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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. Many good large cap stocks still are overvalued. I think this drop still has a ways to go. I am dollar cost averaging in a little bit but just dipping my toes right now. This drop could be going till the end of the year before it starts showing signs of life again but nobody knows for sure.
  2. The only stuff I see approaching $3/gr on the gov't store website (which is the cheapest place to get it) is if you buy in bulk (30gr or approx. 1oz, which is the max allowed). If you are just buying a few grams at a time the average price seems to be closer to $10CDN/$8US per gram for small quantities. Anything below around $10CDN requires you to buy at least 10gr minimum. I won't post the link because I am not sure if that is allowed or if it accessible outside the country but just google "bc cannabis store".
  3. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss his....umm...logic. I chopped the head off a chicken and watched it run around and the pattern lines up with the math! I told my astrologer about it she said that my aura shows that there is definitely a great financial event happening to me in 2029.
  4. So no more covid insurance correct? The story doesn't address that specifically.
  5. Who could have predicted. ????‍♂️
  6. Guy was 51 years old. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that although it could have helped aggravate it by causing the guy to freak out from being too high or whatever, it probably didn't cause the heart attack directly.
  7. I agree and that is what I am doing. There are starting to be some bargains out there for good value stocks. I think there is more pain ahead though, so I am only dipping my toes in right now.
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