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Everything posted by Screaming

  1. Well, I must admit that I admire the Chinese for their manners, especially in the Buffet lines and there is shrimp available. OK, let me see what else...........oh almost forgot.....the quiet manner in which the Chinese speak especially when around other non-Chinese. And lets not forget that the Chinese make sure they stamp out their large loogie (spit) when they lob it on the carpet.
  2. It looks like Trump is the man. MAGA 2024
  3. I think almost anyone could replace him and do a better job.
  4. It might have to do with the state of Inebriation of the foreigners doing the walking.
  5. I get so stressed out driving in Thailand. The motorbikes drive me crazy the way they weave in and out of traffic. Sometimes I just want to run them over. I would like to reform myself so I just laugh at their antics and wish them a long life so they can continue to terrorize other drivers, including myself.
  6. I have a digital scale and weight myself every morning. My weight has not changed much since I was in high school even though I am now in my 70s. I weight my self as part of a total health plan including a home blood pressure test. My mother died at the age of 58 from cancer that possibly could have been treated and enabled her to live a much longer life. She ignored early signs of this cancer including weight loss.
  7. It is more of an issue of poor rather than cheap. This is why you see expats riding a Honda Wave 125 rather than drive a car. And why you see expats living in a 38 meter room with their little brown tee luk.
  8. I would have to agree, the 90 day report is BS. I also never do it and just pay my agent the extra fee along with my yearly Visa expense. I also do not keep 800,000 BAHT in the bank, that is stupid. My agent takes care of everything for me.
  9. You obviously must be using a Macbook.
  10. A guy in his 30s coming to Thailand for love, things must be getting really bad in his country, poor thing.
  11. Bring in more quality tourists from China, Russia, India, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and the likes. Its all about money with the Thais, nothing else maters to them.
  12. Actually, it was the driver of the motorbike's fault. No one in their right mind would get on a motorbike in Thailand.
  13. Nothing is mentioned about reducing corruption of course because Thailand is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. The Land Department of Thailand is the most corrupt agency in Thailand. All you hear the government talk about is tying to encourage tourism not about trying to encourage other countries to invest in business in Thailand. That is because other countries know how corrupt Thailand is and avoid it.
  14. A recent poll has been taken and 72 percent of Palestinians support Hamas. So it seems that these so called 7000 children were killed by the actions of their parents. It seems the Palestinians really do not care about the lives of their children.
  15. I find it interesting how some people try to justify their perversions by using ChatCPT.
  16. Most of these people have Trump Derangement Syndrome.
  17. No one in their right mind drives motorbikes in Thailand.
  18. I blame the motorcycle driver, no one in their right mind should be riding a motorcycle in Thailand.
  19. Ford lost around $36,000 for every electric vehicle it sold in the quarter. https://insideevs.com/news/693626/ford-cuts-ev-investment-after-losing-36000-usd-every-ev-sold-q3/ If it was not for government incentives in the United States, electric vehicle sales would plummet. It is really sad that each taxpayer in the United States is subsidizing the EV market.
  20. Stupid is as stupid does, one less motorbike on the road.
  21. Transam, I think you are wasting you time and breath with this left wing, socialist poster.
  22. Free does one no good when you cannot get in the door for "Free." I guess this is why many British citizens leave the country to get quality health care. The rest suffer and many die.
  23. I agree, Kenya and Africa would still be in the stone age if it was not for the British. Under the British you could travel to many countries in Africa, now it is a no-go continent mired in wars.
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