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Everything posted by Robin

  1. I too worried about his, so apart from my 800K Retirement visa, wife and I keep money in a separate joint account, which will give her some money after I die. I have made a will in UK and sate that all my Thai possessions go to wife, but only after probate. Wife tells me that when her mother died, she and siblings go access to mother's bank account by simply takin deaath cert to the bank. ( Hearsay only ) Basically, everything we own in Thailand is in wife's name, so should not be a problem
  2. I am a retiree from UK, lived in Thailand with wife for some years on Retirement visa, all very happy with life until this came along. I do not like uncertainty. As a precaution, before 1/1//2024, I transferred US$50,000to my Thil bank account, with no problems, so with wife's income from rice fields and beauty shop, we can go on living in Thailand. My questions are for the future; I have property in UK, now rented out, and income kept in UK (taxes paid) My intention ha always been to sell this property and live out my life on the capital, perhaps transferred to Thailand. Will money from sale of UK property owned before 2023 be considered income? Like most property in UK, there could be a sizeable capital gain on the sale. Saving? Income? How will this be decided? If all the proceeds of the sales are kept in a Asset management Account, does it become savings or income? Say the money was kept in UK bank offering me a credit card, and I spend in Thailand mainly on this card. is that expenditure taxable income or not? Do I need a reliable Thai Tax Consultant to give me these answers? Can someone on AN suggest such a person? I have never had any contact with Thai RD or been given a Tax umber and I was hoping to keep it that way. Wife has income from growing Rice but has never files a tax return. This whole idea of Sreettha's appears to be a good way of getting Retirees out of Thailand, and possibly counterproductive,
  3. Why always the fuss about "low income earners" Smoking is not compulsory, so raise the tax, double it or more and improve their health. Also save the passive smokers by enforcing to non-smoking rules
  4. My mother, partially disabled and in wheel-chair most of the time, really enjoyed her Adriatic cruise with my father. No mobility problems and attentive crew, she could stay onboard at port calls while dad went ashore. Travelling without having to change hotel every day.. I would say you have to be a sociable person to enjoy a cruise.
  5. Sleeping pills can be difficult to get in Thailand, as too often used in robberies on long distance busses. I got some from my UK DR who described it as 'exactly the right way to use sleeping tablets. Trouble is, they can leave you drowsy for 1-2 days after.
  6. I have spent 20+years living and working onboard Marine survey ships. 4-8 wek4 to 8 weeks trips at sea can be like know what long trips at sea are like. Even with a job to do, it is difficult life. I would never think of going on a cruise unless I had my own cabin. You will need your own space. Sharing with strangers, or even friends is hard.. Only use for a cruise ship I can see, is as a floating hotel with a port call and shore trips every day and ravel at night
  7. Sounds typical of Thailand and Thai taxi drivers
  8. 3 per cabin. Hope you are all good friends. if you have no experience of long sea journeys, think carefully. What do you do for long days at sea? Eat, sleep, drink.... Always with the same group. No chance to get away or see anything new, except Computer screens. Remember the old song? "What did we see? We saw the see!
  9. Many airlines will not let you book a short transfer(layover) time in case a flight is delayed. if you think you are in danger of missing your connecting flight, tell the cabin staff, they might help you make a quick transfer If you have checked tour bags, missing the flight can be a big problem for the airline as they are supposed to get your bag of he ongoing flight. if they do not, your bag will end up on the Carousel of the destination airport ( lost?) Good way for terrorists to get a bomb on the flight? Why take the risk? 2 hr should be the min time between connections.
  10. Airlines often give a discount to agents who book with them. If the agent wants to pass on the discount to you, good luck. If you are booking with a real person in the travel agent, they might consider matching the airline price to keep your custom. Discount used to be 9%
  11. Thanks for the insights. Rather as I suspected. Even the cheapo ticket on offer does not tempt me. I have been caught in a poor J class before, thinning how much I would pay to get out. You get what you pay for, if you are lucky. Am i the only J class passenger that is upset by being charged for seat selection. Seems that this was started by BA and now being taken up by other airlines.
  12. I see many low cost dals for Saudia Business Class to London on Expedia et.al. Anyone with recent experience of these flights? I usually used Qatar or Emirates if I fly to LON. always J class. Would Saudia be a disappointment?
