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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. On 4/2/2024 at 6:46 AM, NorthernRyland said:

    Does Thailand really need more pot smoking hippy backpackers? Those people really annoy me, man. I don't need more reasons but them coming to Chiang Mai in increasing numbers is reason enough to get away from this city.


    It makes no sense, Thai people aren't like that at all but the country has this reputation now for being a chilled out hippy hang out where you can smoke weed on the streets. 

    As opposed to before when it had a reputation for being a chilled out hippy hang out?  🤔

    • Agree 1
  2. On 3/29/2024 at 6:23 AM, jaywalker2 said:

    I heard from more than one person that VT8 and maybe VT5 only have ADSL, which I found hard to believe. Also,  I have heard that many buildings only have 3bb as a provider. What happened to True and AIS?

    Is this true?  I was seriously looking at VT5D instead of VT2A but no fiber would be a deal breaker for me.

  3. On 3/28/2024 at 1:55 AM, saintdomingo said:

    You seem to have your finger on the pulse how exactly does it work, I have been wondering.?

    Wish I could find a corrupt agent to lend me 800,000 baht.

    So the money is only loaned for a few days. That is interesting as the law says months.

    It's not for a few days, only a few minutes.   Just long enough for you to sign the paperwork at the bank.  TIT

  4. On 3/22/2024 at 4:13 AM, Aviatorhi said:

    I've been getting similar questions more and more when I get up to immigration (maybe the 50 or so visa exempt stamps have something to do with it, not sure), anyway - explaining what I do for a living clears it up in 30 seconds. Occasionally they will also ask if I have a girlfriend... Not sure of the relevance there, but last time when I said I don't the female officer asked if I want one... 555. 

    Now that you mention it, the immigration officer that pulled me aside was a younger female who was fairly easy on the eyes.  So the girlfriend question she asked could have been more than just for professional reasons, but who knows.  

    • Sad 1
  5. I rented most bikes out there and drove them several days to get a good feel for them.  Grand Filano hybrid was my favorite. Also one of the cheaper ones and even comes with front disk brakes and ABS.   I like it better than a PCX (way overpriced imo) or NMAX.  Clicks have the gas tank under the seat which is inconvenient and limits storage.  Grand Filano has tons of storage under the seat.  Also a nice wide comfortable seat.  More maneuverable and narrower than a lot of other bikes, so good for weaving around and going in between traffic.  Also very fun to drive.  Unlike something like a Scoopy or Lead, it's good for a taller person.  You sit higher so your knees are not up to your chest.  You see lots of little thai girls riding them as well, they just need to sit a little further forward.


    I haven't had the opportunity to rent a Giorno yet, so that is still on my todo list.  Visually, I prefer the look of the Filano, but I could probably get used to the look of the Giorno if I liked everything else about it.

    • Like 1
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  6. On 3/18/2024 at 6:35 AM, DrJack54 said:

    What immigration rules are your referring to.

    Yes there exists 2 visa exempt land border entries per calendar year. 

    There is no such rule for visa exempt entries via air. 

    Thailand could easily set more definitive rules. 

    They opt not to. 


    I was well within all those rules as well.  I only did one land border entry that renewed my METV for another 60 days.  The ONLY visa waiver I got was re-entering by air one time.  I had previously been in Thailand only about 4.5 months with a legit return ticket within 30 days.  So I was still well below the 6 months with proof I did not plan to stay that long.


    One of the problems with the METV is that the 6 months starts after it is issued, not after you first enter the country.  My consulate can sometimes take up to 2 weeks or more to issue them, so I can't wait till the last minute to get it before I go to maximize the 6 month duration.  Also, I hate leaving anything till the last minute so I got it about 45 days before.  That is why it expired after only about 4.5 months in country.


    This trip was the first time I tried staying for more than a couple months as a trial to see if want to retire in Thailand part time.  This experience didn't make me feel very welcome.  That and all the hassle with renewals, border runs, extensions, is making me rethink things.  They even wanted me to produce a TM.30 when I tried to extend for 30 days.  It's all a big hassle. 


    I might give the Philippines a go next winter since their visa process sounds easier.  If I do decide to make Thailand my asian base I'll probaby just bite the bullet and get a retirement visa. I'll still need to produce a TM.30.  This new tax thing will probably mean even more paperwork at a minimum.  It's definitely making me re-evaluate things.

  7. On 3/18/2024 at 6:12 AM, StandardIssue said:

    Simply put you been doing a long stay in Thailand by doing border. Thai immigration is discouraging long stays in Thailand via border runs and multiple tourist visas. You are using tourist visas and visa exemptions meant for tourist to long stay in Thailand. It is nothing new that they discourage this with the exception that they are clamping down on immigration policy and starting to enforce the ever changing, evolving and stricter immigration rules.

