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Posts posted by RedPill

  1. 1 hour ago, Matzzon said:

    That´s always the comment of a person that are lost for words and lost a discussion. Then we accuse of trolling, and all the other things that we can claim to.

    If you wouldn't had said that you lived here for 20 years and I would have to judge only by the questions you are wondering about in your OP, which are all so plain obvious, and your replies throughout this thread ... I would say you have no insight to Thai people and life here at all. 


    But since you live here, there is no other way you are either trolling or are completely ignorant.



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  2. 19 minutes ago, Matzzon said:


    For the record, I am not defending anything. What I do is try to explain to you that you need to talk in a way they understand

    You know what, do you think we are stupid or what?


    We live here, adopt to the language, learn a few words and sentences every day. I go into many shops and order my stuff in Thai, get it and go back home.


    But there are also instances, which I explained, are so completely ignorant from the Thais, that there are no words to defend it.


    Another one is going into a shop and get a Mai Mee, no hab ... mod. Followed by another service clerk getting it for you.


    These things are real here.


    And you come up with stupid things like ...  feeling "Entitled" your english must be understood in a foreign country. 


    Sorry man, you got it all from the wrong end.

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  3. 16 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

    It seems odd that a coffee shop owner would skimp on their salary bill and not employ bilingual staff.  Or maybe you'd gone in when the Chinese-speaking shift was on ( 'gafey' ).  Perhaps if you had ordered in French you might have been more easily understood.  

    Yes, maybe better ???? I try French next time.


    In any case, this topic came up to a reply of Farangs having to speak Thai, and Thai people loving it when they do it.


    Sure, in many cases. But there are so many cases where things are so super obvious, as with the Coffee example I brought up ... it's just pure ignorance, nothing else. 


    Everyone who has lived here for a bit and tried to speak Thai will surly have a lot of similar experiences.


    The point was, they are laughing their a@#$ off when you make a small tonal mistake ... but when you ask a girl if she has the key with her ... it's Key House ... and not house key.


    The english teacher is talking about 'Liver', and neighbors boy is correcting him, that's not a liver ... that's a River ... (same Ron / Lon stuff).


    And if he corrects the teacher, he get's his a$# kicked for doing so ???? Pretty crazy here at times. 


    There is a reason why the Thais suck at english ... they don't want to teach, learn or speak it. Which is a shame anno 2019 for all the teenagers.


    Remember around 3 years ago when Mr. Prayut said Thailand doesn't need International English teachers, the Thais can teach that to themselves? 


    That's why the coffee example is just so spot on and nothing is moving forward for the kids.


  4. 17 minutes ago, Matzzon said:
    7 hours ago, RedPill said:


    Yep, what´s really charming is that you have such a great understanding of that they can´t care less of you speaking english in their country.

    If you noticed, I started with speaking Thai .... Coffee Ron, Kap 


    It's Thai enough ... ok ... the sign on the shop also says: Coffee Shop. That's also the only thing they sell there.


    I order Coffee ... but get a: no understand


    It has to be Kafeeeeee 


    Pure ignorance, if you ask me.


    Are you really going to argue this? Or just having a go?


    Funny, the word Money always works ... never have to say Moneeeeey



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  5. 2 hours ago, Tagged said:

    We can aggree, there is girls who have a choice, and have the strenght, the passion, and also benefit great from what they do. Even like it. 

    Yes ???? A passion for it they have for sure, and even like it, as you say, they love sex , young girls also have their needs and they can choose who ever they want, and fill their pockets at the same time. Very dangerous girls.


    That was one rollercoaster with that University wannabie hi-so girl. It was a great time, but no, better never again!


    The next Thai girl I meet who tells me she's educated and shows me a graduation picture, I run away as fast as I can ????


    You can better get a decent down to earth girl out of a bar if you have to.


  6. 11 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    However, you do know that Thai food is seen as a very high standard of flavours and quality all over the world?

    The weather, One to his own. Ok, somethimes it can be too much. That also happens in our own homes.

    Funny, for me it's the other way around .... Thai food sometimes can be too much, but the weather I always like.

    Rainy or sunshine, always good for only t-shirts and flip flops ???? 

  7. 1 hour ago, faraday said:

    Load of nonsense

    Maybe for you, but not in my experience. Don't want to argue too much around this whether true or not, but every time the topic comes up ... where did you met your wife? It's followed by 10 seconds of silence.


    Not only here in Thailand. It was the same back in Europe when I brought a Thai girl over many years ago.


    Lot's of visa questions to circle around, where have you met? You can't say in a bar, it's a 100% decline.

    Thousands of stories on forums full with this discussions when you research this.


