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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. 43 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Would point out there's plenty of houses in Thailand selling for 1-2Mbht, that's $30,000-$60,000US.

    Not sure why you think the average expat would blow 10Mbht on a house in someone else's name, in a country they have no right to live in.


    This is a strange forum where everyone is rich, has big houses, young wives that love them for themselves, never pay for sex, were all educated and successful businessmen. Reality is, I've rarely met any foreigners that managed better than finishing high school, or worked in better jobs than postman/painter/locksmith/insurance salesmen, or live in anything better than a cheap one room condo.


    One question I do ask myself ....... all you guys that never pay for sex, don't take drugs, don't smoke, don't go to bars, don't drink alcohol ......... why are you all living in Pattaya? 

    They are around.  I know a few of them.  Most seem to be trust fund babies though.  They usually try pass themselves off as being independently successful.  Pretending they made it all through investing or running a successful business or whatever, but I can usually see right through that.

  2. 3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    If you think sex is a pain in the bum, you're probably doing it wrong!


    Rent at 30kbht/month seems massively out of line for a single guy.

    My 3 bedroom house costs 10kbht/month.


    As for income, massive boasters on this forum, the reality is most have nothing but their state pension.

    When the Brit DWP pays out a week late, look at all the complaint posts on these forums ..........

    Most people seem to be living hand to mouth, pension doesn't arrive on time and they don't eat.

    (Brit pension is 800GBP/4 weeks, that's about $1,000US/month)

    Where are you renting a 3 bedroom house for 10k?  No way in Pattaya anywhere near the beach.


    Context matters, you can't just make blanket statements like that as if rent is similar no matter where you live.  Single guys generally want to be in Pattaya closer to the action and near the beach,  and that costs more.

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  3. 3 hours ago, BenStark said:


    You conveniently forget to mention the bid-ask spread and the exchange fees you have to pay at both ends.


    And 2 baht fee for 3 million baht is just pure drivel from someone who didn't make a transaction

    The middlemen charging transaction fees are the only ones consistently making money from crypto.  Not including all the scammers creating their own sheitcoins.


    It's hilarious that something constantly being touted as a way to do transactions without paying bank fees ends up costing a lot more in transaction fees.  Like a LOT more.  It's not even close!

  4. 15 hours ago, BenStark said:


    The one and only real crypto expert on this forum, you find him in the crypto forum has been predicting that once the crypto ETF were approved, it would catapult BTC to 200K,


    The ETF's were approved by the SEC on Wednesday, and the red dot in the screenshot is when they started trading yesterday. My guess is that the elastic in the catapult broke :biggrin:





    There is no such thing as a crypto expert.  That is like calling a degenerate gambler a gambling expert.  On the technical side understanding how it works yes, but not crypto 'investing' if you want to call it that.

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  5. 36 minutes ago, BenStark said:


    You could have bought btc at 69K in 2021 and already halved your money.


    And I know you gonna come back and say smart people don't buy at those prices, but if people weren't buying en masse it would never have reached that price

    It's funny how anonymous internet posters always seem to be so good at timing the market.  I guess they have so much money they have nothing better to do other than post on message boards.

  6. 5 hours ago, vukovar77 said:

    I own condo 36 m2 near the beach.I live with Thai wife which cook food every day.We have motorcycle and bycicle .About 5-6 time per month and we eat in restaurants,mostly in Terminal 21.Monthly cost does not exceed 45000 BHT per month.Average 35-40.000 BHT.We have a pool,jim and we are close 400 m. to the wonderful beach in Wongamat.My monthly income-pension  is about 65000 BHT.You can rent nice studio in a good location for about 4000-6000 THB per month.

    36m2 is pretty small for one person.  Too small for two people imo.  You can get a barely adequate studio in a less than ideal location for 4000-6000.  I wouldn't say nice in a good location.  One of the best deals I have found that meets my definition of "nice studio" is Baan Suan Laluna.  You can maybe find a nice 42sqm place there starting around 7000b on a 1 year contract.  Nice pool, quiet location.  However, it's a less than ideal location for the majority of people way out on Chaiyaphruek Rd Jomtien closer to Sukhumvit than the beach. Having your own transportation is pretty much mandatory there.  That is the sort of location you would need to live to get a "nice studio" for less than around 10,000b.  I don't think a "nice studio" for 4000 is possible anymore.  At least not what most would consider nice and certainly not in a 'good' location.  I suppose if you were to go to the other side of Sukhumvit or down to Bang Saray you might find something.