    Did you actually read what I did or are you just trying to make stuff up so you can argue with me about it?    Do you even know how an METV works and that it is different than a visa waiver?


    For anyone else who can't be bothered to read my OP.  I had ONE multi-entry tourist visa.  That is supposed to allow me to re-enter for up to 6 months.  I extended that by 30 days ONE time.  I did a land border run ONE time.  I went to Vietnam for a week and came back after my METV expired and they didn't want to issue a visa waiver even though I had previously been in Thailand only about 4.5 months and have a legit return ticket proving I am staying less than 6 months.  No grey areas, all well within the rules.

  8. On 3/8/2024 at 9:49 PM, Skeptic7 said:

    Really SMFH at anyone taking the side of Immigration on this and debating/disagreeing/condescending @shdmn

    A lot of people come to this forum just to argue with other people.  There was only one person in all of the comments who offered a reasonable opinion on the situation and how to avoid it in the future.

    • Sad 1
  9. On 3/7/2024 at 9:52 AM, Captain Monday said:

    As long as one does actually understand the limits of what  one  is issued feel free to call  90 days three months


    On two occasions different American persons  I was to at least hang out with in CM for dinners, set themselves up for overstay because they convinced themselves who knows how,  that were to be issued a free "one month visa on arrival"  at the airport.


    Of course they didn't know the day of arrival is day 1, over  in a few hours, 31 day months, leap year...


    The expiry date is stamped in your passport,  so unless you cannot read it's pretty hard to get that wrong.  But I am sure you will try find some other excuse to argue about it.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 19 hours ago, Lemsta69 said:


    The initial Non-Immigrant O Visa is for 90 days, not 3 months. 


    After that you get a 12 month extension of your permission to stay and can protect this with a single re-entry permit (฿1k) or multiple re-entry permit (฿4k). It is NOT a "12 month multi-entry visa".


    Re-entry permit is not required if you have no intention of leaving the country before the end of your permission to stay.


    I hope you're aware of all the pitfalls of using an agent to dodgy you up a "retirement visa". If not then best DYOR before diving in. The pros and cons have been discussed at length here on AN.

    Are you seriously going to try disagree with me because 3 months is not always exactly 90 days?  Really?? 🤦‍♂️


    This forum cracks me up sometimes.  If you say the sky is blue people would be trying to find reasons to disagree.

    • Confused 1
    • Agree 1
  11. 13 minutes ago, Upnotover said:

    It is a thing until Sydney joins the e-Visa party later this month.



    I guess if you live in the same city as your consulate where you can drop off and pick up your passport in person it's not that big a deal.  I don't, so the Evisa system has made things much easier for me.

  12. On 3/2/2024 at 3:35 AM, bmanly said:

    I am similar to you. I spend 4 or 5 Months in Thailand each year and I am a genuine tourist. I come and go regularly with side trips. The METV is perfect for me but I usually do the SETV as I can extend that one for 30 days and then I go for a break and return on a visa exempt. Perfect way to do 4 Months. To all the people saying that if you are over 50 you should get a retirement visa, you are wrong. I do not get yearly rental contracts, I move around and holiday about in Asia. I am not entitled to get one as I don't live there permanently. I am a retiree who travels a lot but prefers to base myself in Thailand. The Tourist Visa is the correct visa for me and I will continue to use them. In 34 years I have never been questioned by an immigration officer, 95% of all my entries have been on Tourist Visas.

    You are doing exactly the same thing as I am in that case. I totally agree that it's the correct visa and that using a visa exempt entry after it expires should not be an issue, so it was a surprise when I had problems.


    I went into an agent and asked about a retirement visa.  It's around 30,000b the first time.  That gets me the initial 3 month visa + the 12 month renewable multi-entry visa.  After that it's around 14,000b to renew each year if I get an agent to do it.  Apparently, they do pretty much do everything for you.  After factoring in my cost for a METV each trip + extensions + border runs, it's not much more expensive to just get the retirement visa and be done with it. No need to go through the extra hassle and all the paperwork, and I won't need to carefully plan my travel dates anymore.  So I might just do that.

    • Like 1
  13. On 3/1/2024 at 10:34 PM, Pattaya57 said:

    I'm 58 and spent 400+ days in Thailand last 2 years. Thailand just issued me another Tourist visa because that's what I am, a tourist there. Says so right on the visa 😉



    Why are you still getting stickers in your passport?  Is that still a thing in AUS?  EVisa is much easier and doesn't use up a page in your passport.  It's just a one page letter you print out and show to them.

