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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. Oh come on now. I suppose you also think the swastika I have tattooed on the back of my neck, the "I'm here for the Ho's" t-shirt I was wearing, and the fact I haven't bathed in over a week might have also been a problem.
  2. I am of the opinion this website should do what a lot of other sites are doing and ban all political talk. It's too toxic and attracts all the wrong sorts of people.
  3. Yes, I suspect that was it. I didn't want to go to Vietnam near Tet & Chinese New Year so delayed by a week, which mean't I would come back after my multi-entry expired. I knew I would be here less than 30 days when re-entering with a legit return ticket as proof, so that is how I planned it. I will plan more carefully next time to make sure I don't do that again. I am still concerned that it would have been a problem even if my multi-entry did not expire. They didn't specifically say that a waiver was the problem. They just didn't seem to like that I was mostly in Thailand for 5 months, besides the 2 weeks in Vietnam. The issue of using a multi-entry in combination with a waiver never even came up. The agent spoke decent English, so communication was not a problem.
  4. Your point? I have been coming here for 20+ years, not once ever having a problem....until now. My plan until this happened was to use Thailand as a base and travel around Asia for 6 months of the year. The 6 month multi-entry is supposed to be designed precisely for that exact purpose.
  5. My appearance or smell was absolutely positively not it, but thanks for the laugh. As you can see from my picture below, I am a distinguished older gentleman of impeccable taste and charm.
  6. Hopefully this is something SCOTUS cannot try mess with since it is a civil state trial. I would not put anything past them trying to find some loophole to get around that.
  7. Do you have some sort of mental condition where you only see words in bold?
  8. But the rules say I can come and go as much as I want on a multi-entry within 6 months. They also say you can come and go from airports as much as you want on waiver on arrival, within reason. If those are not the rules then change them. The uncertainly of what random immigration agents decide to do, depending how they feel that day, even if you do everything by the book, is the problem.
  9. I could do that, or just get a retirement visa since I am over 50. That's not the point. The point is that I followed the rules and was still made to feel unwelcome. No guarantees that getting either of those other visas will solve that. It makes me want to reconsider retiring here when there are other countries who seem to have much more welcoming visa rules for people like me. There are limits to what I will put up with no matter how much I like it here. The new tax rules are another thing that concern me. It's not just this.
  10. What you are talking about is people who do stuff that is not by the book. Multiple border runs and just doing visa waivers several times over and over again. I didn't do that. Everything I did was completely by the book.
  11. This is a first for me. I did everything by the book as far as I can tell. I'll follow the rules but it would help to know what the rules are. I've been in Thailand almost 5 months on a multi-entry visa. Extended by 30 days once and did a border run to renew for another 60 days. Then I went to Vietnam for several days. During that time my multi-entry visa expired so I knew I could not use that again on re-entry. However, I am going back to my home country within 30 days, so I knew that a waiver on arrival would suffice. Upon arrival they pulled me off to the side and kept asking me what I am doing here. What do I do for work. Do I have a girlfriend here. How long am I staying. They asked me how long I am staying several times. I think what ultimately saved me is when I showed them my return ticket back to my home country within 30 days. However, they didn't ask for it. They didn't seem to want to give me a 30 day waiver no matter what. I had to sell it to them that I was definitely going back home within 30 days this time, no more border runs or extensions. I will not be here longer than 6 months total and this is the first 30-day waiver on arrival I have gotten in that time. I was out of the country more than just a couple days so that can't be it either. What was the problem exactly? They never really said and I didn't want to ask. Once I got my stamp I was out of there. This new BS trying to get back in and all the other bureaucratic hassles for renewals piling up, like the TM30 requirement they are getting strict about, and now the tax thing, doesn't make me feel very welcome here anymore. Vietnam is talking about give out 90 day visa waivers on arrival for people from North America. They don't seem to care how many times you do border runs to renew that, land or air, so if that happens then Vietnam will start to look a lot more appealing to me. Philippines doesn't have any visa hassles either. Also, no tax issues to worry about.
  12. Aaand it's back up again. I'm sure the anonymous internet people will be claiming they timed the market almost perfectly again. It's funny how they seem to be so good at that.
  13. 9 Karat is quite a bit worse than Nirun. I would say about as bad as Flybird but more quiet location. The pool is not bad though. Pattaya Pad is about the same as Nirun imo but no pool. It's more of a high rise so hard to compare. Pattaya Plaza is not a consideration for me being on the other side of Sukhumvit. If I am going to live in a dump, I want to at least be on the Pattaya side. I would rather live in Spanish Condo than on the other side of Sukhumvit. Looks very quiet and peaceful there. Haven't look inside any of the buildings though. The ones closer to Sukhumvit don't look too bad. Bit if a walk to anything.
  14. I'd never been to Flybird before so I decided to check it out. It was every bit as bad as it looks in the pictures. The hallways are even worse! I hadn't been to Nirun in a couple years. After seeing Flybird it looked downright posh in comparison. Better than I remember. Maybe they are doing a better job cleaning the hallways and fixing light fixtures now. Some of the condos for rent there don't look too bad for the price.
  15. It's not that easy from what I have heard.
  16. Why don't you post your links that say they are going to be taxed? Let's start with this one. I can't be bothered to watch whole video again to give you the exact time stamps so you will just have to watch it yourself. Or this one.
  17. Pensions will not be taxed, but I am sure you will find some other reason to whine.
  18. They appear to have Heinz brand as well.
  19. Check out Siamburi's, on the darkside. They show some pictures of condensed soup on their facebook page. Not Campbells but a british brand, "Bachelors". They also appear to have Heinz brand. https://www.facebook.com/SiamburisExpatStore/ They appear to do online order/delivery as well. https://expatfoodsthailand.com/product-category/tins-soup/
  20. Flybird is a dump. Probably even worse than Nurun. Certainly not worth bragging about at any price.
  21. Did it ever occur to you that this could be the same person that started both threads? Hence the skepticism of any account with little or no post history.
  22. The other favorite one is guys pretending they made it all in crypto.
  23. Definitely some kind of wind up if this is what they have to say on their first post with a new account.
  24. What is that even supposed to mean? Can't you just admit you are wrong instead of posting some lame attempt at deflection? If you can't see that there are a lot foreigners around with money then you are blind.
  25. They are around. I know a few of them. Most seem to be trust fund babies though. They usually try pass themselves off as being independently successful. Pretending they made it all through investing or running a successful business or whatever, but I can usually see right through that.
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