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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. Pretty much. It seems to be the sole reason most are here, because they are unhappy with their own lot in life and want to blame someone, so may as well blame Thailand. They can't fit in there and have nowhere else to go that is any better.
  2. Fun fact, you can get dysentery from brushing your teeth with the water or having your mouth open in a shower just as easily as if you drank the water. All it takes is a drop. I think that is probably how most people get it because most don't seem to realize this. This is all assuming there are bad bugs in the water to begin with. If so don't do anything with it including brushing your teeth and keep your mouth closed tight in the shower.
  3. He posted some article from nypost. Those people are not even worth responding to. ???? That same 'news' site posted some BS about how tRump advised Elon on the Twitter deal. Elon tweeted that the story was a complete fabrication and he has not talked to cheeto benito at all about anything. The people who read that stuff and watch Fox are sad pathetic creatures living in their own imaginary worlds
  4. Awfully quiet in here. Where are all the normally very verbose and opinionated crypto moonbois? Did something happen? ????
  5. Have you seen TSLA stonk lately? He can't afford it anymore. That's the real reason he's waffling now.
  6. The only people making consistent money from crypto are the people skimming the transactions, which is ironic considering one of the biggest selling feature of crypto was that it was supposed to bypass traditional banking fees.
  7. So they want to wait and see what happens after sonkran to decide what requirements they need for tourists even though all of this almost zero to do with arriving tourists in cause or effect. So glad they are still following the science. ????‍♂️
  8. I would consider a trip to Madagascar if flights were reasonable. For me it's about twice the cost of flying to SE Asia so not a very good option for me.
  9. Anyone who wants to get vaccinated can get vaccinated. There is more than enough to go around and many countries are throwing away expired doses now. No idea what you are going on about an imaginary failed program. ???? Are they supposed to be somehow responsible for people not willingly getting vaccinated? Do you think they should be going door to door forcing people to get vaccinated?
  10. They are saying it will be done at the airport. That seems to imply no more T&G. They are still just talking about it though. They have changed their minds or added more rules on numerous occasions so I will believe it when it actually happens.
  11. Meh, I think they have been phoning it in for awhile now and don't really care anymore with all the toxic stuff that is allowed around here.
  12. I'm gonna wait they they drop T&G entirely. Hopefully by June.
  13. You still need RT-PCR if travelling through Hong Kong starting Apr 1. Needless to say, I won't be going through Hong Kong as long as they have silly requirements like that.
  14. As long as Poutine and his hardline cronies remain in power that won't be enough.
  15. I was pretty offended by that whole bit with that woman groping Brolin and that other guy and joking about some other actor asking "are you legal". It wasn't what she did or said, it was the double standard where that is considered an acceptable bit but if the genders are reversed it's not. Regarding the Smith nontroversy. I could be wrong but I think they clear some of the potentially objectionable jokes with everyone beforehand.
  16. They did and they are. The reason they are dropping the pre-test requirement is because they are competing with Vietnam and Philippines now and trying to do one better. Hopefully they get rid of T&G all together by May/June.
  17. It's endemic. Get rid of everything. EVERYTHING! The science no longer supports any of these dumb policies. It's all politically driven now.
  18. Air fryers use a much more powerful fan than convection ovens, so it cooks faster and also helps it seal in the juices better. It does fry in the sense that the food looks and tastes just like fried food without having to use nearly as much oil. Some convection toaster ovens with a bit more power fan call themselves air fryers but they are not as good as the purpose build cylindrical air fryers imo. The purpose built ones have a more powerful fan that blows directly down on the food.
  19. I love mine. Don't know what I would do without it now. My advice is to just get a really cheap one if you haven't owned one before and avoid the small ones. It should be medium size at a minimum because you need lots of space around the food to allow the air to circulate. Get a proper cylindrical one designed specifically for air frying. Not those toaster ovens that try do both. Just about anything you can make in a frying pan can be made in an air fryer and doesn't need much if any oil. I even use it to make toast. It cooks meat really well. Crispy on the outside and tender/juicy on the inside.
  20. So they are ok with crowded gatherings like songkran with lots of virus infected water splashing around but people sitting in a bar drinking is still considered too risky? ????
  21. For Vietnam, my understanding is only supervised antigen test 24hrs before or RT-PCR test 72hrs before is required. No quarantine hotel required but I think you need 10k covid insurance.
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