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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. I have read many publications that say the moat is 1 square kilometer.

    How can one measure length in square anything? For example, how many square centimeters tall are you?

    Rasseru, good morning. The post is probably shorthand for the area within the moat being 1.0 sq. km. He said it poorly, though. 2.5 square kilometers, not even a square mile. . . . .

    Good morning, PeaceBlondie. You may be right. I took the observation to be in response to the question posed by the OP, which concerns the length of the moat.

  2. How to find out if this dog has rabies ?

    I don't know where you would need to take it to be tested, but the only way to test if the dog has rabies is to kill it and examine certain parts of its brain. If the dog has had its rabies shots, though, it may be that testing it for rabies is not necessary.

  3. I am pleased, Mr. Bentley, to inform you that, courtesy of Mr. Bill's forceful application of a blunt object on another thread, I would be delighted to accept your kind invitation. Please be aware, however, that I will be arriving at your doorstep only an hour or two after completing a twenty-six or so hour journey home from the other side of the Pacific Ocean and may barely resemble my usual self.

  4. I have a favourite Chinese restaurant that sometimes serves Peking Duck. Alas and alack, however, I cannot recall the name of the place and, truth be told, I think I have never even learned it. I know where it is and I just go there when I feel like it, so the name is -- or was until now -- not important. In any case, here is how you get there. If you drive through the Night Bazaar and turn left at the intersection at the the end, you will find the restaurant perhaps two or three hundred meters down the road on the left side. I think the restaurant also has an entrance in back, on Anusarn market. I have only had the Peking Duck there once, but it was quite good. I have tried to order it other times and been told they didn't have it, so you can't find it there all the time.

  5. Tried Anaknong today, unfortunately they could not print on both sides of the paper :o

    I'm very surprised about this, because I must have had well over a hundred different books printed or copied, in many different formats, by Anaknong and all were printed on both sides of the paper.

    . . . . .

    . . . . .

    p1p: Dont know, dont think there was a miscommunication though.. I asked her if they could print books from PDF, she said yes, then i opened a book from the counter and pointed on both sides of the paper asking if they could print on both sides of the paper. She said "no, only print on one side". Maybe they have changed practice, or maybe I was talking to the wrong person. Seems like a lot of peope have had duplex printing done at Anaknong, so it is actually a bit weird.

    . . . . .

    Like p1p, I am very surprised about this too. The books I had made there were also made up of two-sided copies. Not only that, but at my request they were painstakingly copied differently from the two-sided originals -- that is, whereas the originals had pages 1 and 2 (and so forth) on one sheet of paper, I had them make the copies so that the first sheet of paper had a blank page and page 1, the next sheet had pages 2 and 3 (and so forth).

    Is is possible that the woman at Anaknong was telling you only that the printer they would use to print the PDF file could print only single-sided copies? (From your report that seems very possible.) If so, that would not be the same as her saying that they could not make your books with double-sided copies. The printer they use for printing a PDF file could well be different from the photocopier they use for making copies. In that case, they should be able to print out the PDF file in a single-sided copy, then from that single-sided copy make, by hand (as they had to in my case) or otherwise, double-sided copies for using in your books.

  6. I know that this issue has come up and been discussed at least once here before. I don't remember the details and cannot help you out afresh, but you might want to search for earlier threads on the subject, to see what was said then.

    As far as I can tell from earlier searches, the issue has only been raised once before, and that thread had no useful info, only a bunch of off topic posts. The only useful info was an idea to go to the road between nimanhemin road and the east entrance of CMU, as supposedly, this area had a lot of copy / print shops. However, I have been up and down the area for several hours today and was unable to find any such shop :o

    On the chance that it is different from what you found, here is a link to one of the earlier threads:


  7. I can't guarantee that this is still true, but when researching making some DVD's for sale a few years back I found that in the USA it was illegal to offer for sale a device (other than a computer I guess) that could use PAL. They had to be strictly NTSC.

    really? hope they still able to control piracy doing the same thing now :D

    I hate inaccurate posts so I have searched to find where I got my information and for the life of me I cannot find it. I have found stores selling PAL in the U.S. so my previous post may not be accurate. I also found that the U.S. is changing in 2009 to a new standard called ATSC.

    As none of this helps the OP I guess just disregard :o

    While we are in the middle of posting posts to be disregarded, I had an at least equally disregardable thought about yours, silverhawk_usa, so let me share. I wonder if what you found a few years ago might not have been that DVD players that could play non-U.S. region DVDs -- remember how legit DVDs were, and may still be, made region-specific, so you could play a particular DVD only on a player made for that region? -- were not allowed to be sold in the U.S.A. Just a random thought.

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