  13. Nobody ever simulated an economy by raising interest rates. only strengthened the Baht, thus making imports cheaper and exports dearer, Not helping the 'poor farmers' one bit, but making the submarines cheaper.
  14. Only once every 2 months. Sounds as if you have solved the problem.
  15. Flew LON-BKK last year on TG business class. I regularly use Business class on this route, but have not flown TG for years. I can't remember details, but lasting impression was that THI were desperately short of money and economising on everything; Food, IFE, Drinks, etc.. Sleeper sets were OK as was Service, but I would prefer other airlines, that I know give a better impression. Poor old THAI need all the help they can get.... but I would not chose them again over Qatar or Emirates.
  16. Earlier threads on this subject stated that the new laws would be issued on 1 Jan 2024. it is now 6 Jan 2024 and I have not seen any posting here saying what the new laws are. Does this mean that the Thai revenue dept. has not issued any ruling? That would not surprize me, but what can we do until the ruling is issued? How can we make plans for the year ahead if the RD will not say what the rules are to be? Is this an indication that RD has realised that they are opening a 'can of worms' and are backing off?
  17. In UK there is a time limit after which convictions are automatically removed from your record. I do not know if thi applies in USA, but check
  18. When my K bank card was refused at a travel agent the Owner advised me to try SCB as her experience was that their credit cards were 'better' Never followed this u, but I have been frustrated by Kasikorn for years. Despite what they say at the branch, the Cards they issue are Debit Cards, with the full amount deducted from your account every month, and no separate statement available for the card usage. I remain unimpressed by the service and attitude of my local Kasikorn, but put up with it as that is where my 800KBaht for retirement is. I find that I still have to keep my UK credit card for use internationally and for on-line purchases. Regretfully, my experience of Thai Banking is that it remains in the Stone age with no concept of customer service or the world outside Thailand. I was hoping that this thread would produce recommendations for a bank with a truly international standard credit card.
  19. My experience is that Kasikorn tell you it is a Credit Card, but it is actually a Debit Card, and full repayment taken from your account. I have also had rouble using my K bank card on internet purchases, and it has a low, and unspecified limit.
  20. If the truck owner and driver both had to face manslaugher charges after each and every 'brake failure' they might consider maintenance and keeping awake. As it is 'beake failure' is a convenient excuse,so nobody is to blame TIT
  21. Speaking as a fellow landlord, I think anyone who is stupid enough to sign a rental agreement when he does not have a Visa to reside in Thialand deserves to loose his depositt. Could depend on what, if anyhing, renter signed, and what the landlord agreed with him. Normlly a deposit is only offered as proof that the peson is going to honour the greement, so if he does not, then he loses the deposit.. Morally, though he pobably does not care, he should lose the deposit. If you, the landlord, keep the deposit, what can your renterr do?
  22. Look at the picture; Do you see and 'large waves' that caused the trouble? No. it looks as calma s a hotel sweimming pool. All pintss to the bot not being sea-worthy. " Loked safe" A new coat of paint, whihc did not make good structural dmage?. Note that marine engines shoud normally operate when ewet, or underwater. {asseners might havebehaved correctly. "In an emergency, obey the Captain's orders" But what if he has not been trained as to hwo o rect? How many of these ferry "captains" hve ha any training in safety or any qualification to be incharge of a passenger boat?
  23. Despite what the news would have us believe, thereare NO 'humensous waves' in the gulf of Thailand. 3-4 m is the maximum possible given wind strength and distance for he waves to build. What there is an abundnce of is unseaworthy boats , incompetent captains, untrined crew, and probably lax safety inspections. Until all of these are addressed, there will continue tobe marine accidents.
  24. The video clip shown on thai TV last night show just ht a shamble this accident was. Crew jumping in the wate without any life jakets; passsenger in the wate instead of being trnsferred frm life raft to rescue ship.... Did anyone at the scene have any training in marine safety or rescue? it looked as if a buch of monkey could have done better. Dare anyobne inspect the other itner island ferries? Would there be any point?
  25. Obviously, this warning did not reach teh KohTAo ferry, or the operators chose to ignore it
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