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Posts posted by RedPill

  1. 49 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

    I don't know any Thais that would go into "a Bar" except to look for companionship.

    Exactly, occasionally you see a Thai in a bar where Farangs hang around just for some drinks, sometimes, but then more to play pool for money.


    The Thais go to Thai disco's, 'Karaoke' places etc. Thousands of them 


    3 years ago I did a bike tour up north ... when I stayed in Lopburi, I went around the corner from my Hotel for a drink. 


    My god, I've never seen something like this before. A huge place, maybe 200+ people sitting around tables sharing their bottles of Whiskey. 

    Thai band playing and dancing on the stage. 


    At first glance, a normal gathering of a mixed group of Thai's, guys with their girls, friends, colleagues etc.


    Then I noticed that the waitresses were all dressed up like Gogo's and had a number on their shirt.


    During the break of the band, they all went on stage, lined up, dancing, presenting themselves, to get picked up.


    Sounds familiar? The only difference was, they were all young, sexy, not chubby ... 


    I was the only Farang there, felt a bit awkward ????







    Screen Shot 2019-09-07 at 8.33.55 AM.png

  2. Maybe Mazzo should fine tune his topic ... what happens to people when they 'enter' Thailand?


    Enter when? For the first time?


    Or after the 15th trip in & out, after they have settled down, after a certain period of time and know what's going on?


    You really can't blame an aged holiday maker coming here for the first time and falling in love with a younger girl, showing him 

    all sorts of affection he's not seen since many years before ... that's definitely not his fault, or very hard to resist.

    He's just getting played.


  3. 23 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

    I meet many beautiful respectable girls that if I weren't married would interest me. They are out there and aren't prostitutes.

    Yes, of course. But then you are already living here, have settled down, and more time and experience to see this.


    Most people come here for holidays, and go through the procedure of first hitting a bar ... they are on holiday after all.

    Then fall in love with a working girl, which doesn't feel like is a working girl. It happens a lot!


    Would you agree with this? That's what I see all the time around me.


    And age doesn't matter here, only money, so that to me answers the question of the topic.


  4. 3 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:


    Your views on Thailand are warped by your chosen environment and who you chose to be with

    Not always ... the thing is, in every place where first time holiday makers go to ... there are always bars like this they run into.


    I ran into a bar in a sleepy town like Chumphon, waiting for the boat to the islands the next day.


    Overall I agree with you ... living in places like Pattaya is of course hardcore in your face, and you know what you are doing there.


    But there are also nice quieter places around to settle down.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Tagged said:

    If they dont ask for money, what then? 

    Then you still have to be careful that they are not playing a different game. 


    But in essence, what you think? I would say go for it! ???? I'm not judging anyone going with bar girls ... just say what's happening here so often.


    The point was, I see a lot of holiday makers around me, in love on cloud #9, falling in love with a working girl met in a bar.

    I never have seen this in the West, at this massive extend? Have you?


  6. 10 minutes ago, RedPill said:

    I have a completely different life

    Well, you know, me too. I haven't been to Pattaya for a year or more, and it's only a 30 hour drive. I haven't been to any bar for very long time. It's boring now.


    I'm talking about what happens to the guys ... and yes, this also happened to me when I came here for the first time.


    The next new guy coming here for the first time might experience the same thing ... big chance.


    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

    If that's your world and only perspective, I understand why you're so warped. I have a completely different life. I'm not a saint but neither am I a pervert. 

    Don't know what that has to do with being a pervert?


    That's what's happening to a lot of guys who come here for the first time.


    Many don't really planned to go to prostitutes, haven't even done this back home, but here it feels different.

    It doesn't feel like you are together with a prostitute when you go to a bar for a beer and they ask you to play connect four.


    But in essence, they are prostitutes when they go with you and ask for money.


    It's happening all over Thailand, I have seen it, you haven't? ????





    • Like 1
  8. Sunny, a simple example is having a beer in bar and playing 'connect four'  ... I've never seen this elsewhere ???? It all looks so fun & harmless.

    The girl stays with you throughout your holiday if you want, it all feels like a love story incl. love sick drama's at the airport when going back home. 


    I've never seen this i.e. in the red lights of Amsterdam, the Reeperbahn in Germany or with the hookers in Las Vegas.


    That's the 'grey area' I was referring to. A prostitute kind of environment, but doesn't feel like it.


    And that's the big difference why you see what happens to the Farang's when they enter Thailand.

    Especially for the first time, I guess.








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  9. 32 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    When you choose a username that is a male supremacist term, you must expect a certain amount of ridicule. 

    Oh that's ok, no problem ????  As long as we can discuss the things as they are, even if it's against something Thai.


    Also, I think it's quite good to have a redpill mindset when it comes to the ladies here, otherwise you could end up broke faster than you can think, it's more a jokingly chosen kind of nick name more than anything else.