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  7. Does the 2 land border crossings per calendar year also apply to a multi-entry tourist visa?  I just used a border run service from Pattaya.  Cost 3100b and took about 3.5 hours each way plus about 1 hour at the border.  That gave me another 60 days in Thailand which I can extend 30 more days.


    One thing to be aware of going to Cambodia.  They stick a giant visa in your passport that takes up a whole page, so each time you do that you have one less free page.  I think going to Malaysia is better because no visa required, so no giant stickers in your passport and no visa fees.  Flights to Kuala Lumpur are often the cheapest from Bkk these days.  You can theoretically do a land border run to Malaysia but it would be a long train ride for most people. 

  8. 3 hours ago, JimTripper said:

    I mean the central area in general which is very walkable. The area near pattaya klang and big c has many condos with everything you need within walking distance. Lots of quality older condo's around with large rooms, for example PKCP Tower.


    The problem for me is that although there are conviences around, I don't like the central area that much otherwise and like the beach area a bit better. Old story really, you can't have everything.

    Yes, being around Big C Extra is good. I haven't found many decent options around there that appeal to me. Nurun reminds me more of a penitentiary than a condo.  Apus is way overpriced for what you get.  I kind of like LK Legend.  I would seriously consider it if I found something there for the right price.

  9. 3 hours ago, JimTripper said:

    Yes, I know. I almost rented at 5D. I chose center instead because I don't want to walk that far to eateries each time. I'm also near the Big C so don't have issues getting anything I need easily and quickly.

    What "center" are you referring to?  Center Condotel is not anywhere near a Big C.

  10. 6 minutes ago, JimTripper said:

    Are you going to get a motorbike? If that small incline bothers you you may have difficulty walking around that area in general, even though it's flat. Make sure you walk around the area with daily needs in mind.

    I walk several km every week.  Small inclines do not bother me, just like walking up 3 flights of stairs do not bother me.  Doing that several times a day when it's 35c and 80% humidity DOES bother me, as it would any other living thing with a pulse. 


    A lot of people don't think of these little things that become annoying after living somewhere for a long time.  I do notice those things.

  11. On 1/4/2024 at 5:06 AM, GypsyT said:

    Yes! Can't understand that at all. There are many empty lots available if zoning allows supermarkets. They could make killing.

    Probably because a lot of the buildings are vacation condos.  There are not enough people there year-round 7 days a week to sustain a mall or supermarket.  The 7-11s and the open markets are probably good enough for most of those people with the occasional trip to FoodMart and Lotus.

  12. So I checked out VT 2A again the other day.  All units rented right now so I can't see just how small a 37sqm is.  That includes balcony so it's more like 33 not including that.  One thing that bothers me about 2A is the lineup for the elevator.  That would drive me nuts standing around waiting for the elevator and then packing in with all my bags and stuff with everyone else and trying to avoid eye contact.  Living on the first 3 floors (so I can take the stairs instead of the elevator) sounds appealing but apparently mosquitos can be a problem if you do that.


    5D doesn't appear as busy so I think the elevator situation would be better there.  Being a bit more expensive keeps away a lot of the 2A riff raff as well.  Not as much stuff on the ground floor but that is not a deal breaker.  I'm not a fan of the 5D entrance.  The whole building is raised up because of the underground parking, so its more effort to climb up into the building.  Sounds trivial but not when you do it several times a day and it's 35c with 80% humidity.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Bandersnatch said:

    EV registrations in Thailand December 2023 total 9,258 cars. Breaking the highest record!

    25.34% of all cars 


    BYD Dolphin Reigning Champion followed by NETA V then BYD Seal




    I see lots of those BYD Dolphins around.

  14. I like Markland a lot and will second what someone else said, there seems to be an undersupply of beach view condos there in N. Pattaya. It's a nicer area with higher-end hotels and more well-to-do looking farangs around.  Only thing I don't like about Markland is the slow elevators.  Not a lot of condos for sale/rent in there.  That other one nearby called NorthShore is much newer/nicer but also a lot more expensive.

