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Posts posted by RedPill

  1. 31 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

    <deleted>?  You will be older in 20 years also dude.  Think you should have chosen the BluePill brother 




    Hey, I just said I'm chill. I'm looking at older couples age gaps around me and feel ok with it. I will be older in 20 years, sure. That's what I appreciate today already from the older guys.


    This guy is not. He wants to throw you into the next garbage bin already.


    And that time is moving on, and the girls also ... and still want security & money, before love, even if they don't need it and could do it themselves.


    Well, that's just a fact, online 2019


    Don't need to sugar coat around it and read the same old same old stories year after year.


    But I love your pic/attachment, that was very funny!  Made me laugh a lot ????



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  2. 26 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    Sorry, I am a little bit busy now. I will tell you the story and my first visit to Thailand as you asked for in the post before. It will have to be tomorrow lunch, though

    That's cool. Time enough.


    Just don't forget your smart phone, because that's where it is all happening these days. You can just ask the not so poor mid class Thai girls!


    Your 20 year old memories of Walking and Soi 6 are just merrily tourist traps and a past time now, slowly but steadily, fading away.


    The girls all got it and smart up, only you did not! ???? 

    • Sad 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    However, I do not have time with you more.

    That's ok. 


    I'm not sorry to interrupt your shallow fishing for the usual bull we have to read year in/year out on this forums, which has timed-out already.


    Get out, talk to the girls, and get to know the new 'now' in 2019, and then post your 20 years old wondering questions again ????







  4. 33 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    Bet you could get a lovely HiSo Pretty if your bank account was big enough or the portfolio large enough.

    Of course you can, I'm not betting against you ???? If your account is just big enough, you have one tomorrow. In a snap. Even if you are 25+ years older. A older guy with a lot of money and security is good face and looks good. That's the different mind set in Asia overall.

  5. Mazzo "middle or high class Thai woman/girl. That out of 2 reasons. They do not see it as a better choice, and they are not in need of the money"


    You know, I hope you're not mistaken by this. I posted a few weeks ago about a mid class girl, with university degree, without the poor farm girl need for money, she just couldn't get her ass up and work for it. Better catch a farang for an easier life.


    They are all around you. But you don't see them, because you don't approach them and they don't just walk up to you and talk to you by themselves.


    The desire to get to faster money, without doing anything, is much much bigger than working for it. The online dating sites in 2019 are filled with these mid class+ girls with regular jobs, no bar girl jobs. And also here, age is no plomblem. Money & security is more important.


    You need to get an update & reality check, asap.  


    You are stuck in history and damn every older Farang for abusing prostitution, who just have, and give a good life to younger girls here, based on mutual agreement. 


    You became dinosaur ;-)))











  6. 2 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    This is the wide and large behaviour of the poor farm girls that are coming to Bangkok and Pattaya with big dreams of a supporter that will be allowed to use her body. That´s is called prostitution, and who in their right mind would start a life with a prostitute? That´s why I simply see it like sleeze people that dig in the gutter because they can´t find much more.

    I don't know man. 


    I'm just back from the beach having a coffee and enjoyed a sunset.


    Lot's of big age gap Farang/Thai couples around me. I have zero problems with that.


    If they are happy, and give each other what they want & need, that's fine to me. 


    I'm relaxed with it ... looks like you are the only one having an issue and make a big drama out of it.


    Every second Farang passing by on the motorbike has a (often much) younger girl on the back.

    And I see them for years together (as long as the money last & the requests don't get too crazy).


    Let's turn this discussion around for a moment and you tell us about the time you came here for the first time ...




  7. 2 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    When did I tell that? Are you quoting me, and answering quotes from other posts? Sir, concentrate little bit now.

    It's still raining a bit, so I got the time to play your game for one more round with you.


    When I tell you the reason is simple why younger girls here go with older guys, it's their easy going 'Money No 1' attitude.

    That rules above everything.


    As answer, you tell me 'it's a moronic excuse' and want to categorize and send me to Soi 6 or Walking (where I've never even been for 2 years) In fact and reality, you don't have to walk too far to see it, it's simply all around us here, all the time.


    When I tell you that all the relationships with this larger age gap are based on money, you are acting like: "When did I tell that?" Of course it's money based.


    You can't have the cake and eat it all.


    Do you want to have coffee or tea?  Yes, please.   What kind of discussion are you running? ????


    At one point in time you have to come clear and put it on the table in your own thread, what do you have against older guys going with younger woman in Thailand, which puts you off so much?

    If the guys can afford it and it's what both parties are after, it should be all good, no?


    What's your real issue with it that you have to label them as bad guys, and shuffle them into the bad behaving corner?


    I'm not even a real old guy, I would say middle age, but the stuff you post, is really very hard to follow.







  8. On 9/16/2019 at 6:24 AM, carlyai said:

    Can you add a picture of your piping, pump, filter and chlorinator setup?

    Picture pops up with tens of blue pipes going all directions Thai style ????


    On 9/16/2019 at 9:09 PM, carlyai said:

    Sorry I don't understand about your filter cycle.

    My apologies, not really helpful, I know. I also had a lot of issues with my pump over the years, hence reading through those 2 comments and seeing the picture just cracked me up for a moment ???? It still does when I go into my own pump house.


    Hope you get it sorted!


    Screen Shot 2019-09-19 at 2.37.50 PM.png

  9. 33 minutes ago, CaptainNemo said:

    It's a bit more subtle than that... women don't need men to be rich or overtly buy them, but they do need men who have the resources to make a relationship viable. After that, it's a matter of how interesting and fun the guy is; and then how much time he has for fun, and whether he will commit. That's how they filter.

