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Posts posted by RedPill

  1. On 9/23/2019 at 8:08 AM, BritManToo said:

    What if I ordered a $300 bottle of wine?

    Wow, actually good point.


    What if she was so <deleted> off that he buggered off without paying and ordered more for a bigger bill ... and then starts a drama, having his name / hotel and all.


    That guy was lucky!


    You settle your own bill and then go, doesn't matter how angry you are. It's better and more healthy here ???? 

    • Like 1
  2. On 9/23/2019 at 7:42 AM, OneMoreFarang said:


    I never had that situation and I won't walk away without paying. But I think it's an interesting question.

    Ultimately, it was a Farang guy with a Thai girl on that table. The girl only knows him since 4 days. They have no relationship.


    The Farang walks away without paying ... the girl left behind.


    What do you think? ???? He will never win this case with anyone involved, if he had to settle it here.


    Everyone knows who was expected to pay the bill.


    I would never take a chance to even try to see where this could end up ????


    There might be many other certain situations, Thai / Thai couple, married couples, mia noi's etc. etc. 


    I feel like you have to take this case by case. But this one, was a big risk, and he got away lucky.





  3. 6 minutes ago, kotsak said:

    Reminder to self: Stop reading TV headlines while sipping coffee.. 

    Haha yes, I got a warning for it earlier this morning, had to clean my keyboard. The stuff we read everyday about this Walking Street/No prostitution found, oh yes, now there is some, oh no, there is not ... oh yeah, but they are foreigners. It's a bit mad, what you say ????



    • Haha 1
  4. That's why it always works for the girls! A guy acts pretty stupid with a romantic idea taking a hooker to Pattaya and posts his story on here.


    Two Farangs are starting to argue about it against each other.


    Statistically, it's a 50/50 for the girl ... and she will continue. 


    And the OP now goes to Cambodia for new girls and isn't really even responding anymore on here.



    Go figure guys, you are fighting each other over being right how to treat an obvious hooker correctly.


    What's that's about? ????

  5. 22 hours ago, sillyfool said:

    i came to the conclusion from watching and reading your posts for the last few weeks.

    constantly on this site you are butting heads with multiple members.

    your arrogance is astounding but i guess that comes with being such a hoot at parties. if you don't even get my references to your own words on this site then perhaps it is you who needs to go back and have a read.


    party on garth ! 


    ps whats to know about this thread. the guy ate out a prostitute (supposedly) ........ nuff said. 


    Yeah, it's amazing to see how he's clashing in every single thread I see his nick popping up. That's certainly not a co-incidence.

    Mazzo is unable to keep a discussion easy going for what it is, without personally getting offended each time  ????


    Maybe he should lighten up a bit ????



  6. 16 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I wouldn't call him a troll. But I am not so sure TV would keep my post if I would call him what I think he is...

    Ok, maybe not a troll. I actually can believe and see guys doing this with all sorts of incorrect expectations.

    Let's get the nicest word out ... very naive, to say the least.


    In the first thread the announcement, meeting a bargirl and after 4 days deciding to go on a romantic trip 'to Pattaya', paying her 15k upfront. That was the train wreck in motion.


    Why not go to Koh Samed, or one of the nicer beaches after Rayong, or to Koh Chang.

    And get to know her better, outside of the red light districts?


    No, you have to bring a bar girl you have just met, straight into romantic Pattaya.


    This thread now, is just the after math & report of the train wrecked. 


    If it's all a real story, who knows. But certainly not unheard of. It could be. 


    But if anything, just plain stupidity and wrong expectations from the guy.

    Very bad planned & played, regardless how the girl reacted.



    • Like 1
  7. 10 hours ago, mngmn said:

    Not sure I agree. Try saying 'you want this microwaved mister' in Australia. Perceived as rather rude. 'Sir' would be more appropriate.

    Ok ????


    In the Philippines, you get the nicer 'Siiir' from the girls all day long ????  

    Clearly they have the better and a more 'world open minded' education system in place.


    I've worked for many years with lot's of Philippine girls in the Middle East.

    It's amazing how they integrate into an multinational office working & living abroad, and know how to communicate correctly with all sorts of different nationalities around.


    Thai's don't stand a chance doing anything remotely close to this, with the education system they get here from their government. 


    • Like 2
  8. 4 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    For older women I always address them as "Khun Yai" grandmother. It's not disrespectful. A number of young people refer to me as "Khun Ta" grandfather.

    True that.


    Friend of mine doesn't mind Farang at all ... but when the girls call him 'Papa', he freaks out every time ????


    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, mngmn said:

    Midtur is what the 7 Eleven staff call me when they ask 'Midtur you wave'.

    lol, ok, got it. Took me a while ????


    But to be fair, midtur is actually polite and a nice title. They don't say: Falang, wave ka?


    7/11 staff is pretty cool, nice and well training. Most of the time.


    You can see that the guy in the video is not correct. He wants to make us believe that Thai's speak in titles to each other, pee and nong, but Mister would be the correct one ... and not farang, if you don't know someones name.


    I can live with it though ???? Farang also good for me. I got used to it.


  10. 27 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I would agree with you, but you've mistakenly written 'whore' where you should have written 'female'.

    Maybe yes, maybe no. 


    The girl dropped him for easier & faster access to money 3 years ago, not because she fell in love with another guy.


