecting from the discussion. This topic went into renouncing your citizenship and once you do that you loose many but not all benefits of being an American, including protection under DTA if your no longer a citizen. As for the regs, yes they change the interpretation of 1 part but have not written any regulatory guidance on how to process that change. The claim that banks are reject all or only americans is bs and I already explained whats happening there. If you choose to ignore that fine thats your choice. Thailand has agreed to follow and participate in CRS although they have not signed on as a member. Im done discussing this with you as your just going in circles. Have a good day
  17. No Im not mixing topics Im explaining whats really been going on. The OP Topic claimed its Americans and its not, its all foreigners and depending on the Bank they are throwing in their own twists.
  18. Its 1 form that listed name, address, account information and EITN number (SS). Now Thailand is trying to head down this same road
  19. Thats not a definitive statement. I clearly said i don't know if you gamed the system or not.
  20. English is my native language. Look up the word residency and check the meaning. Also look up what the purpose of a passport and what proof it provides and you will see it does not verify where you are a resident currently but what country you are a citizen off. It does guarantee you the right of abode meaning you are allowed to enter and exit the country and live in that country. Residency is where you are living not where you are a citizen Trying using your own advice about not taking a single sentence out of context. Consular jurisdiction is easiest explained like this. In the usa there are 3 or 4 consular jurisdictions. You must apply at the consular jurisdiction assigned for where your residence is located. So for me my home is in Washington DC and if I apply for a visa I must apply in the Washington DC embassy and can not LA or Chicago As for standing corrected, I admit if I'm wrong, you may want to try it.
  21. If not done properly you can lose benefits. You must pay tax on market value of financial investments at the time. You can continue to buy and own but lose all tax benefits afforded a citizen. You lose support of the Dual Tax Agreements with other countries. Banks don't get trouble from the US banking system but they just have to file and account for US investment to the IRS like several other countries. They opened the can of worms by deciding to tax all income with properly writing the controlling regs on how to do it. Also by participating in CRS for transparency they now have to do tge same as filing with the USA because they plan on sharing unilaterally financial information but haven't issued guidance on how that works. You statement about Banks not wanting to work with Americans is not completely accurate as the crackdown is for all nationalities due to the issues outlined above and the financial crackdown on mule accounts and grey market business and issuing accounts to all foreigners that are not on long term visa categories as the bank regs call for .
  22. When you renounce your citizenship you forfit your US benefits and for tax purposes and must pay taxes on market value of financial investments. it doesn't mean you can't buy property or own financial investments but by renouncing citizenship you can not benefit tax wise from that action.
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