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Everything posted by Robin

  1. So much specultion. Until the definitive law is passed (on jan2 2024?) we do ot know hiw this will pan out, so I think poinles to spennd t much energy working out ways of avoiding something that might not hppen. As a precaution, I hve transferred wht spare cash I have saved in oerseas bank, o my Thailbank account. No questions asked aout this transfer, which with my wife's income should keep me going for the next year. i can use my UK credit card fro any travel outside Thailans, By then we should know waht is actually going to happen, and what will, or will not be taxable income, and wiich Tha Agents will be offering work-arounds. My personal opinion FWIW is that this will prove too difficult to enforce, so will be forgotten or drastically modified. I I understand it correctly, it will put an end to Thais workign overseas, and end Thaialnd as a Retirement destination I have never met a Thai who pays any tax, so is thia going to change? How much does Sreetha and his cronies pay in personal incme tax.
  2. Somebody will have to pay for all hs? Any ideas who hat might be.
  3. So much speculation about this new tax, but who really knows what it will be?? Last week, I trnsferred US$ 50K from my Singapore account to my kasikorn account in Thailand, 'just in case' I would rather have the money in Thaialnd that stuck overseas by some new law tht might or might not taxx transfers. Money now safely in kasikorn, but the transfer was delayed (by Kasikorn) as it exceded their limit on funds transfer. Singapore bank gave me a BKK phone number ( kasikirn?) to call about the trnsfer. LOts of questions; mainly irrelevant, (did I want to be paid in Baht or $ did I accept the exchange rte that Kasikorn were using...) I gave reason fro transfer as "livin expenses and medical expenses" ) Interesting to note that neither may bank in Singapore, no rkasikorn appeared to know of any plan to tax incoming money transfeers Whatever happens on 1/1/2024 now I have enought money in Thaialnd to surive, so will wait to see what, if any thign, actually happens. To me the whol eidea is stupid, as it will kill Thaialnd as a retirement destination, and Thailnd as a source of cheap labout overseas. I seem to remember that when I tarted livign in Thaialnd I read that Farangs did not have to pay tax on income earned outside Thailand, whihc is one reason why I picked LOS. As for DTA, how do Ipove haatany oney I bring to Thaialnd has been taxed? Moneyin Singapore bank has not beentaxed, and what about money from UK that is tax exempt? No point in speculaing and worrying, let's wait ans see what happens.
  4. When I had an account at HSBC, I did not have a passbook. CW Immigration usually took the confirmtion letter from the Bank as acceptable. One I/O asked fro a banksatement and checked that I had alwasy had > 800K in the account. Never seemed to be problem, so long as you hd had the money in the account.
  5. DEpends if they declare iut.
  6. Im in the same situation. Wife, home and pets in Thailand, and UK becomes less attractive on each visit, as does long flifh home. Unil Sreetha came up with his new 'tax the farang' scheme, I was preparign to sell u in UK and live on the proceded. Now I am waiting to see waht Sreetha can come up with before making a move. Leaving aan empth property in UK really needs a trusted freiend o make regular checkes on in.
  7. What iss so magical about a 15 month visa? I find that 12 months, with re-entry permit, is quite adequate. Very easy to extend fro another 12 months in the last month of the visa. No agent needed and nohign to pay except fro visa fee.
  8. "the owner of the karaoke bar was forcing girls working at the bar to have sex with customers and keeping part of the money paid to the girls." What was his crime? Frocing the girls o have sex, or keeping their money?
  9. Who are you aiming t? Few tourists get to Phayao, so probbly only local clients, pobbly covered y local enterprise.
  10. I have just transferred a sum to Thailand, that I hope will last me the year, or more with care, by then this might have been resolve and some loophole or exemption available for us retirees.. I found that Kasikorn bank questions every transfer over a set sum, I think 200,000 Baht. I aske my bank manager about paying tax on incoming transfers and she knew of no proposals to do this. When at Immigration, doin 90 day, I also asked if hey were keeping track of farangs staying more than 180 days, to get the to pay tax. The I/O had no idea what i was talking about. if this tx is going to happen, it seems that many relevant people who will be collecting it have not yet been told what is going on, so expect Chaos when it starts, if ever. What might be useful , just in case, is the address of a 'Tax Consultant' who can help filling in the relevant from. My wife does not pay any tax on her earning from rice growing or her beauty shop. She tells me that if I have to pay tax the Tax dept. will come to visit me.. Somehow, I cannot imagine how Thailand can make this work, when the majority of Thais do not pay any taxes, except VAT on puchases.
