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Everything posted by HandsomeTallFarang

  1. Exit condo, and not more than 20 steps onto sukhumvit, Bum #1 locks eyes with me and raises a suspiciously-in-new-condition metal mug and shakes it. Ignores all the Thai people walking past him, including hi-so office workers. Just determined to guilt trip and try to bait westerners into giving money, since the Thais know not to give these scamming street urchins a penny. I power-stride past him. Not today, dude. But that didn't last long as Bum#2 was just a stone's throw away from Bum#1. Appeared to be a working-age male with no physical disability. Still raised hand out to me expecting free money. This one didn't even have a cup or bowl to beg with. Maybe it was just a bridge troll demanding a toll for using their precious sidewalk, I don't know. And last but not least, Bum #3 outside of the 7/11 I go to. On the steps. Impeding foot traffic. This time it's a woman, surprised she couldn't rent a baby to hold to increase feelings of sympathy from gullible tourists ???? has a plastic cup with what I thought I saw to be only a few 1 baht coins. Yeah, I'm sure that's totally all she has, she definitely doesn't take anything larger than a 5baht coin and stuffs it away, again, to try to invoke feelings of "aww poor thing only has a few coins!". Thais breeze right past her, not so much as a glance. They're smart, they know this is a con. I've never seen so many able bodied people targeting me for begging in my life. Real flippin' nice to leave my building and get harassed for money right away. Zero shame. Everyone in this country is trying to extract resources from me, one way or another. Dual pricing, begging, trying to get roped into giving free English lessons... Go bother your countrymen for resources, you're supposed to be on your best behavior for guests in your country, not automatically feel entitled to their resources. ????
  2. They weren't simply "just born in a different culture" they are all complicit and even supporting of genocidal manianc Xi. They do little or nothing to oppose him. They have the numbers for a huge actual revolution, but they don't do anything at all. There are millions of worthless Chinese who just twiddle their thumbs and go "gee you know what maybe Uyghur Muslims do deserve to die in Auschwitz concentration style camps!" They don't care about their own lives so why should anyone else? A bunch of identical brainwashed, action-less drones being erased is acceptable collateral damage when it comes to removing genocidal regimes. Worked for the Allies in World War 2.
  3. Boomer tells younger generation how "easy" they have it. ???????? The lack of self awareness is astonishing Let's rehash some of the things you could do as life as a Boomer in the west: - Higher education and university was so cheap you could pay for it all with a part time job. Wish I could pay for my schooling by sweeping some floors a few nights a week. - Houses were affordable, my dad worked at a cement plant for one of his first jobs, and was able to BUY a house, rather quickly. Not rent, BUY. Then he saved enough to attend University. Try working at a cement plant today and see how many houses and university degrees you can buy, that's if you get hired at all because some illegal migrant will do it cheaper and tax-free. Boomers love affair with cheap migrant labor and exported 3rd world labor basically destroyed several things: housing market, blue collar buying power, several manufacturing fields, and export bargaining power. Boomers lived in the easiest existence in human history, that is not debatable at all, so please forgive my hysterical laughter whenever I see a Boomer talking down to younger generations about how easy they have it.
  4. We can only hope that an accident takes place in one of their nuke silos located near Beijing and detonates a nuke, setting off a deadly chain of events. That's the only news I want to read out of China: Government officials + millions of peasants that did nothing to oppose him ever, feared dead in Nuke disaster. Red = Dead.
  5. Over here might as well be the Giant from Jack & the Beanstalk
  6. It's worrying, the amount of people who use 7/11 as their main source of food.. Nothing in 7/11 is healthy except the fruit. - the CP prepackaged thai meals: 1 tablespoon of Dog???? quality meats, but half a KG of rice, with oily and preservatives filled sauce, and the cherry on top: a disgustingly overcooked fried egg. Absolutely horrid. - their "bakery" section that they love to put and display proudly in the front of all stores- all premade in a factory with horrifying preservatives and white flour, Niacin powder, wheat pesticides, canola oil, and way too much sugar. Avoid at all costs. - then the usual: packaged chips, candy bars, packaged cakes, packaged refrigerated foods - all filled with horrifying preservatives and mystery oils. The meat used if there is any, is absolute bottom barrel dreck. Imagine a Thai slaughterhouse. Imagine the condition of the pigs there. Now imagine the cheapest part of the sickest pigs - that's the meat used in all of these CP-brand prepackaged pieces of <deleted>. The rice I'm sure is probably from the cheapest mass-producing-farm available, devoid of any regulations on pesticides and using genetically modified rice so it will grow much faster. - All the dairy: from loose to nonexistent regulations big farms and slaughterhouses that produce cheap, disgusting pus-filled milk from chronically stressed animals. The dairy products from Meiji and whatever other so-cheap-so-Thais-can-afford-them brands' factories are the definition of disgusting living conditions with unsanitary preparation. DO NOT ever drink Thai milk or eat any Thai dairy whatsoever. Shine a blacklight in a glass of milk here and you'll see what appears to be oil slicks, like oil mixing with water. That's pus. Organic imported only, if you must, but all dairy is disgusting and unhealthy. Fermented Goat's milk is the ONLY healthy dairy for you. I would love to see the Boomers head explode on here when they see that "dairy is unhealthy" ESPECIALLY mass farmed dairy, since they were raised believing so. I have science and studies on my side, all you have is "but it's good for your bones!' ???? - Entire section dedicated to instant noodles with 600-900mg of sodium per serving. Nothing else needs to be said about this. I'm not a vegan or vegetarian There's millions of people in this country who's only source of groceries is 7/11. Absolutely sad and depressing to think about. Don't even realize that many health problems like inflammation are from this <deleted> diet of processed foods