  14. On 2/29/2024 at 11:01 PM, alex8912 said:

    It would not have been a problem. You should have entered just before METV expired. Super easy then to use the full 60 days AND even extend that 30 days. Also as mentioned why on earth the first time they asked you why were you here so long you should have politely said for more traveling while SHOWING them the copy of your return home in less than 30 days. They should NOT have asked YOU that.  I bet you have a stubborn streak in you. 

    I stood there and calmly answered their questions and even threw in a little bit of Thai.  It's hilarious reading these comments from the peanut gallery speculating that I must smell bad, be wearing offensive clothes, have offensive tattoos, and was arguing with them.  🤣 

    • Like 1
  15. 20 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:


    I use PerfectPlayer (which used to be PulseTV).  It's been glitchy for a while too (there's a separate thread running) and I was thinking of switching to WizzTV as it usually gets good feedback.  Now I'm not so sure!

    Besides the buffering problems, the other problem with Wizz is that it is more UK focused.  They have lots of UK/EU sports channels, especially soccer, which I have no interest in.  They have some US channels and sports channels as well but not as many as other more US oriented streaming services. 


    You can switch servers with their service, so I have been using the US/EU servers lately.  Those seem to have less buffering than their Asian servers. The main reason I got Wizz was because of the Asian servers to avoid buffering while in Thailand, which doesn't seem to be the case, so I don't see any technical advantage with them in Thailand.

  16. On 12/15/2023 at 11:49 AM, jonnybgood1 said:

    Ive been loving wizztv, been a customer a few months now since someone recommended it on here, it blows my old provider to shame cant belive it only works out less than 250thb a month, i just ordered a new Amazon 4k firestick for my bedroom which i found out can now get these from shoppee

    Don't believe these sham reviews from sockpuppet accounts with only 2 posts.  They must pay someone to post these on various forums.  It's been a horrible service for me in Thailand and now I am stuck with it for a year.  I also have a US based service with more US programming that has not had nearly as much buffering as this does, also a lot more of the US based programming I want to watch.  So now I am paying for two services when only one is of any use.  It was supposed to be better than other services because they have Asia-based servers.  That has not been my experience.  Waste of money. 


    No it's not just me.  It's been so bad they even sent out an email about it trying to blame Thailand internet providers.  Spoiler, the changes they claimed would fix it didn't.  I was having problems before this and these new apparent problems and changes have only made it worse.  MUCH worse.



    Attention WizzTV Thailand Subscribers!

    We have an important announcement regarding internet related issues in Thailand.

    Internet Troubles? We've got you covered!
    Network Service Interruptions

    Dear WizzTV Thailand subscribers,We have recently received reports of intermittent internet connectivity issues when accessing our streaming service in Thailand, specifically for users directed to our Asia server. We understand the frustration this may cause and want to assure you its a Network issue within thailand, we are actively working on a solution.

    We have spoken to AIS, True and 3bb and got a lot of information to whats causing this, This has helped us put a quick fix in place and direct all customers to Singapore networks and eveything seems to be running smoothly again, soon as we hear networks here are working 100% again we will direct eveyone back


  17. On 2/27/2024 at 9:55 PM, Sheryl said:

    It may be enough for you but would definitely not be for most people.


    Sleep requirements are very, very individual.


    Number of hours needed per night do tend to decrease with age. I'm needing 1-2 hours less now than when I was young. But that still puts me at 7-8 hours.

    This has been my experience as well.  I used to need at least 8-9.  Now I can get by with 7-8.  Six is ok sometimes but I will often feel like a nap in the afternoon if I only get that.

  18. 13 hours ago, advancebooking said:

    If Ive never meditated before how do I do that? thanks

    The easiest for beginners is to breath in and count on exhale.  Do that up to 4 then repeat.  Only focus on that and nothing else.  I use that to help me take a nap in the afternoon.  It's technically not supposed to be used for that but that is what often happens to me when I do it.  If you get really good at it and can totally clear your mind, without falling asleep, then it gives you the some of same benefit as sleep.

  19. I have exactly the same problem as OP. Good to know I am not the only one.  I've been tested for sleep apnea and snoring and it's not that.  I don't need to get up to pee that often either. Tried some of the suggestions here by eating a banana before bed and taking a melatonin.  Didn't really help.  The biggest annoyance is waking up several times at night then often not being able to fall back asleep.


    I found that getting some direct sunlight (no sunglasses) first thing in the morning (before 9am) helps me a little bit.  I read that it helps to reset your circadian clock.  I also quit drinking coffee completely and avoid any other caffeine beverages.  Both those seem to help a little bit as well.  Especially when it comes to taking a nap in the afternoons, which I also recently started doing.  It is still a problem sometimes though.  Taking some diphenhydramine early in the morning when I wake up and can't get back to sleep seems to work pretty well.  That's not a long term solution though.

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