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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. There is nothing foolish about being alone down there at 11pm, which is not even that late. I guarantee you there was more to it than that. The only problem I have ever had on beach road late at night (much latter than 11pm) are the ladyboys hanging around there trying to pick pocket people. As long as you don't look like an easy mark staggering all over the place and you don't let them get close to you they won't try anything. I've NEVER seen anyone have problems being jumped by Thai guys unless they provoked them in some way.
  2. It may provide a bit more protection from the sniffles just like the annual flu shot. If you are in poor health already it could make the difference between hospitalized or not.
  3. There are literally hundreds of different providers you can use to do this. If you have a US mobile SIM card (you required to a US mobile phone number sign up), the easiest is to to sign up with Google Voice. It's 100% free to make calls to North America, even if you are physically in Thailand. No configuration required, just install the Google Voice app. Lots and lots of other providers if Google Voice doesn't work for you. Another one I use is https://voip.ms/ There are plenty of others. If they don't have an android app you can just install a generic one like zoiper or bria.
  4. She was a bed ridden 86yo with alzheimers. Of course it was age related.
  5. You mean a bed ridden 86 year old with Alzheimers might not have been in peak physical condition? ????
  6. I was a little worried before being vaxxed. A couple weeks after my first jab and given my health I knew I didn't have much to worry about. I've had 3 jabs now and my only worry is wondering when I can travel again without too much hassle. I think the world HUGELY overreacted to Omicron and I worry they will do it again with the next major variant that comes along. Bureaucrats seem to have gotten used to the idea of adding restrictions to our everyday lives and I think it's time people started to pushing back hard against that!
  7. Thai guys won't jump you unless provoked in some way. Just sitting alone drinking a beer is certainly not a reason. The guy was probably hammered and mouthing off or something.
  8. There is ALWAYS a reason and it usually involves the farang doing something stupid or being an ahole.
  9. That's an understatement. Stick really went off the deep end on the bar scene. Claimed all the girls had HIV and all the farang that went to those places were STD riddled drunks and scumbags. Talk about alienating your audience.
  10. They should have kept Test&Go going. As flawed as it is, it did it did make things easy enough to get quite a few tourists coming in. Now that they stopped it a lot of people won't trust anything they do even if they bring it back.
  11. I got a really sore arm with AstraZeneca too although Moderna was probably a bit worse. Almost nothing at all with Pfizer. All 3 shots were in the same area of the same arm.
  12. It's not a sore arm because of the needle. It's from the body's reaction to the vaccine. I could not sleep on that side and couldn't even lift my arm the next day.
  13. Anyone know what is happening with the Bangkok-Pattaya high speed railway? The status is still listed as planning when they were supposed to have started construction a long time ago. I think one of the problems is they are still trying to establish right of way.
  14. That is because the US is filled with overweight anti-vaxxers that watch too much Faux News. If you want to look at what is going to happen in the rest of the world look at the UK. Cases have peaked and hospitalizations should start plummeting soon. The US is about 2-3 weeks behind the UK.
  15. First shot Astrazeneca, 2nd Pfizer, 3rd Moderna. Both Astrazeneca and Moderna made me feel horrible the next day. Pfizer didn't do anything. Paracetamol helped. No problems with urination.
  16. I believe that still needs to be arranged by a 3rd party, with the goal being to forcing to you sign up for a package tour and stay in an expensive resort for several days. No way around that as far as I know.
  17. Not if you test postive as a tourist on arrival. They are still trying to send those people to hospitels (not to be confused with hospitals) as far as I know.
  18. The hospitals and hospitels (covid positive quarantine hotels) will be full if they insist on doing that to everyone who tests positive, so they won't have any choice but to tell people to quarantine at home or their booked hotel/condo etc.
  19. When you get older you need more protein because your body is not as good at processing it. I think that is partly why you see so many older guys looking all shriveled up. Yogurt and nuts are not going to cut it imo. You need some meat in there as well, or protein powder, or both. At least 1g of protein per kg weight per day. If working out regularly then maybe 1.5. You also need to spread that out throughout the day. You can't just inhale half a chicken in one meal and expect your body to be able to process all of it the way it might have been able to do when you were younger. A chicken breast has about 30-50g of protein btw. A little 7/11 container of yogurt (170ml) might have about 17g. 10 almonds have maybe 2.5g.
  20. Panama and Colombia have their own problems. I don't think either is cheaper than Thailand. Panama beauracracy can be a problem dealing with. They are always changing their rules. Also, everyone will try charge you gringo prices. Especially in Panama. More so than what Thailand does. Lots of petty crime too.
  21. If Vietnam ever starts issuing retirement visas they will blow Thailand away.
  22. Hey everyone, Issan women are great. I give my Issan girl all my money to do whatever she wants with, and supplicate to her every whim, and I never have any problems with her. ????‍♂️
  23. Yes. We don't quarantine people when they get the flu and omicron should be treated no differently. At a minimum, they should follow what other countries are doing and reduce the quarantine down from whatever it is now to 5 days. People who work for SHA+ hotels and restaurants are all vaccinated, so they can be exposed without much danger. That was the whole point of SHA+. You seem to be as confused about the whole point of vaccination as a lot of other people. It always was and always will be primarily to prevent hospitalization. Trying to prevent catching it, maybe getting the sniffles, and spreading it always was and always will be secondary. They were hopeful vaccines would also do that but it's just not the case with omicron.
  24. Show me this proof. For every one country, or province, or state, that did it and thinks it slowed the spread, I will show you two countries, or provinces or states in the same country, that didn't do anything and it still slowed. Those are just the outbreaks coming in waves. Not the restrictions.
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