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Everything posted by Toolong

  1. I know the saying and its meaning, but don't quite get how you intend it to fit here. Not saying you're wrong, or that it can't fit...just that I don't get it right now (but I've had a long day and I'm pretty thick anyway as well, so.....????) If it is in some way critical of what I said, then fair enough, that's ok. We can leave it there. ????
  2. So 250 employees of the junta finally get to earn their pieces of silver. And will forever, as Blake put it, 'forfeit fair reknown'.
  3. Yes. I did refer to recently being displeased at his behaviour. Have been for long time. I am just giving him what is, imo, due credit for saying this. I still don't like the fellow, but he's right on this one.
  4. My goodness, I was recently beginning to just get annoyed by Chuwit's continuous theatrical bleating & showboating, but what he says here cancels that annoyance out at a stroke, and my regard for him has now (for the moment anyway!) U-turned upward immeasurably. Whatever else he is, he is a man of influence and lots of media exposure. His message is the most vitally important, much-needed thing to be said at this time. Right now, I'd even buy him a beer. Maybe two even. ????????
  5. Prayuth's 'non-corrupt political performance throughout his tenure' is something anyone might at least reasonably doubt, but what is beyond reasonable doubt is his reliance on corrupt practices to achieve position & wealth before his tenure that allowed it to happen at all.
  6. I think I made a boo-boo with this comment (not the first time!). Srettha's appeal is for BJT & Dem' Party MPs to vote for Pita as PM, not for them to join any coalition. Anyway....hope they do. ????
  7. Srettha's appeal to those two parties (it's more than I can bear to write the full party names) seems based on both sound principles and of course practical imperatives, but it grieves me to think of either one of them being in any coalition, though in fairness to Anutin's party, they have far more of a right to do so by virtue of coming 3rd, with a relatively decent vote-count. The other (badly misnamed) party not so. At all. This need for a messy coalition of appalling compromise + the appointed senator farce should, if any Thai was in doubt, illuminate like a firework display just how messed up this all is.....and that change, if not acheived by democratic process, may need to be literally fought for. Sad to say. Very sad.
  8. Good question. I predict they'll conspire to give between 50 and 60 votes for the purposes of 'verrisimilitude' (if I've spelt that right!) - the appearance of honesty. 'Appearance' being the operative word.
  9. Nice and simple. Couldn't be more descriptive! ????????????
  10. Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, But to be young was very heaven! Though sadly I can't count myself among the 'young', and with a cynical nature that predicts a baptism of fire for MFP in the weeks ahead...yes, I'll revel for a moment in a bit of bliss!
  11. Yes, indeed. Agree about the output, input factor. It certainly makes common sense. Whether or not it all makes perfect medical sense might be another thing, but....????????
  12. Just a very uneducated guess......but because this peeing once a day and once a night (which, btw, sounds a tad unusual) occured for a while only recently, I wonder whether the change occured due to you losing a great deal more fluid through sweat than you might have thought, due to the unusually hot & humid temps we've been having recently. I drink/drank loads of water too, but often got the bodily feeling it wasn't replacing lost fluid enough. And the peeing rate noticeably decreased....though not to once a day! ???? Should my guess be way off....good luck anyway finding out whatever might be the correct explanation for that peculiar peeing situation. ????
  13. Yes, I agree that Thais seem a bit uninformed about their use, particularly the 'right of way' issue.
  14. *sorry - forgot to add that I can't recall what 'roundabouts' are called in other English-speaking countries. ????
  15. I think more roundabouts* incorporated into highway design plans would help alleviate the great number of accidents & fatalities that have happened at U-turns. (And it IS a very great number!) Plus, as stated here already by others, proper enforcement of highway rules (ie, trucks restricted to certain lanes etc.). Related to keeping in correct lanes is the bad state of roads. Poor road construction + overloaded trucks = messed up left lanes - where trucks should be - resulting in the same trucks then using the other lanes to avoid the bad road surface that they've caused in the left lanes!
  16. I haven't read the entire Thaienquirer article....got dinner to cook....., but the title of this more than suffices to prompt me to agree , so I shall, 1000%. The EC members need to be exposed as the corrupt frauds they are, shamed and at the very least - if not made to serve prison time for gross malfeasance while in public office - kicked out & utterly disgraced.
  17. AFAIK there aren't precise & measurable criteria by which you can determine whether feeling perfectly fine - even happy - one day and inexplicably feeling pretty sh***y the next, points to a particular problem up in the noggin or elsewhere, like hormonal imbalances, etc.. (All this assumes there are no external life-circumstances going on that might naturally trigger such feelings......such as getting a pay rise one day and having to get a visa extension in Thailand the next. ????) Bignok, I'm not making a joke of it. I genuinely sympathize. I've had 'the black dog' swings my whole life, so I offer my thoughts sincerely & with good intent & understanding. Tbh, I wonder whether or not it might be something you could learn to live with, or accept, that it ain't far off being pretty normal tbh....... and unless it's unbearably extreme in its manifestation, I suggest you don't worry too much that there might be something terribly wrong with you . ????
  18. I've been here for 3+ decades. Seen the ebb & flow of Thai politics but overall have long concluded that it is institutionally & culturally restrained from ebbing or flowing very far due to - sorry, it's a cliche but I can't think of a better word - the 'establishment'. Much as it is, unfortunately, in my own country. Yet I really feel - as I do in fact, about my own country - that we're nearing that tipping point where the will of those yearning for progressive change may, after inevitable conflict sadly, actually begin to really prevail (lastingly) over that of they who fear such change. My fingers are crossed, while an old refrain once again occurs to me: Thailand, I love you, but sometimes you just break my heart.
  19. I too am 'mired in planning the future', swissie. I can empathize with your sentiments and do appreciate someone reminding me of what gets so easly forgotten in that boggy mire we create. Dance around the fire at night, swissie. Chant your head off. Let the neighbours - anyone - think what they will. Think it was that bushy-mustached German thinker (Nietzsche?) who said something like: 'And those seen dancing were thought insane by those who could not hear the music.' Reckon the planning can stay, but make the dancing part of it too, eh? ????????????
  20. Good post. Useful. Been an online 90 day reporter for quite some time now, but I learned a few things in your post! ????
  21. Notrub, you have clearly made errors of judgement to some extent (my god, haven't we all?), but you sound like the kind of fellow who would be the first to admit it and for that I give you credit. ???? I hesitate to offer much in the way of specific advice, but then you didn't get very specific about any advice you might be seeking. And anyway, your key query seemed to be concerned mainly with the simple question of how nasty it could all get. As someone already said, it could get very nasty, unfortunately, so care must be taken. A falang I had the pleasure of meeting last year was in a quite similar situation to your own. Recently shocked to hear he was found dead in the burned out ruins of his home......an 'apparent' suicide. 'Apparent', as in no ****ing way. I've a question of my own: you appear to have your back against the wall a bit, so to speak. And I wondered.....does anyone have your back (so to speak!)? Friends locally or back home? Thai or falang? I don't know you, or your background. So don't want to impose suggestions blindly (which might not match with your situation at all) but would suspect that as you're probably like many of us, it helps to not feel too isolated & vulnerable. Keep us informed on this forum, if you've a mind to do so. Be careful. Good luck.
  22. Marvelously helpful! I appreciate your assistance, Henry. Thank you! ????????????
  23. Right....I gotcha. ????
  24. Yes, I noticed that after I'd asked the question. Oh well. ????
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