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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. 3 hours ago, Fairynuff said:

    Suggesting masks don’t  help is even further beyond ridiculous. It was never “ solution “.Most people still wear them here and infections are considerably lower than a basket case like the UK where people have consistently been  rattling on about their right not to wear a mask. 

    How do you explain the previous wave in Thailand where cases exploded when everything was shut down and everyone was wearing masks while the western world, including UK, were going down?  Also, how do you explain China which still gets out breaks despite it practically being a capital crime to not wear a mask.

    • Like 2
  2. As some else here mentioned your best bet if you can find someone willing to give you cuttings.  They may also be referred to as clones.  Typically it's the tips of unflowered branches from a mother plant.  The biggest benefit is that you are guaranteed a female if cloning a female.

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 7/7/2022 at 7:52 PM, ubonjoe said:

    You can apply for a non-o visa with a 30 day visa exempt entry or the 30 day extension of it. You must have 15 days remaining on your stay to apply for it.

    Requirements are here. https://www.immigration.go.th/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/6.FOR-PROVIDING-SUPPORT-TO-OR-BEING-A-DEPENDANT-OF-A-THAI-CITIZEN-SPOUSE-VISA-NON-O.pdf

    Then during the last 30 days of the 90 day stay the non-o visa allows you could apply for a one year extension of stay based upon marriage to a Thai.

    Will this work coming in on a 60 day tourist visa as well?

  4. I think some visa agents used to be able to take your passport and do the border run for you for a fee.  Presumably by greasing the appropriate palms.   In that case an METV would probably work.  Not sure if they are still doing that or not.  Worst case is they can't and you have to do the border run yourself.


    Not sure how hard the METV is to get these days.  Taking the rules at face value it sounds like they want to know your entire itinerary before hand on each exit/entry, which sounds like a big PiTA to me. Unless they don't really expect you to have all those details ahead of time but ask for it anyways and will still approve it.

  5. 8 minutes ago, dj230 said:

    I only like tech stocks and high growth, most are done correcting, what’s holding markerts up is other sectors not tech, tech is near done it’s correction 

    Best of luck with that.  Tech could drop considerably more. Again, nobody knows for sure.  There could be some fake rallies too.  Just about every crash has some of those.

  6. On 6/15/2022 at 10:42 PM, Bert got kinky said:


    Now how to overly tax it, like everything else. 

    I would happily pay tax, providing these prices start becoming more reasonable.


    They will.  It started out expensive in Canada too.  Took a couple years but prices are fairly cheap now.  Everyone is allowed to grow their own too soooo.

  7. 55 minutes ago, dj230 said:

    Lots of Mega caps and growth stocks already at March 2020 bottoms, so unless they were overvalued during a market crash in 2020 then they aren’t overvalued now as their revenue and earnings are even higher. 

    Many good large cap stocks still are overvalued.  I think this drop still has a ways to go.  I am dollar cost averaging in a little bit but just dipping my toes right now.  This drop could be going till the end of the year before it starts showing signs of life again but nobody knows for sure.

  8. 3 hours ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

    In Canada it is around $3/gram. USA it is around $20/gram. I asked many people why it is so cheap in Canada and so expensive in USA. Nobody could gave me convincing answer. In Thailand are they selling flowers or leaves? Does it show THC content? Or is it a big scam?

    The only stuff I see approaching $3/gr on the gov't store website (which is the cheapest place to get it) is if you buy in bulk (30gr or approx. 1oz, which is the max allowed).   If you are just buying a few grams at a time the average price seems to be closer to $10CDN/$8US per gram for small quantities.  Anything below around $10CDN requires you to buy at least 10gr minimum.


    I won't post the link because I am not sure if that is allowed or if it accessible outside the country but just google "bc cannabis store".

  9. 42 minutes ago, Neeranam said:


    I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss his....umm...logic.  I chopped the head off a chicken and watched it run around and the pattern lines up with the math!   


    I told my astrologer about it she said that my aura shows that there is definitely a great financial event happening to me in 2029.

    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Kinnock said:

    It could be argued that this is a rather selfish viewpoint.


    If age has dimished reaction times, then in a car you are putting others at risk, but on a bike, mainly just putting yourself at risk.


    I still ride my motorcycle and I'm no youngster, but if I feel I can't ride any more, I'll not be driving a car either.

    It is better to be skin surrounded by metal than metal surrounded by skin.

  11. That is one of the benefits of using vape oil cartridges, which sadly are not legal in Thailand yet.  There is little or no smell so you can even use them indoors without anyone noticing.  A bathroom fan is more than enough to prevent any smell at all.


    They are a lot healthier than smoking bud as well, which is supposedly worse than smoking cigarettes for your lungs (ie. no filters).

  12. This thread is almost certainly a wind up but I'll bite.  Instead of putting all your eggs in one basket why not buy some tech stocks as well?  They are more or less correlated anyways.


    GOOG, AAPL, and AMZN are down something like 30% right now and they actually do real stuff that makes real money.  It's a much surer bet than bitcoin, which has no intrinsic value.

  13. 3 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Imagine if that money would be spend on schools and education in that country...

    I think the annual budget for DoD is something like 700 billion.  So relatively speaking I don't think it's that much.  I think it is more necessary now that we have two giant nuclear superpowers acting very aggressively and authoritarian to try help protect the world order.

  14. I've had good success meeting girls hanging out with other farangs at hotel pools.  Right away you know they are into farangs....in theory.  Just strike up a casual conversation and try find out where they work/live etc. for when farang guy goes back to farang land. 


    Maybe try find some excuse to get their Line.  Obviously it is better if you try do that when farang guy is not around but sometimes they don't care that much if she's just a holiday girlfriend or whatever.

    • Thanks 1
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