    • Like 1
  15. 4 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Yes, that is a nice VT in a nice location, got direct beach access and amongst the trendsetters. 



    VT3 pool restaurant has very reasonable prices.  Had a few breakfasts and lunches there.  VT2A pool restaurant is a total rip off.  At least twice the price for most things.

  16. On 1/4/2024 at 6:40 AM, CygnusX1 said:

    It’s fairly shady on the right hand side of Thepprasit walking towards Sukhumvit. I suppose it’s technically uphill, but I’ve not actually noticed any gradient. I’m mid sixties with an arthritic knee.

    That totally depends on the time of day.  Later on in afternoon yes, in spots.  There are still large open areas with no shade and the gradient is quite noticeable when it's 35c and 80% humidity.

  17. 23 hours ago, JimTripper said:

    3 months is nothing. I can eat at the cafe down there and be happy for 3 months. I'm talking about people that are living around there for a year or more.

    Yes, living there and only staying for 3 months in dry season are two complete separate things.

  18. On 1/4/2024 at 4:55 AM, CygnusX1 said:

    I’ve just paid half that for my annual VT5D fee, no mention of sinking fund. It’s a bit worrying, I’d prefer to pay more, but they’ve just redone the pool area without needing to raise any special levy, so finances don’t seem to be in too bad a shape. Both are huge bargains compared to Australia.

    How do you like living in 5D?  What side are you on?  How is the noise from the surrounding area and renovations?


    I can't decide between 5D or 2A for a trial run of a month or two before deciding if I want to stay longer term.  5D units tend to be bigger but also cost more.  No need to cross the street to get to the beach. 2A is better for things on that side of Thappraya like the Rattanakorn and Rompo markets, and Foodmart.

  19. 6 hours ago, Henryford said:


    So what's the alternative? Good luck getting a 48 sqm condo in the centre of Pattaya for 7-8000 a month, with a massive pool, loads of parking and low maintenance fees. I get the baht bus into town 2-3 times a week. OK the traffic is bad but it's only a 20 minute ride.

    I've only been looking in 2A and I am only seeing 37sqm for 10k right now.  I think most of those want a 1 year commitment as well.  You must be talking about 5C/D for 48sqm.  A quick google search shows them going for 15k right now.  Again, that is assuming a 1 year commitment.

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  20. 4 hours ago, Henryford said:


    I agree about Nirun, you couldn't pay me to live there. Don't agree about VT2 though, not isolated. On the baht bus route, easy to get to Jomtien or Pattaya. Foodmart just 100 yards away. Bus station 100 yards. Loads of bars restauatants with 400 yards. Short walk to the beach. VT2 is a great choice, at the lower end of the market.

    Rose colored glasses or trying to put lipstick on a pig?  About those baht buses.  Going over the hill a few times a week and sitting in the perpetual traffic jam near walking street gets old REAL fast.  On a short stay it's ok but for anything longer you will definitely want to get a scooter.  Foodmart only gets you so far grocery wise. There are not nearly as many restaurants around and things to do as there is in Pattaya.  No aircon malls around to hide out from the mid day heat.  The bus station is only used once when you arrive and leave.  Easy enough to bolt there from Pattaya.


    There are a couple much nicer places near Nurun.  Maxx City Condotel and LK Legend.  I think they cater more to vacation rentals though.  Not long term leases and sales.





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    3 hours ago, JimTripper said:

    Yeah, that was a bit weird. Sad actually. I think it's guys who are getting older and can't afford much and they just kind of get stuck there in Jomtein. There's worse places to be, but I would not want it to be my "end of the road" if you catch my drift.


    Jomtein can kind if be like that and it's a reason I moved out of the area to center. Another example is having breakfast in Jomtein near that condo. One guy on crutches sits down, then on the other side a jaded looking older guy, etc. The whole area made me feel old. I'm early 50's so I don't really want to live with 60's/70's. Not ready to retire yet on that level.

    If you think VT2 is bad you'll love Nurun.  It makes VT2 look like a 5 star resort.  One thing that makes Nurun better is that there is lots of stuff around within walking distance, including Big C Extra and Foodland, so not as isolated as VT2.

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