  7. If it is made up, it's still more entertaining than your made up stories, pal.
  8. Whey protein shake Slice of avacado 2 eggs with chopped onion and bell pepper and tomato
  9. He's an admitted alcoholic though and constantly talks about drinking before evening on weekdays.. Made up stories 100%, or he is suffering from alcoholism related hallucinations.
  10. Fair assessment, you're a lot more forgiving of fools than I am.
  11. "We" and "us" who is this "us"? Is there a mouse in your pocket I've had plenty of hookups and flings with attractive Thai girls, couple of Chinese too, who didn't want a penny or anything in return. They paid for their own travel costs as well. Not everyone is an ugly old man, Bob. Some guys get attention from Thai women simply because Thai women are attracted to them.
  12. It's extremely apparent it's made up because all of his posts and "stories" are. He just gets drunk all the time and makes up crap on here, all the time. Just take a quick peek into his topic history; just all made up nonsense, such as getting kicked out of a bar by a mama-san for suggesting that a woman pay for her own drinks?? I'm sure in Bob Smith's drunk mind, this was a believable story, but it's extremely apparent he's like that one co-worker or acquaintance who just makes up every detail of their fascinating life to try and seem more impressive or interesting.
  13. My problem is that you're a huge Jester who makes up stories on the internet, usually to try to impress other men.(??? Why??)
  14. None of this happened, you're a serial liar Bob. What is your problem, seriously? Is your life so devoid of excitement and meaning that "making up stupid stories on the internet" is a chronic-passtime for you? You're so frickin' weird. Please have another drink and pass out already ????
  15. Are you lost, in your lies? Don't be telling yourself, we don't realize, your Crusade's a disguise...replace freedom with fear, you trade money for lives.... I'm aware of WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!
  16. Thanks, I learned something today ????????☝????
  17. Wow now that I think of it I'm guilty of this too. Used to see a guy here down sukhumvit and always left a good amount for tip, haircut was dirt cheap. 100 baht tip every time. Best haircuts ever and fresh razor blade straight razor line up neckline+ sideburns. He does a good job and it's only once a month or so.
  18. I tend to tip delivery people generously, even for (not unreasonably) late food delivery. I can more than afford it and I like to see the faces light up with a surprised smile, as they usually probably expect nothing. Round up a 220b cash delivery to 300b and watch the astonishment. ????
  19. I would refrain from using acronyms that aren't immediately and universally recognized. Never heard of "ACW" and no one else here has either, not sure why you thought we were supposed to know "ACW" means "Anti Clockwise", never heard anyone call it that either when counterclockwise is usually what it's called. Confusing ????
  20. From the genius who brought you such gems as the "Is It Possible for a 71-Year-Old Farang to Satisfy a Super-smart 43-Year-Old Thai Woman?" Thread, we proudly present: whAt pHobiAs Do u LiKe???? My phobia is you getting sober, because with that sober energy you would be cranking out ????posts at an alarming rate. Have another shot and pass out please.
  21. Literally who? And why is that a controversial opinion? If a woman is $10...that means every schmuck with $10 has been inside that. I don't collect STDs from prostitutes, I haven't given up on life like most old grody ex-pats who frequent escorts on here have. So I actually care if I get sores on my privates. $10 prostitutes are not a positive and if you think otherwise, God help you.
  22. Really? What about treatment options? My condolences regardless.
  23. 50 is on the lower-end of "old" so you're still good. Just keep yourself fit and don't smoke, and drink excessively.. you'll have a major leg up on the competition ????????
  24. Yeah I agree. Cats are great, dogs are dumb future kid-biters. Throw in a whole litter of them and a pregnant female soi dog while they're at it. Only you can prevent soi dogs ????
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