  10. 6 hours ago, FredGallaher said:

    Public education is less than good in many western countries too. Although, I'm not rich I was able to send my children to private primary and high schools. They both went on to government universities. This is also what happens all over Thailand. Every morning and afternoon, I see school vans picking up students to go to various private schools, when the government school is a short walk away. 

    Your right about not being able to work, though. There are great resources in the foreign community that could help with English language development. If they allowed us to volunteer a few hours/week they would see big improvement. I had wanted to work with the Thai teacher and develop an after-school voluntary program for English. Not taking away jobs and with no pay, but immigration basically said no. Then they said if I wanted to volunteer, I could do it at the immigration office. The immigration office is two hour drive so I said it was too far for me to go. I know he was trying to help and didn't want me getting in trouble.  He seemed to know how ridiculous this was.

    Ok, this now feels as a good basis to discuss this, and to further explain my point of view.


    First off, living here, I do highly respect anything related to Thai customs, Thai culture etc.


    But I also reserve myself the freedom to keep an open mind, questioning why certain things are as they are, and whether this is something which is oppressed by gov or belongs to the culture of people.


    Read this article from Prayut, 3 years ago. We don't need International Teachers, the 'train the trainer program', having Thai's teaching English in all public schools ...


    Unfortunately, I can only help 1 boy a little, even if he's not my own kid, but this issue spreads out through all of the Thai kids of the complete nation.


    Older people don't speak english, of course not, but when I see a 17 year old girl in a coffee shop not understanding the word coffee, when over the past 4 years the Coffee Shops popped up like mushrooms throughout the whole country, then I think I can question this. 


    But instead I get ridiculed and have to pack my suitcase. I'm not really accepting this. I do think that I got my brain on the right spot about this. 


    It has nothing to do with respect for the country or culture, but with the gov and elite of this country not providing this. Not only English, the complete public School education system is very poor.

    It's all directed to be uniformed, switch off your own thinking, obey and only say yes pee ka/kap. 


    The money is there to change this, plenty of it. It just all stuck's on top and doesn't get released on purpose.


    And that this 17 year old girl is working in a coffee shop, and not at school getting better education, is overall linked very much to this. 

    But the english word 'money' is Thai enough ... that they all understand. It's a vicious circle.


    I can't change the things, but I'm also not running around with rose tinted glasses on, through daily life here. 







  11. 1 hour ago, FredGallaher said:

    Thailand rightfully doesn't want you to come here to work and take over.

    Not really understanding this. They rightfully don't want people to come here to work and take over? Yes, true. Only cheap labor from surrounding countries.


    Anyways, yes, I was a bit over the top yesterday night, agreed. It's because when you say the tiniest thing against something Thai, you get to hear get a brain, get a life or move out. Similar to your post yesterday, which triggered this again ???? Sorry for that.


    I've supported and followed a Thai boy through the Thai school system for the past 6-7 years ... I know why the Thais can't speak the simplest basic english ... but instead of addressing and discussing the root of this ... it's get's shifted towards 'accepting the countries culture', or pack your suitcase.


    It's not culture, it's the gov who on purpose doesn't want to provide good education to the Thai kids.


    A better education would in turn also help to get down the prostitution topic discussed here.



    • Thanks 1
  12. It's all different dynamics to other countries where people live, work and make a living.


    People here in Thailand are either living off their savings or pensions ... nothing much else to do really ... by law and government.


    Hence all the bitching between themselves. On top all the Thai girls so helpful to the guys spending their money while they are here ;-)) 

  13. And without waiting for your answer, I tell you what the difference is from my point of view.


    When I lived in other countries, everybody around me was working. It didn't matter what the language was, what the culture was, what the customs were... we all knew what we had to do. Everybody adopted and integrated to that way of living and how to successfully live and work there.


    It's only in Thailand, with all those old people not having any real jobs anymore, retired, no purpose, just hanging around, all the girls around for money only, and then get on a keyboard and let it all out.


    That's such a huge difference.


    I wonder if Thailand would have been a more open country, where people could come to freely work and make a living, not only to retire and support a Thai girl ... it would be a complete different picture!





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  14. 1 hour ago, Matzzon said:

    Do you realize that the fools are the ones that will not adapt to the culture and the ways of living when settle in a foreign country.

    You know what the funny thing is ... I've lived in many countries throughout my life.

    Just lived there, worked there, everybody happy, a lot of common sense, even when cultures are different, languages are different, just the usual things. Plain normal life. Everyone get's on with it, in a normal way.


    It's only when it comes to Thailand, then I read and see these kind of weird behavior on forums ... and then, that's the best! not from the locals ... no! ... from the expats, guys like you ????


    We all have to adapt to the culture, the way of living, to settle, learn a language ... what's the breaking news?????


    You better take a chill pill and relax and live your life without telling others how they have to live their lives in a foreign country.


    Or are you that bored, or insecure, or what is it really what you are after and want to resolve until you are happy and can sleep well tonight? Is Thailand the first country you have moved to and living abroad? Are these your first experiences living abroad? I've seen much more before!


