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Posts posted by Totoandlilly

  1. 3 minutes ago, Totoandlilly said:

    Should lockdown your bank account as well so you can have a taste how it is to be without job, take your pension,take your wallet, how are you then going to survive? People like you belongs in one country, and that in North Korea, in a labour camp, your <deleted> ego, you don't know how many people are struggling because of this <deleted> <deleted> deadly virus, how can we trust the tests? When you can take 4 different tests in one day and 2 will show positive for the Chinese virus and 2 negative. I'm pretty sure if <deleted> "deadly" you wouldn't need to be tested for it to know if you have it or not, people like you and with your thinking should be deported.

    Amazing Thailand, magnet for this left-wing pro censorship losers,. just Look at how many words that I wrote that was censored.. it's time for Thailand to focus on smart people and deport these moaning grumpy people. 

  2. On 12/28/2020 at 1:45 PM, RR2020 said:

    Should be lockdown now.


    Allowing New Year celebrations to go ahead will likely mean a massive rise in cases in early and mid January.


    Prepare for Lockdown V2 it would seem is very likely mid to late Jan.

    Should lockdown your bank account as well so you can have a taste how it is to be without job, take your pension,take your wallet, how are you then going to survive? People like you belongs in one country, and that in North Korea, in a labour camp, your <deleted> ego, you don't know how many people are struggling because of this <deleted> <deleted> deadly virus, how can we trust the tests? When you can take 4 different tests in one day and 2 will show positive for the Chinese virus and 2 negative. I'm pretty sure if <deleted> "deadly" you wouldn't need to be tested for it to know if you have it or not, people like you and with your thinking should be deported.

    • Like 1
  3. cut off the hands that feeds the tourism industry makes no sense. This year have proven that the expats on retirement visa and marriage visa isn't enough to keep businesses open, so many hotels,bars, restaurant etc have been closed down simply because of the borders are closed. What really amazes me is the number of grumpy farts on this forum thinks the new requirement is a good idea, what if thailand decided to raise the 800,000 baht in a bank to 2 millions? You all grumpy miserable people here (not all) will be moaning about it. People Will go somewhere else and spend their money there instead, not a god idea.


    What thailand should consider is a long term visa that allows people of all ages to stay long term without leaving the country, charge a fair fee for that, plenty of people in their 30s,40s that have to go through all the hoops for staying in Thailand long term. The elite visa is a rip off, and if you let say that you plan to stay on Thailand for a year or two 500,000 baht is very expensive, while if you are in your 50s +++ the fee is 1900 a year for extension of stay.


    if they are worried that people work illegal then catch them and stop assuming that everyone that stay here are doing the same, time to stop throwing everyone under the bus..


    I do not belive they will learn, this year is a good example of how the country's future will look like if they continue with all the non sense requirements..

    • Like 2
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  4. 6 hours ago, brianp0803 said:

    Since the lockdown has limited the availability of good teachers, schools are desperate to get a warm body with a European looking face in the classroom. It is likely there will be many people getting job teaching that do not even like being around students but will take the job to stay in the country.
    It would be better if they just paid an agent to bribe the officials to get them a volunteer visa that does not require volunteering.(Of course getting a volunteer visa without volunteering requires a bribe, many threads on this topic)


    It’s amazing the number of people living in Thailand for multiple years doing short term visas and frequent border runs. 

    Maybe the visa system needs to be revised so that long-term stayers are on long-term 1 year visas, and people on short-term visas must leave the country for at least three months before returning to the country. I’m definitely in favor of a digital-nomad visa, provided proof of income stream from online work that doesn’t depend where you live. (i.e. travel blog about Thailand would not qualify)

    Give me a break, people are using different types of visas to stay in Thailand simply because they don't meet the requirements for a long-term visa, if you are not married, over the age of 50 or having a child here, it is very difficult to stay long-term withy going thru all the hoops, if they could simply have a long-term visa option for a fee people wouldn't abuse the short-term visas, and Ed visa etc. Your age shouldn't matter, I mean as long as you are contributing to the economy you should be welcomed with open arms.


    Change the Visa system now!! Make it fear for everyone.

    • Confused 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:

    A very strong symbolic act of Wisam to support the protest movement for democracy. 


    You cannot compare the Thai parliament with a parliament in democratic pluralist country, where such actions rightfully would be seen as ridiculous. But this here is Thailand, and the Thai parliament is full of currupt generals, able and willing to kill the citizens of the country just to protect their troughs. 


    In that totalitarian environment, this move of Wisam is a very powerful personal contribution to the protest movement. Kudos for that!


    I would say that the EU parliament isn't any better, all those unelected bureaucrats in Brussels that no one can vote in, and no one can vote out. He have proven many times that they are anti-western and anti-democratic, the union is causing more bad then good, the EU also do not respect member States constitution, and yhy forget the hell the have created by turning the northern and Western Europe into a new middle East, it's just a matter of time when the union will collapse, we all know ( except the blinds) what happened in 1991.


    To Americans, Canadians, Australians and new zealanders and others, be grateful that you are not part of the madness in Brussels. be grateful that your country is actually democratic.


    We don't need a EU to trade with each other, there is something called world trade organization, but Germany is well known for trying to be the boss, they have a history of that.



    • Confused 2
  6. I have to laugh when someone complain about the "democracy"in Thailand but still forget that they come from a country that is member of the modern USSR (EU) if you come from Australia, New Zealand,US and Canada etc etc which is democratic then go a head , but if you are from Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium then shut up, EU represent communism and tyranny. May the EU collapse as quick as the Soviet Union. We need freedom and democracy!!

    • Like 1
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  7. 11 hours ago, fruitman said:

    The WHO had said that lockdowns were not necessary anymore. But today we have new lockdown in Holland for 4 weeks.