    Later I thought it would be a good idea to get the girl in contact with other Thais back in Europe, to make her feel better, socialise ... Thai meetings.

    All the couples I have talked to there, too ... most of them met in a bar, one way or another.


    Not going to argue this, just my own experience ... exceptions, yes. Maybe via friends, online dating something like that.


    I hardly hear any story about a guy picking up a 7/11 girl or a nurse from the hospital or a clerk from the local bank.




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  8. 17 hours ago, brokenbone said:

    if you look at OP inquiry, youll notice he didnt

    pose the question why foreigners all of a sudden succumb

    to feeding on thai food, or sunbath, he took issue

    over that foreigners partake in the prostitution business

    that is so prevalent here. pay attention

    But that's a very grey area ... that prostitution business here in Thailand. Especially since they are masters of the girl friend experience on holiday.


    Talk to any guy, most of them have met their girls somewhere in a bar or when they were out partying on their first holiday etc.


    Sure there are exceptions, but if you are honest, the majority have met their current wife's/partners in a prostitution kind of environment, but often didn't feel like it.


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  9. 11 minutes ago, Tagged said:

    Im all about getting a nurse, but some thinks thats wrong to ????

    Yeah ???? 


    He's learning fast, too. In the past 3 years he went from a 25 year old to a 35 year old and now a 40+ year old.

    He came to the conclusion that would be the better age ... between 40-45 ... he's happy now. These young girls were all no good, and right so, all drama, but no abuse.

  10. 17 minutes ago, Tagged said:

    You stated prostutution was there before we came. Doesnt make it more right if thai or western abuse girls or boys, does it? 

    I think everybody on this forum will agree with you that 'abuse' and prostitution is not something anyone will tolerate or take part with.


    In reality, I can't see the abuse ... I got a 77 year old friend who doesn't want to play bingo back in Euro land. 


    So he is here to have a couple of last happy years and got himself a 40 year old girlfriend ... she's happy he's shifting the money and supports her and he's happy he doesn't have to sit in an old folks home back home, chatting to woman his own age.


    But the girls all want a 'salary' (their own words) ... how do you call a woman who's asking for a salary to be with you?


    My friends answer was ... a nurse! That made laugh ????







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  11. 12 minutes ago, RedPill said:

    Anyway, it just takes some politness, respect, and be good to people you meet

    I once met a girl in bar and we came up with the great idea to go together on a trip to Koh Chang on the bike. 


    Next day I pick her up ... we have food, some beach walk and more food. In the evening she lays 1 kilometer away from me on the other side of the bed.


    I will never touch or try or force anything when I feel she does't want to. She didn't, so I just watched TV and next day after breakfast I brought her back home.


    End of that respect story. You live and learn ????


    • Like 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, Tagged said:

    Im talking about those who have been led in to the business, by abuse, and force. You really do not know who of them that could be, do you? 


    Anyway, it just takes some politness, respect, and be good to people you meet, not everyone manage that, and have to trash people on their way, and that is what we are talking about. 

    Of course, I'm with you on that ... surely I never would do that or feel comfortable or get any joy out of it. Definitely would stay away from it.


    But like I said, from hundreds and hundreds of girls I've seen, talked to or partied with, over the years, I never got that impression.


    I also shut up when they ride around with their new motorbikes and cars with new guys and be a good sport and never been a whistleblower when the sponsor is out of town 

  13. 27 minutes ago, Emdog said:

    "I started to learn the language, at least conversationally, as soon as possible. I quickly learned that no matter who you met on the street, they really appreciated that I was at least able to speak to them."

    Even if you do so poorly. You'll improve over time, maybe.

    Coffee shop on the street.


    Coffee ron, kap




    Coffee ... hot please


    Arai na? 


    Hot, Coffee ... hot!?!


    Looking at my Thai girl next to me ... she says, kafee ka


    Ohhhhhhh, Kaffeeeeeeeee


    Thanks very much! The ignorance is pathetic, all over ... what are you selling in a Coffeeeeeee shop that you don't understand? Acting like I ordered Pork knuckles? Laughing their a#@s off when Farangs have a tone incorrect.


    And then they have to make a simple international english sentence and only garbage comes out.


    How charming.





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  14. 14 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Here it comes many so called expats and settle down. After that you see them out in the nightlife acting like they own the country, and later at night they walk home with somebody that could be their granddaughter

    Supply & Demand.  Matched by same amount of girls who tell you in your face "I no want to work for small money" ... and expect everything to get shuffled up their bum. It's easier than working for it. Even the educated ones with University degree pull that sh@#T off.


    Amazed you are asking after 20 years here ????



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