    He already had everything lined up for her to come and live with him.


    What does that make her? A female or a whore? 


    Doesn't really matter much, I think we all know what we are talking about here, as guys, once the smaller brain is switched off and the big one takes over.

  11. On 9/22/2019 at 7:56 AM, BritManToo said:

    Most women only think about themselves, and only talk about themselves, it's a design feature.

    No doubt the post from the OP was/is real, it's very obvious this is what you see happening a lot. The best post I've read (in a different thread), was from a guy on here with the nick Nilss, sounded spot on to me: 


    • Never try to reason with a whore
    • Never try to reason with a whore on drugs
    • Never try to reason


    Especially not after 3 years

    • Like 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, mngmn said:

    Toorid and Ekpad not Englid word.  Thai word same same Lotud, Midtur, computurr, moud, Netflik...

    Midtur? sorry, no understand ???? What's that?


    ... sapagetti, waterflaw, book bank, key house, bar beer, motocy, no hab ... all crackers and make me smile and love living here. 



  13. On 9/20/2019 at 2:00 PM, cyril sneer said:

    my ex used to call me 'f&*king farang' when I wouldn't give her money


    didn't think it was very polite

    lol, good one. 


    I'm sure the guy in the video had good intentions explaining it.


    He started well, Thai's can't remember names, they often use 'titles'.


    To complete his restaurant example, using titles 'pee' or 'nong' ... or ....


    4 Thais & 1 Farang are sitting together in a Restaurant ... who pays the bill?


    It doesn't matter where the origins of the word Farang comes from. It's now used

    and a synonym to the title 'Walking ATM machine' ????




    • Like 1
  14. On 9/20/2019 at 3:18 PM, Kenny202 said:

    It's funny 20k seems to be always the initial request lol. The only difference with them is how fast they come out of the blocks. Usually 2 weeks, sometimes sooner. You would think with the strengthening of the baht they would drop it back somewhat 5555. There has to be a bar girl school in Pattaya somewhere? They all have exactly the same MO ????????

    20k ... side effect of being too often next to tourist at the ATM machine ????




  15. 1 hour ago, Skallywag said:

    See for me, "connecting" can only be accomplished in-person. 

    You know, 2 people actually smiling, laughing, talking without staring at a phone screen - haha 

    Born in the 50's, yes have a cell phone for calling and of course texting I have mastered.

    If I call a woman and she wants to hook up, we decide the place and that is the end of the conversation. 

    All will be continued in person, when we actually "see" each other.   



    Appreciate your input RedPill, you seem real


    What was the topic from the OP again hahaha. 

    For me it's just reality.


    I talk to Thai people who are more open minded and want to see their country move forward. They are embarrassed about the fact that a 17 year old kid can't understand the word coffee in a coffee shop. It might sound funny for a holiday. But not if you look behind the screen, what is really going on. Keeping the kids dumb at school so they are not getting to wordy or mouthy later, to keep the money and control on top.


    If it's up to Mazzo, he would say ... Thais have 4 or 5 tones, so they don't need to learn a second language.


    What kind of a stone age attitude is that?


    And all those girls, who are not forced into prostitution, and don't need the money, they still 'all' prefer an older guy ... if he has the dosh and can provide security. Just go online and take a look.


    But Mazzo is still stuck in his history ... and only can post silly remarks sending everyone to Walking Street, which has already shifted to merrily a tourist attractions for Chinese running behind a flag.


    I tell you, this guy needs an update ... he's not living in the 'now' 2019 ????




    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Thai has a specific use of tones to be able to make one single word spoken in different tones mean four or five different things.

    Forget about that Mazzo, learning an international language is not that important for a country and it's young generation to develop.


    There are Thai's themselves who tell me are pretty embarrassed about this poor state of education in their own country. They are not proud of it.


    Focus on connecting to the mid class+ girls, non poor farm girls, with your smart phone.

    I really would love to see this old fashioned discussion getting a swift & up to date turn around.

  17. 18 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

    Then you do not understand the English language. Tones are quite important. Tone in English can indicate the difference between a statement and a question. Flat tone may be construed as a statement. A rising tone at the end of a sentence may indicate a question. You may not realise this if you are a native speaker but it is very real for someone learning the hardest language in the world - English.

    oh yeah, that also goes a few weeks back in discussion in this thread. Good you bring it up again.


    kafeeee or cofeeee don't sound similar enough in a coffeeee shop ... for the Mazzo guys on here. It's Thai culture.


    It's all to simple and/or plain to stupid to even discuss it further with this guy. He will put an end to all of this as he likes and sees it.




  18. 1 hour ago, NilSS said:

    I'm bored so I'm reading through this topic. The advice I gave to newbie boobies evolved over the years, as I went through the whores, the wars, the mistakes, the marriage, the kids. It boils down to this, and indeed, who gives a phukc. . .


    • Never try to reason with a whore
    • Never try to reason with a whore on drugs
    • Never try to reason

    Follow these simple bullet points and they'll get on just fine. Personally, these days I would baulk at even setting foot in a bar full of skanky whores with attitude issues and being forced to converse with a hirsute westerner asking me where he can buy drugs. It's much more fun seducing respectable married women.

    That was a very good post. Refreshing. Especially point 3. Nothing pops my mind to argue against anything you said, here in Thailand.

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