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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. The "mercenaries" as you call them used would not be listed or named as para-military they go unidentified. Yes there are "mercenaries" on both sides doing bad crap to innocent and not so innocent people. There are also jealous boyfrends or relatives on drugs.
  2. You aren't entitled to anything as a foreigner other than what they allow you so you may not want to play that card as they can block your entry and tag the system and send you packing pack to wherever you came from you dont want a denial stamp in your passport.
  3. You didn't get arrested so to post that is pure bs. They questioned you about over use of entries without proper visas and most like too often "as a tourist", which is their job, just like Imm officers in any other country in the world. They can deny you for any number of reasons so to act the entitled foreigner isn't a good option. If they stopped you and questioned you then you are probably coming in and out to much and can be considered a nuisance to society with no visible means of support and toss you.
  4. I think he will pop back up in a about 10 days claiming he changed his mind and came back because it really wasn't that bad here.
  5. Your correct in your thinking and position although in this culture their thinking is terrible screwed in that area and you will be on the wrong side of that. Helping to support an aging parent is one thing and I'm all for it but not to resolve past debts and bad spending habits doesn't fall into that category.
  6. You own inside wall to inside wall and from floor to ceiling and everything in that space. All interior walls and furnishing and fixtures. If you've done a good job at that remodeling and furnishi g that's what you've got to sell and that's about it. Amenities in the building help as those are commonly shared, funded and maintained. Pay attention to the management of the building and upkeep on those areas as thats what will turn on or off a buyer at resale before they ever step foot inside your condo.
  7. If he's truly on the plane we'll be reading about it in the news when they haul him off the plane for being a drunken a hole.
  8. I'm wondering what real estate agent he used to sell off his vast real estate empire in 24 hours? I may need a good realtor soon.
  9. Its pretty much negotiation between the shooter and shootee. There may be a fine lodged by the police if the shooter agrees to not press charges but no guarantees. I would recommend you and the wife not get involved in any way.
  10. Well being a submarine it is meant to sink so thats half the navy's battle right there as there pretty good at it. But come rainy season when the river flooding starts they can use it with their other attack fleet to push the water down river and out into the bay like they suggested 2 years ago
  11. Yeah you think your memory is fine but you just can't keep all the lies straight
  12. Yeah but first he said she was ok with it, then not. Then claiming she was ok, his stories last between 2 and 7 days before he switches it opposite.
  13. Or if you do really leave we'll be reading about you getting arrested as your plane lands
  14. Well that took all of 1 day. Your so full of crap. I give you a week tops and you'll be back here posting, Maybe under a different name. Is Mrs Smith going with you or you dumping her on the side of the road in true Bob Smith style? How'd you sell all those houses and condos so fast Bob?
  15. I wish they would all get their story straight. First its on hold, then its a go, then its canceled, then its not a sub but a frigate instead. Then they both got canceled for lack of budget and now its on again
  16. Yeah but almost all those "influencial" people claimed they stopped so its all ok. Not sure what happened to the ones that didn't claim to stop. I think they went onto the monthly charity fund raiser list
  17. Careful cos if you speak Thai in the wrong place they will "BOB" you, and throw you out
  18. In a hiso gym with hiso girls you couldn't tick 1 box for those girls. They aren't bar girls bob. They know what a fake rolex looks like and wouldn't even bother wearing a real one. So I'm feeling another bod smith fantasy story coming our way.
  19. If it was really that prestigious then how did you get in? Those girls are outta your league anyway so dream on Bob.
  20. Maybe people prefer to come in under the certain visa for personal reasons, avoid unnecessary imm visits and certainly easier to get a bank acct if you dont have one
  21. Shame you don't fit either of those categories but you can flash that fake rolex
  22. Or speaking thai to the owner
  23. You made to 2 comments that added nothing, yet complain about an accurate comment by me. I never claimed to be a financial wizard and apparently you aren't either if you think banks make no money on free checking and moving that money. Just to be clear having a bank account doesn't qualify you as having a career in banking. Don't like my comments your free to move on or contribute something of value, your choice
  24. I never said anything about advocating suicide so put your thinking cap on Mr Magoo and learn to read.
  25. How low can you go ? Well just look at yourself in the mirror and that will sum it up for you
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