    What's the difference what others do and you dislike so much and want to push it down their throats on a forum?


    You are not going to change your world or other people with this approach ... a guaranteed failure!



    • Like 2
  15. 22 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

    At least not brain dead. Best to go back to you warm beer now. 

    Sure Fred, later ... I make it a cold one.


    If you think about it, guys who get it up would never complain about having a young girl in their arms in Thailand as the OP did ... you guys just talk <deleted> because you are bored to death. 


    You all came here for pussies, but now you can't anymore! That's the only reason why threads like this even exist! And then you take everything around you down, even a simple coffeeshop anecdote.


    No man would ever complain about this in their wildest dreams.


    • Sad 1
  16. 18 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

    possibly a sober brain

    Followed by an attack again ... too simple! 


    I log off this thread now, don't know how old you are? Maybe too old.

    You grumpy old farts have turned what was a funny anecdote, into something typical Thai Visa Thai baptist stuff ... get a life, get a brain, if you don't like it, go, respect the country ... stupid stuff like that.


    Really useless to post anything like this on a forum for bored old man who can't get it up anymore.



  17. 1 hour ago, FredGallaher said:
    5 hours ago, RedPill said:


    Don't expect Thai to pronounce thing as you would in English. They are speaking Thai and that's how it's said in Thai. Get a life you're living in Thailand not the UK or US. Different things are pronounced differently in many countries. Get a brain.

    ???? What are you talking about?


    I'm exchanging a light anecdote about us Farangs speaking Thai here ... and the things what I see in real life.


    What does it have to do with a brain, or getting a life? Thailand is not the UK?


    I'm happy here. And I speak a lot of Thai with the people around me.


    I can talk with a buddy over a beer with it, or I can post it here. If I post it here ... people like you and mazzo tell me I don't have a brain, don't respect the country, feeling "entitled" and next can pack my suitcase or what?


    What's wrong with you people? Are you serious? 


    This is the Farang Pub/Entertainment/expat life subsection! 


    I will try this very slowly for you again ... it's getting a bit boring, but pay attention!


    Say the word Coffee out loud .... then say the word Kafeee out loud .... every 10 year old can hear that those 2 words are super close and similar to each other! They don't sound like Day & Night, or do they?


    Now go to a shop with an english Coffee Shop sign on top.

    (A Thai has put it there and that's the sign an employee passes through every day when going to work)


    They only sell Kafeeee there. Nothing else.


    A guy comes in and orders coffee ... it sounds like the exact only thing they sell there.


    What does he want?


    Who needs a brain?




    Why I have to explain this to a Farang, is getting beyond my understanding. 


    These are the hurdles you have to go through when you learn and speak Thai. That's all I was saying ... 

    ... you guys go way way too deep!



    • Like 1
  18. On 9/3/2019 at 1:26 PM, kd2000 said:

    My question is how to protect my self from being unpaid after property get sold?

    That's a good question.


    I don't know how this works in Thailand, but in other countries where I have done this, the buyer is splitting the amount into 2 managed cheques, one on each name of the property owners, and hands them over at the time the property is transferred at the Land Department.


    I know they operate with managed cheques in Thailand, that's what I did when I paid for my condo at the Land Department at time of transfer ...


    But yes, how is this handled between 2 partners in a property sale in Thailand?




    • Thanks 1
  19. One time on the motor bike. Not really a complete junction. One way straight on, and one row next to it for a right turn. 


    I continued straight on the side path, not crossing a road, trough the red light. As I saw many others did before .. (bad excuse ????


    Got followed by a police guy ... he came up to me and said: 1000 Baht or police station.

    I pulled out 1k, he grabbed it, put it into his pocket, turned around without saying anything and gone he was with the wind. 


    Got away cheap and with a good lesson ... never jumped that red light again.



    • Haha 1
  20. 6 hours ago, mockingbird said:

    I'm staying in an airbnb condo for 2 months and,long story short,  can't get documents from the owner. 

    Did you check whether this is also a Condotel or only private condo apartments?


    If it's a Condotel and they have a reception, you could ask them if they can assist to register you. 


    They've done this for me for before 

  21. 34 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    Still your opinion of real life and real aspects, right? And I have mine.

    It's not that my friend & fellow expat ... you take your own liberation and turn other peoples opinions into a 'complain' as you like it.


    That's your issue!


    So yes, we leave it here for today and get on with our lives having some chit chats and fun communicating with the Thai's around us ????

    • Like 2
  22. 5 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    So, different opinions is something new to you? Just because I do not agree with you, I have to be totally ignorant?

    You are still at a stage being a Thai baptist for all questions ask and see it as a complained. 

    You have opened the discussion yourself? And if people say something against your opinion, they are complaining?


    Really, even a lot of Thai people with a bit of a brain have agreed that it's silly to not understand the word coffee in a coffee shop.


    Only Mr. Matzzon not ????


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