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Everything posted by HandsomeTallFarang

  1. This is absurd. A satellite, from Thailand? You sure not a perpetual energy machine? Or how about the solution to world hunger? Those things might as well be as much as a fairy tale as a Thai satellite in orbit making any difference whatsoever, other than for keeping up appearances and being able to pretend they're a big boy country with modern infrastructure
  2. Truly the hero and saint that the Thai people don't deserve. He's too good for this world!
  3. They need to abolish the 'wai' already, as it's a formal sign of respect, these jokers using it with a smug grin with a laundry list of dishonest acts is a slap in the face to Buddhism
  4. He'll come in here and make up a dumb story about how every Bargirl he paid for called him Mister Big in bed, and then everybody clapped and said "Bob Smith is a rockstar"
  5. If there wasn't cheap and easy women everywhere, nobody would come here.
  6. Thai explaination, probably: "It was their Karma." Great! I'll use that one when asked why I don't give a single baht to the numerous beggars who accost me (yes, accost, as I don't see them shaking their cups at the sea of their own countrymen). It was their Karma to become a beggar, better to not interfere with destiny.
  7. Saw a real WINNER the other day: Somchai on a half-wai Scoopi special PoS, no helmet, flipflops, but a brand new bright blue face mask! ???? of course speeding and with no tail lights at all, tunnel vision. It's like, you know how ULTRA-PC crybabies insist "Everyone is the same on the inside ☮️"? That's the biggest BS ever told. Some humans are practically completely different species from each other. Examine the brain and capabilities of a Chess-Prodigy, and then Somchai, and then with all seriousness tell me that "Everyone's the same on the inside!" When there is a demonstrably vast difference in intelligence and physical capabilities, but let's all keep pretending everyone "is the same" on the inside. We are not.
  8. They might want to get a pair of actual shoes first, as going suicide-speed with open toe flipflops seems to be the national pastime.
  9. Did they mistake Kazakhstan as one of the rich oil countries or something?
  10. My sides ???? Indians are dead-last when it comes to women choosing a mate. DEAD LAST. They openly despise indians. I have never seen "no European men" in a dating profile whereas I have seen NO INDIANS more than a few times. You're delusional, bud.
  11. Who is that Joker in the photo trying to bring industrial packing material into an airport and onto their flight? I swear you only see this dumbassery from Chinese and Thai, for what amounts to probably saving less than $15 in shipping costs. Absolutely pathetic.
  12. That is just one side of the issue with wheat. It causes inflammation because the body thinks it's being attacked by the hydrolyzed wheat-protein (gluten) and causes antibodies to release, and these disorders manifest as Celiac's and Chron's disease. Highly processed white bread and nearly all non Ezekiel bread just turns immediately into sugar in the body, spike insulin and creates inflammation.
  13. Ahh, Boomers complaining about things that don't affect them, a tale as old as they are. Someone being Vegan doesn't affect you. It doesn't affect your life whatsoever. At all. AT ALL. If you don't want to see Vegan stuff, stop searching for it or close your eyes. The existence of vegans does not affect your life, literally, in any way. Any way that you think they are affecting your life, is Just imagined / hallucination / a stretch so stretched it almost snaps in half. Get a hobby.????
  14. It's ok, it's just a boomer, their kind will be dead soon ????????
  15. Andy Kaufman lookin’ like a Walmart-Brand Weird Al Yankovich in that photo
  16. This entire post just screams desperate guy with no experience with women ???? you made SO many mistakes: 1. Getting involved with single mom with adult son. Why? You are presumably the wealthy farrang, your options are innumerable 2. Living with your Thai spouse. Nope, never. What do you have in common except sex? Nothing. Her hobbies are probably terrible Thai soap operas, issan music, Smartphones, and the lottery. Living with your spouse in general is a bad idea, even if they were perfect for you and you had the same language and the same passions/ similarly aligning tastes. That doesn't happen here for the most part. You're only with her to get some action not have discussions and share your passions with each other ???? 3. Again, willingly living with her family members. Why? Why not just find another woman who doesn't have so much baggage? Why are you supporting this family of bums? Why must you live in the house with them? So many baffling decsions. Is this like the first relationship you've ever had or something? All I'm seeing is that this woman is the best you think you could do..never in a million years am I being partners with someone who has an adult son. There's too many options to even consider doing that. Start dusting off the dating profiles. Should have ended it yesterday ????
  17. Looks like they could go 15 rounds with Mike Tyson with that square jaw and butt-chin
  18. I have the Elite Visa. I'm not worried about having to leave.
  19. Why are you even replying lol, you already lost the argument. But I will humor you, in a hypothetical argument where you correctly argued your stance instead of what you did, which was nothing. I am not “into” new age health BS, or spiritual gurus, alternative medicine or anything like that. Not into fad diets. However, this guy in the video is absolutely correct. We probably have similar views, all things considered. Which is why I was showing intellectual respect to you, by challenging you to provide a source which disproved the studies on gluten, wheat allergens, gluten sensitivity and those studies all arriving at the same point. Sadly, you did not deliver and I might have overestimated you. Like you, I am interested in the truth; scientific truth, or historical truth or personal truth. Your refusal to even acknowledge the facts about gluten and refined flour tells me you grew up eating cereal thinking corn flakes and wheaties were healthy. Thus, the idea that you were lied to your entire life about wheat and gluten is absurd, so I understand your reluctance. It’s just misplaced unfortunately.
  20. Funny how there seems to be some paragraphs missing where you prove its quackery with science, and not just boomer-arrogance and Ive-got-a-feelingism ????
  21. As opposed to your amazing, measured and informed argument? Or is it just an amateurish logical fallacy? The Appeal to the Stone Fallacy: When People Are Dismissive During Discussions. The appeal to the stone is a logical fallacy that occurs when a person dismisses their opponent's argument as absurd, without actually addressing it, or without providing sufficient evidence in order to prove its absurdity. Thanks for playing ????
  22. Dairy IMO is way worse than bread. Some wheat like sprouted Ezekiel bread is ok to eat in moderation. It's the genetically modified, supermarket mass-farmed wheat that is particularly horrible for you.
  23. Well that's just one guy and one result I pulled up, there's tons of videos and articles. So, that example is not just cherry-picked quackery that only he alone is saying. There are tons.
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