    Sure, I agree with that. I also can see this here. 


    The strange thing is, I've seen many Thai girls doing the weirdest things to financially support their Thai guys ... but expect a Farang to do everything you listed above, especially the resources. Money & Sanook ????


    And age is not included in the filter & that's why you can't blame the guys who have the resources & physics to be with that younger girl. It's not a bad thing, it's a mutual agreement. Everybody happy.


    And I have to read about 'moronic excuses' to do it ... where does this all come from?



  10. 2 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Just another moronic excuse. "I have money, and then I am entitles to behave like I want".

    btw ... just to double check whether we are still on the same topic here.


    You make it sound like every guy who is going with a younger girl is a criminal, or an animal or behaves badly.


    We are not debating about any illegal underaged things here or girls who are forced into prostitution, at least that's not the bases from where I discuss.


    It's about younger girls, but old enough, and guys not so young anymore ... all within the law, but they both agree to a mutual agreement, whether it's only for a holiday, for a night, or living together, even getting married. 


    But to tell me that this is not completely financially driven & motivated, it's a bit of a push, don't you think?

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  11. 50 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    Just another moronic excuse. "I have money, and then I am entitles to behave like I want".

    Great! You fit right in between Walking street and Soi 6 in Pattaya. Thanks! Good talk. Have a good day!

    I was not talking about the guys alone ... I was talking about the attitude of the Thais. 


    Money No 1 is not something you have noticed in 20 years living in Thailand ... please!! ;-)) That's utter nonsense.


    On a more philosophic level, as you love it so much, you can include everything, from tourism safety to environmental neglect-ion, from corruption to bad education to keep money on the elite top, to not finding any evidence of prostitution on Walking Street by 200 cops ... the list goes on and on. The morals are low when it comes to the Baht in the pocket.





    • Like 1
  12. The point we are missing is that the OP never had any intention to get answers to his question from all sorts of perspectives. 


    He only posted it to defend his own point of view, without ever planning to listen or get different opinions in. Shoot 'em down.


    You could say, it would be better for him to open a thread with just a statement and defend his point of view, rather than post it as a disguised question.


    And that on a Thailand forum, where it's super obvious and clear what people are experiencing in stark contrast to the West.

    It's a pretty lousy discussion forum attitude. Clickbait style!


    • Like 1
  13. On 9/16/2019 at 5:50 PM, Matzzon said:

    Your comment that "You opted for", just tells me everything about you. Thank you for presenting yourself

    I've found Swedenlars comment spot on. The question you have asked in your OP, wondering why?

    Everyone knew it after their first month here.

    Whether only 'know it' or agree with it, doesn't matter. It's just a fact.


    I can't believe you are still fishing for replies to your question in this thread and then shoot them down with: Thank you for presenting yourself.


    You're still wondering after 20 years? lol ...! That the real amazing presentation. I've never seen a guy so slow grasping the obvious.


  14. 16 hours ago, Guitar God said:

    It costs about €3000 to get a drivers license in the Netherlands including the mandatory drivers school training. It the US it’s $50-100+ just for the fee  Here I paid €17.

    Yes, expensive. But at the same time, you actually get good driving education, many hours of driving practice and good theory lessons.


    Here you pay 17 Euro ... and it shows. Pay peanuts, get monkeys on the road. How much is life worth? 

  15. Today I was having lunch at a Beach restaurant. 


    Nice cool, a bit rainy weather, nice wind!


    There comes a Farang parking his big SUV on the parking lot ... old guy, maybe 70 or something.


    He sits down next to my table, really grumpy and aggressive demeanor ... can't wait a minute for the waitress to come to serve him. 


    Instead he smashes on that bell ring thing on the table, until it was broken. 


    When the waitress came, he immediately complained that the bell is 'kaputt'.


    I heard the waitress mumbling something like 'jai yen' ... and she looked a bit abused/helpless around.


    Before I left, I wanted to give him the bell from my table, and tell him ... here, a bell, before you get a heart attack ... but I bit my tongue and just left.


    So many happy Farang's I see around me, a large number, they all add up over the years, day after day ????





  16. 2 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    Got to laugh at this country. You can be arrested and prosecuted FOR TELLING THE TRUTH. lol

    On the other hand, most of the things here are happening looked through fingers. 

    If you play along, what's the problem with getting a happy ending if someone wanted it? You can always say no if you don't want, or not?


    Until you put it into public, with a silly YT video for clicks and attention ... and you get this kind of outcome. 


    As obvious as it all seems, especially seems crazy when you talk about Pattaya, but what do we know the owner of the massage shop is dealing with in the background (politics/bribes etc.), to keep her shop open & running?




  17. 11 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

    Gee, Red. you are really into this subject. It seems most of the posts are yours. I occasionally go out with friends in the evening, but usually to eat and enjoy. I myself am not into the nightclub bar scene and don't drink much. I'm usually in bed about 10PM like most Thais and get up by 6AM. I really don't like waking up with a hangover so I watch myself.

    ???? Yes, I like that topic ... because that's what's happening around me. And then I see Farangs judging other Farangs, who say lived here for 20 years, but didn't spot any of what is really going on.


    It's just a casual topic ... it's better then talking about the TM30 forever ????


    • Like 2
  18. I mean, there is nothing so romantic about the Thais that some people have to defend them to the last bit.


    But a Farang is a pervert when he get's played by a young Thai girl having a beer in a bar and falls for them ????


    Getting around more, open your eyes ... not only see what's happening in front of the backyard of your village.


    Put it all into perspective.



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