    Why do some countries not follow the advice of the WHO? They also said that the deadly rate of corona is 0.13% which is the same as a normal virus.....


    So who's crazy now?

    why should any countries bother to listen to WHO? They have been so incompetent since day 1! 


    the world should listen to Sweden's State epidemiologist instead.


    Lockdown is very bad, you are taking freedom away from the people, the right way to deal with this plandemic is to keep the the sick and volunerable safe, and that's possible without any north Korea style government tyranny.


  8. 23 minutes ago, vermin on arrival said:

    Both the immigration official at MTT and US Embassy told me they had no idea what would happen after Sept 26 and now we know why. At MTT, I asked what to do when about re-extending when I come back to get my under consideration stamp changed on Oct 21, and they said they didn't know and wait for a new announcement. The new announcement was that I should not have bothered going in on Wednesday.


    This happened both in April and now in September when I was a good boy and got the emergency extension before my validity to stay ended.. Next time I think I will wait till it is past due to get my emergency extension with embassy letter. Let's face is there is probably still well more than 100k foreigners here and there will continuously have this problem so they should just follow Malaysia's lead and extend us all until sometime next year and allow us to stay until the Asian borders open and we can get to where we need to be or use the MFA Consulates in other countries to get our visas and not have to deal with immigration corruption.

    Makes sense

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 9/11/2020 at 3:49 PM, from the home of CC said:

    test/ trace/ isolate is your only path to keep this in check till the vaccine arrives. Many countries who profess to be smarter, more innovative and better educated have failed miserably at keeping it in check by these methods. They have seemed to throw all their resources at the vaccine when I believe that a quick accurate test (and cheap) should have been just as high on the priority list. The TTI steps are costly, time consuming and rely on the public spirit of cooperation for the sake of others health. It's obvious why it all failed in western nations.. 

    Force vaccinate people isn't the answer, unless you like tyranny.

     They want people taking expensive vaccines, while there are already cheaper way to deal with this WHO & Bill gates scamdemic


  10. Grab sp great, i have used them many times over the years, I stay 2 km from the main road where there are no taxis only some yellow pick up trucks that I have never used, I got a car now, but yesterday the car battery was flat, so my only way to get the battery cable started was by using grab, within 5 minutes the driver showed up.


    If you want convenience and don't want to be ripped off grab is the best, drivers who are bad can be reported with a single click and they will be suspended for what the reason was, they also will be suspended if they get more then 40% cancellations. I'm member of grabfood and grabcar for drivers in Thailand and I see many people are getting suspended and someone being banned for some reasons.

  11. Come.on Thailand, why making things so difficult for foreigners that are already in the country and are spending money, why not introduce a 1,3 and 6 month extension for a fee within the country? It's a win-win situation, you charge a fee and get some money, and the foreigners can stay longer and spend their money, what do you have to loose? And if you think that someone is working illegally here then just show a bank letter that States you have income, pension, etc from abroad or you already got money on your account which isn't made in Thailand.


    It's time to make it easier and more convenient for us without having to jump through all those hopes, or do they really prefer we are using agents?

    • Like 2

    FYI I just went to Udon Immigration with a COVID letter from U.S. Embassy via email (also printed it out in color) and they said it had to be an original document via post mail lol... I asked the U.S. Embassy but no reply yet, I doubt they will offer that. Police were grumpy today and I pushed a few times to be sure... not sure if their excuse is accurate or just <deleted> trying to delay dealing with these. 



    As i'am in the same situation as this person, will Chiang Mai immigration accept a printed out letter?

  13. 22 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

    People who came to Thailand as a tourist back in January / February MUST have seen all of Thailand by now .

      What else to do you want to see and where else do you want to go ?

    Nothing wrong with people staying her long term an spending money, not everyone meet the requirements to apply for retirement visa, what does Thailand have to loose to let staying her long term and spend their money ? 


    So many people here are so eager to kick other foreigners out, lack of sympathy, sociopath? 


    Businesses are shutting down because of it.. 

    • Like 1
  14. On 9/4/2019 at 5:06 PM, 2long said:

    Grow up! He/She never claimed Europe was a country. Oh, and sort your grammar and spelling out please. It hurts my eyes!

    He said Europe duh, the prices in Europe are not the same, and when you are talking about grammar let me tell you, I'm not a native English speaker, most native English speakers can only speak English, so don't complain.


  15. On 3/30/2020 at 4:50 PM, DrJack54 said:

    There are many folk genuinely stuck here.

    There are soooo many using it as an excuse. I travel a lot and often meet young backpackers. Many times I have heard..." great we can milk this for few months"

    Mind you that was before to all the closures and now curfew Phuket. 

    Bkk to follow. 

    Quatar just announced reopen many flights to OZ. Yes only one country but there are flights out. 

    The governments were advising all nationalities fly home NOW. Couple weeks back

    "We can milk this for a few months"  so what you are saying that foreigners who are in Thailand and spending money are a burden?


    Do you know how many restaurants,bars, hotels that have closed because of lack of foreigners? 


    Most foreigners spend good amount of money in the kingdom, and that the Thai government have shoten themselves in the foot for so many years have forced people to move home or to other countries, this is really affecting many business in tourist cities.


    If the Thai government could have made it easier for those under 50 years, don't have a child and are not married, to stay long term things would have been different, a person who is over 50 shows 800k in the bank for some months and pay 1900 and they have 1 year visa if I'm.jot wrong, but if you are under that age you will have to buy the elite visa who really aren't a good deal for planning to stay for a year or two.


    Many people will happily paying 50,000THB a year for a 1 year hassle free visa if that existed... that's a win win situation, people would stop staying on tourist visas and visa exemptions. But we can only dream that something good will ever happen.



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