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Posts posted by Totoandlilly

  1. 24 minutes ago, miamiman123 said:

    Right let’s keep those Bars open till 4am???


    Why not ? Bars should be allowed to be open as long as they want, but no music after 1-2 am.


    this is normal In the rest of the world, unless you come from a nanny state <deleted>hole where you are the governments slave and do what you are told..


    freedom mister, no one are forced to stay in the city center, in the city center is usually where all the noice is,  if people can’t handle noise, then they should have stayed in a different location, this isn’t rocket science, I prefer quiet environment, that’s why I’m staying in the middle of no where, but I understand tourists want to enjoy their holiday as well.

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  2. 23 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

    I cannot comment on if Thai hospitals are better than Spanish or French ones, but one thing i can say is you do not have to report to immigration you are in hospital in France or Spain !!

    What amazes is that Spain, a country with so much debt and high unemployment can keep their hospital standards up, if it wasn’t for rich European countries who are aiding Spain, then the country  would have been bankrupt, I lived in Spain from, 2008 to 2017, and the amount of people fleeing their country to go to a rich Northern European country to work and get a decent wage was many..



  3. 10 hours ago, legend49 said:

    1. Road safety well you can whistle dixie for that. 2, Traffic congestion; look at other cities outside of Thailand; they have things like congestion tax (example London but Thai's hate paying) and car sharing ( in Australia,so we get the 1 passenger driver concept to a full car reducing number of cars on the road)

    Tax is the solution to every problem? Nah, I don’t think so, In Denmark there is no tollway, no congestion tax, and very little traffic , but now they have good infrastructure, buses, mrt, many people use their bicycles.


    bangkok should focus more on bts,mrt and buses, let’s wait until 2022 and see, many more lines to be open in the future but not enough, another problem is the bts and mrt are very crowded during peak hours, if the platforms was longer they could use longer trains.

  4. 1 hour ago, stevenl said:


    Censorship is more and more common in the world,because politicians don’t want the people to see the truth, they all want us to live a lie. Poor decision by the nanny state government.


    In europe plenty of people are being jailed for telling the truth about the peaceful religion, we see Facebook,twitter, YouTube etc ban people who have conservative opinions.


    either you have freedom of speech or you don’t have it at all, there is not such thing as party freedom of speech or totally freedom of speech.


    have you ever heard someone saying someone are only partly pedophile? I haven’t.... when the radical leftist politicians tell us a lie everyday don’t make the lie the truth. Time for sleezy people to wake up.

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  5. 3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    This happened in a bar in Manchester or Chiang Mai ???  Did any 'bouncers' threaten to beat him up? then they got the local BiB Police involved who agreed that the bill was too much and did the Aussie guy a favor and cut the bill down by 80%... of course they got their cut !!! (Just making this Thai related !!!... even though its in world news)


    But there was som migrants running after him with knifes.

  6. Singapore one of the most overrated boring place on planet earth, the place is tiny, yes it’s clean, but it’s not  that difficult to keep a tiny place clean either, when you have poor Indians cleaning your city for few hundred dollars a month.. 


    not really much to do there, after a week you will be bored, go on google and search, you will realize many people are saying the same about Singapore.

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  7. 12 hours ago, DLock said:

    I spent the weekend in Singapore, and what an amazing city of world class attractions, sights, restaurants, street food, street life and nightlife. It's clean, orderly safe and easy to drive around. You could easily spend a week there and never get bored.


    Why would people visit Bangkok? It's a serious question, as I can't think of really anything world class to visit or do. And its sure not clean, safe, orderly or easy to get around. Is it still considered exotic? 

    Some of what you write is true about cleanliness and safety, but Singapore is a dead boring place, most people only live there for working and avoid paying taxes.

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  8. 4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Thats unfair...  The whole world was addicted to diesel. The major EU car manufacturers drove the popularity of diesel cars.... they even cheated on the emotions tests to get their diesels through the stringent emissions tests - right up until a the US EPA caught them utilizing a software 'cheat device' (which controlled the emotions if the steering wheel did not move: i.e. in lab conditions).


    Now everyone is aware of NO2 and its risks diesels are not so popular anymore and the governments are no longer pushing them. 


    Thailand just has to catch up, thats all, and it will.


    If Diesels can meet emissions tests in the 'real world' I see no harm in them, the problem is they can't and the governments are too soft in allowing the manufactures to manipulate the tests rather than insist on 'real world' testing. 



    Back in the 2006, the Norwegian government advised everyone to buy diesels cars, and guess what, thats what all the naive Norwegians did, now they have been pushing for electric cars, they are literally playing cat and moves with their citizens...


    it”s not that hard when the people are dumb as <deleted> and belive everyhing the government/media tells them.


    there is only one world mr and Thailand is part of that one.

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