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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. By the looks of the whole outstanding balance hasnt cleared completely and finished posting. Of the 512K deposited 481K is available now and the remainder will clear probably in a day or so. It's very common in the USA to not have a full deposit available until a day or so afterward and I suspect thats whats going on here. Call the bank if your worried
  2. Stop back pedaling Bob. You seem to be related to the tge Swiss guy in the story, if not by blood by lack of mentality
  3. Thats not a spine Bob its a stick up your butt.
  4. What a ridiculous comment to make. And you wonder why people view you the way the do.
  5. Its up to you to inspect the property and determine its appropriate or not. If you don't and proceed with the purchase or lease that's on you
  6. While you think you did everything by the book and it appears you did thats from perspective. What happened to you is normal in many countries, including here. Coming in on a multi entry visa , using it up and then doing an exempt entry can have the appearance of someone gaming the system and trying to live in the country but not using a correct long stay visa. Imm Officers are not stupid and they are doing exactly what they are suppose to do, question you to their satisfaction that you are truly doing what you said you were and not bs a story. Believe it that Imm Officers have heard a million stories on a regular basis from countless "tourist". That would happen in most countries as well and few countries are as lenient on visitors as Thailand. Too many foreigners game the system and then when questioned or stopped cry foul or rogue imm officer. You weren't almost denied entry you were question about your intentions and then let in.
  7. Seems you haven't paid much attention to what he's been doing and only focusing on a preconceived notion. Its a large world with many players and you have to deal with all of them, like it or not.
  8. There's a polite and correct way of approaching this situation and asking to speak to the supervisor to get clarification of the proper documents and a wrong way. You seem to be focused on the wrong way. The whole mystique of losing face is lost on many foreigners as ever situation doesn't have to result in "losing face" , if you even really know what that means.
  9. Not sure where your seeing that retirees are leaving in any significant amount. Covid had an impact but that was a one off situation. All countries have immigration laws and also allow for the officers to use their discretion. Very few countries are as lenient about tourist visitors making repetitive visits and extensions as Thailand does. Bringing the wife is a good idea for interpreting but if you think that arguing with an imm officer is smart then I question your thinking.
  10. Why didn't you ask to speak to the head imm officer? Problem would have easily been solved.
  11. When did Phuket establish a good image of the area that has now been tarnished?
  12. Dont play the slow thinker, I'm not your secretary, you can look up the info yourself and find plenty of links. Have a great day
  13. Here's one for you that covers a variety of non o visas . Google or bing is your friend for plenty more, http://www.workpermitthai.com/visa-application-english.htm
  14. Swift is direct bank to bank and send all coded properly. The exchange rates are not as some have said if you exchange at the receiving bank. Not at the sending bank. You can verify that at your receiving bank. Also limits are higher than Wise and no inte-banking transfers as Wise only use 3 banks and if your bank isn't one then you have to do extra work for documents. Swift never a need to chase an FET as it bank direct and recorded as such at your sending and receiving bank
  15. I would agree with the statement about his wealth and a sheltered life. I dont know that he is really shocked in some of these instances but I think he is finding out about what normal people deal with on a daily basis that he himself has been sheltered from due to wealth and position. As much as people have bashed him I think if you step back and compare his actions so far in promoting or trying to promote more business and industry for the country is so much more than the last few PM's have done and its sorely needed for the country.
  16. And what you wrote is not accurate. The regs clearly nducate the imm officers can ask for additional documents as they deem necessary so you claiming the have to "go by the written book" clear indicates that.
  17. hahahaha, no they have the authority to request additional information as they deem necessary.
  18. You dont really know its the fan, your just guessing because its the easy guess. Since, it's an Inverter it does scroll the fan up and down in speed but also the compressor as well. Depending on the type of compressor (rotary, scrolling or 1 or the other types as there are several) used the noise may be coming from that when it reaches that speed range. It could also be a harmonic issue but that does not necessarily mean its the fan that's making the noise. The frequency of the fan or compressor running may be transmitting to triggering something else to vibrate.
  19. Swift Wire transfers are always coded correctly as international as they are direct bank to bank, with no intermediary banks like Wise may use. There isnt the same transfer limits using Swift (check with your origin bank) and the exchange rates are comparable to Wise as long as you let the receiving bank in Thailand do the currency exchanges.
  20. Oxygen doesn't explode but will accelerate an existing fire.
  21. Don't forget his multiple houses around the country
  22. Throw a long extension cord out your condo window and connect to that, problem solved for everyone
  23. I agree and if it is put into effect its gonna have an impact. I wonder if this is how they plan to cover the "free" tourist insurance and also that entry fee proposal that got shelved last year. Kind of a back door method. It certainly isn't a modest increase by any means.
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