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Everything posted by HandsomeTallFarang

  1. And Thais have the audacity to insist that they are NUMMA 1 while doing this backwards, barbarbic crap ????
  2. "Well known Artist" in Thai means "Alcoholic guy hired to paint a mural at a hotel that one time, and got a minor social media story / coverage associated with it"
  3. Who takes a motorbike for such a short trip? Are you crippled? Oh wait You are exactly the type to take a motorbike for a less than 1km trip. ???? Without a helmet too. Peak coffin-dodger.
  4. $10 women being a positive in your mind? ???????? Bob Smith keeping it classy as always. Complete GAMMON.
  5. Then leave the bar? ???? Why do you need to be sitting around for hours in a bar? People who drink AND smoke, I've found, are almost always poor and stupid. Usually have a few ugly tattoos as well. The Bar is their go-to place, which is embarrassing and sad. Rent a jetski and go to the beach or something. If you even entertain the idea of passing time by sitting at a bar for hours (and it's not a date or some kind of party) that is a sign of being a complete dingleberry smoothbrain. I see legions of the same carbon copy loser; Never aspired for anything in life past sub-mediocrity. Lame blue collar job + spend all money on booze and cigarettes and probably prostitutes. So many of these sad souls exist, it's depressing to be in their presence.
  6. Yeah I was drinking a lot the end of 2019- like early 2021. Stopped completely. It's not worth the hangovers / drunk embarrassing moments / fights.
  7. Nice hippy peace-loving BS. "Yeah mannnn let's all just live with nature, the dogs are just part of nature, mann!" ???? What a joker you are. In nature, pests are killed or hunted. Prey and weak and sick animals are killed. These dogs "in nature" would be hiding 24/7 looking out for predators, (humans) so automatically your entire premise of living harmonious with nature is bunk, because in real no holds barred nature, dogs do and will meet painful fates as a meal or in territorial disputes. ????????????
  8. Lol, the coffin-dodgers and grody-ass old dudes calling the woman they sponsor / pay to keep around "the misses" will never not be funny. She's not your "Mrs." when I think "Mrs." I think someone who genuinely loves you and is attracted to you. Someone who actually LOVES you and smiles every time they see you. You're probably an old man with a gut... You had foreign money that's why you're with your "misses" she didn't fall head over heels for you because you're a stud. ???? Why even mention "the misses" like it's some major romance that you conquered, so embarrassing. Your "misses" is just hired help. No different than sleeping with the housekeeper/ maid ????
  9. Are you drunk 24/7 or something? You write some bizarre ???? and also some cringe ???? like "I'm not quite at that level of "self-actualization" but I'm getting there." Ok, whatever you say Siddhartha. Stop hitting the sauce.
  10. - Open Thread - Rate 1/5 stars - close thread My work here is done.
  11. It was a Thai, so of course it's sheer genius and brilliance on every conceivable level. Didn't you know that Thailand Numma One?
  12. No you haven't And no you aren't. ???????? Must be a sad existence if lying to other old men on the internet in an attempts to impress said old men is how you spend your time.
  13. How about option F? "Don't get romantically involved with a prostitute, like a sad son of a bitch"?
  14. All this political turmoil and the Baht barely moves! Can't imagine why Thailand sometimes gets a reputation as being corrupt!
  15. Is this only when you sleep? Could be severe sleep apnea. One of the ways the body copes with sleep apnea is to wake you up via urge to urinate. Are you overweight? Even if you are not, if you drink a lot and fall asleep drunk you can develop severe sleep apnea. You should get a sleep-study done. It could also just be prostatitis. Harmless and will pass. If you do have BPH, you can treat BPH with Finasteride. It shrinks the prostate by inhibiting the enzyme 5α-reductase (DHT) which is responsible for both enlarged prostates and male pattern baldness.
  16. Coming right up! slides a Heineken alcohol-free beer your way.
  17. The only thing more boring than a drunk, is an ex-drunk telling everyone (unasked) how long it's been since he had his last drink. What, do you want a medal?
  18. Another DRUNK DRIVING loser chaver, would bet money on it. Lowlifes from the UK are drawn to Thailand. "Connor McBride" couldn't be more Irish if you tried, most certainly was drinking and driving. Also what a loser to pursue "Muay Thai" as a penniless alcoholic. Wannabe Connor McGregor Also flyweight fighting is not fun to watch. Just a couple of shrimpy twig-boys having a game of slap-ass, wow, what an amazing spectacle!
  19. “Nuh uh! I know you are, but what am I? ????” Toddler.
  20. Oh so you're barking orders now? I don't have to do anything, bud. Looks like I hit a nerve with the whole 'unattractive' comment, gotta be no other reason for this kind of response ????
  21. Yes BOOMER formatting, as in, you make 4-5 replies in a row, when you can convey the same things with ONE post. You don't need to post a separate reply for EVERY post, you want to quote, you can put them all inside of ONE reply instead of <deleted>ting up the forum by spamming replies.. I mean really do you think it's appropriate to send 5 replies in a row? 5 different quotes, 5 different replies? Is that how an effin' forum should operate? Just every user off in their own world, sending 10 replies and derailing it. you can just put them all in one post. Stop. Boomer-formatting.
  22. Why do you have to post So many crappy threads constantly lol. Almost every 3rd thread on this forum is started by you. You have like a compulsion to make threads that people roll their eyes at? Do you really have nothing better to do than to create tabloid-style posts with terrible boomer-formatting? God, please don't let me turn into you when I get old.
  23. "You rated this topic 1-Star." My work here is done. Trash thread.
  24. It works but how long does it last? I just use old spice stick deodorant. Smells good, and doesn't have any aluminum ????????
  25. That's because those guys were unattractive. So many delusional guys who think that women don't care about looks and will gladly stay with a fat old man because of his "heart" ????
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