  11. If the money you bring in ha s not been subject to any tax, i.e. is not taxable at the source, how does the DTA work? For example, I bring in money from the sale of my house in UK, which has a capital gain, but exempt from UK tax as it is my 'principle dwelling' Is that going to be subject to this Thai Tax? That would destroy my retirement in Thailand plans, and probably for others as well
  12. More:... I decided not to wait for end of year but bring some money into Thailand now, so aske my bank in Singapore to transfer money to my account at Kasikorn. 1. Singapore bank questioned why I was moving the money and when I explained the reason told me that their information was that this tax was not going to happen. I went ahead with the transfer and it was held up by Kasikorn until I had telephoned a umber in Bangkok and explained why I wanted to money and agreed to the exchange rate offered by Kasikorn. ( Reasons; Living expenses and medical expenses) not questioned. Yesterday I visited my branch of Kasikorn and spoke with Assistant manager. She had not heard of this proposed tax on incoming transfers, but did tell me that KBank has a policy of questioning any incoming transfer above 200,000 baht. Regardless of the outcome of this tax, for this year at least I now have enough to live on After that I can hopefully, rely on wife's income from beauty shop and growing rice (not taxed, yet!)
  13. What about "Capital" For example: I sell my house in UK and have a good profit, exempt of CGT as it is my 'nominated dwelling' If I then try to bring this capital into Thailand, say to buy a house here, will I be subject to Thai Tax. That would make the whole idea of retirement in Thailand a non-tarter, and perhaps for many others I thought Sreetha was a builder/developer. Wasn't the original idea of Retirement Visas to help sell more property to Retirees?
  14. When will the 180days 'tax resident' qualification start? I will have been in Thailand 200 days on 1/1/ 24, so will I become a tax resident immediately, or will the 180 days start from 1/1/24 ? This could led to a mass exodus on 1 Jan.
  15. Nota good start. Like so many people who do not know what they are doing, he has to blunder about doing anything regardless.. What education has he had? What does he know of economics? He has his position because 1. He can speak English. (Useful for meeting other ASEAN leaders. 2 He does what his masters ell him to do. Pity about his choice of wardrobe.
  16. If Thai parents were made responsible for their child's behaviour, they might, just might make some attempt t o teach them to behave correctly. The trouble is, in Thailand nobody is responsible.
  17. Only pay to Thais who have paid tax in 2023-2024.
  18. Populist? Nothing Taksin did came close to this give away, and nobody will benefit. There are a hundred ways this money can be diverted from its original purpose and into corrupt pockets. Every one will be used to make sure that only Srettha's supporters benefit.
  19. A Thai Savings account is not the place for your capital. You need to find a bank that you can trust and work with, maybe not a Thai bank, and talk to them about Asset management. maybe a bank in Singapore, away from Srettha's grabbing hands, and with English speaking personnel.. I cannot help you with specifics, but you will have to look at what is available. You will almost certainly get a better deal than with Thai Savings Account. if you re mainly concerned at having money to leave to your G/f then you want capital appreciation & lowish risk, not what Thai Savings offer (low interest). Singapore has no inheritance tax for non-residents, but who knows what Srettha is planning. or, Depending on what your g/f wants, you might buy Thai land, in her name and that will be hers when you die.
  20. Don't forget that the 10,000 Baht wallet has to be paid for. Cancelling he sub deal might help.
  21. Driving in the rain, I was horrified how many Thai cars and m/c appeared tp be tarmac coloured. I am also guilty as my car is dark red. Colour choice was a mistake and I will buy a highly visible car next time; Orange or Yellow if available. In Thailand it is important to e as visible as possible, to hell with he aesthetics, I want to e seen
  22. What about capital brought into Thailand before 1/1/24. If teh money is in a bank in Singapore, then how can I prove it is or not income. if I bring in money from UK, that is exempt from Capital Gains Tax in UK, how will it be treated in Thailand?
  23. Depends on who has the contract to maintain the roads
  24. If my reading of the original story is correct, the Thai man admits to twice touching the boy 'on the bottom.' That alone constitutes an assault, whatever his intentions. Further he claims he touched the boy because he thought him (the boy) to be cute. If this is true, then it seems like an admission of sexual assault and gives substance to the boy's story. Without any CCTV evidence or other witnesses, there is nothing more that can be proved. it is a case of "He said, he said" and unlikely to result in prosecution in Thailand.. it only seems very strange that the Thai man appears to have so openly admitted to touching the boy, and that nobody has commented on that. I am frrm UK and I am certain that any man behaving like this towards aa 7 yea old boy would be in serious trouble.
  25. Firt let's ge away from the mistaken idea that just because a person can speak English, thy can teach others to speak English. 'Teaching English as a Foreign language" (TOEFL) is a skill that needs to be learned before you even start teaching. Best thing that Thailand could do would be to recruit and employ qualified teachers and forget the idea that every English speaker living in Thailand is qualified to teach. This is going to cost a lot of money, so mot unlikely to happen.
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