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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. I see the new gov't coalition wants to try make cannabis illegal again. I hope that's more bark than bite.
  2. Tourism is picking up? According to this board Thailand is totally doomed and the serial whiners around here are never wrong.
  3. Keep posting if you want to embarass yourself more. ????
  4. I found shirts with the exact pattern I am looking for at the night market in Jomtien and at a store in Royal Garden Plaza mall in Pattaya. Unfortunately, I haven't found one with the right color scheme just yet.
  5. I hear that the location of Jimmy Hoffa's body is also located on Hunter Biden's laptop. Everyone is talking about it. All the best people. Ask anyone.
  6. There may even be a few 'random' accidents involving motorcycle drivers wearing dark visor helmets in the days and weeks to come.
  7. With the exception of sandflies, can find those other things just about anywhere.
  8. It should be pretty straight forward. Google it if you can't figure it out.
  9. There is no password required for tethering because only the device phsically plugged into the phone has access. The hotspot feature obviously does have a password. You use that if you want to connect more than one device or don't want to have the phone physically plugged into your laptop. Also comes in handy if the signal is weak. You can put the phone near areas of your room that may have better signal strength, like near windows or doors.
  10. No, it's on my phone. I can just use that as a hot spot or tethered. I don't need a modem.
  11. As above poster stated, it totally depends on your location and signal strength. I currently am getting 29Mbps down and 12 up. When I go to the mall near me I can get much faster than that.
  12. Less touristy and lower prices. If you spend enough time in Pattaya you will find you want to stay away from tourist areas more and more. Especially during high season.
  13. Where do you get 1% from? There are small flat rate transaction fees yes, but they are very transparent about those.
  14. You are asking someone, who just wants to complain about everything for the sake of complaining, to actually apply logic and reason to their baseless argument.
  15. That is not exactly accurate. All the gov't did was decriminalize marijuana. Selling marijuana for recreational use was never a part of that.
  16. As long as you already have a prescription it's probably going to be cheaper buying them online. I buy them from eyebuydirect.com in the US. I am assuming there are online place in Thailand.
  17. Disable the feature that lets people automatically add you.
  18. There are autoflower strains that will flower after about 3-4 months regardless of light. I know someone growing one on their balcony right now and it's doing quite well. Should start flowering pretty soon. Just look for anyone selling "autoflower" seeds or seedlings.
  19. I've seen a few people around Pattaya wearing them. I assumed I could find them at Buakhao market, Mikes Mall, or Pattaya Night Bazaar market but I could not find them there. I will ask the person next time I see someone wearing one. Does anyone know where to get them in Pattaya? I've seen a few variations but I want the one that looks similar to the image below. Note the spacing between leaves. I found other variations around town but I want this one. The image below is not what I want. I did find that one for sale in a clothes booth in front of Central Festival, but I am not interested in that variation. There are a few different variations and color schemes. I've seen light background and black/dark background. I have seen green background/leaf, blue background/leaf, black background etc. I like all those as long is it's similar leaf pattern as the top image. Not like the image at the bottom which is too busy looking imo.
  20. I can certainly agree with the "guess" part. ????
  21. Yes it is. I walk around every day seeing stuff growing on the side of the soi's all over the place just like any other plant. Probably with very little care and attention. There is a reason it's called "weed". I also know people growing stuff on their balconies without much difficulty. There are certain strains that are more well adapted to Thailands climate and those are the ones that should be grown outdoors. For outdoor growing in Thailand with minimal effort I would recommend an autoflower strain. Google should be able to help with that. People selling seeds should be of some help as well.
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