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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. Oh Rasseru, after you pick yourself up along with your stones and dust, turn left at Chiang Mai Gate for the Bombay Indian restaurant.

    Thanks, mongoose, but I think you must of intended to direct your kind consideration to Priceless.

    Shouldn't that be "must have intended", or is my dysfunctional English letting me down again?

    / Priceless

    Yes, that should have been 'must have intended', thank you very much, and your English is neither dysfunctional nor letting you down.

  2. Oh Rasseru, after you pick yourself up along with your stones and dust, turn left at Chiang Mai Gate for the Bombay Indian restaurant.

    Thanks, mongoose, but I think you must of intended to direct your kind consideration to Priceless.

  3. Turn left off Thapae Road into the Night Bazaar street. Take the second left (the one before the four-way intersection where the Burger King is). Le Spice is some 60 meters down, on the right hand side.

    Regardless of which direction I am coming from? :o

    Hopefully you are only coming from one direction as Thapae Road is a one-way street.

    Exactly. Priceless, a few stones and a scattering of dust are falling from the top of your pedestal. Be careful you don't slip -- remember, it's a long, long way to the ground! :D

    I tend to walk a lot, and as far as I've been told Thapae Rd is still two-way for pedestrians...

    / Priceless

    Sigh. I am not particularly eager to deal with such a pedestrian attitude, but as you persist, I will address your earlier question. Yes, regardless of which direction you are coming from, turning left off Thapae Road into the Night Bazaar street will get you there. Although I have not the faintest idea how you propose to turn left off Thapae Road into the Night Bazaar traveling east on Thapae Road, I can assure you that if you know a way to do it, as would seem to be the case, you will be fine.

  4. Up until the other night I also put Le Spice at the top of my list however after pool the other night my friends and I decided to go eat at Omalleys however it was closed when we arrived so we saw a pakistani restautrant a few doors down 1 shop away from Hells kitchen . . . only problem is they are muslims so no BEER . . .

    I used to love that restaurant too, but no beer is a deal killer for me. A couple of years ago they used to serve beer, but then stopped. So I stopped going.

  5. Turn left off Thapae Road into the Night Bazaar street. Take the second left (the one before the four-way intersection where the Burger King is). Le Spice is some 60 meters down, on the right hand side.

    Regardless of which direction I am coming from? :o

    Hopefully you are only coming from one direction as Thapae Road is a one-way street.

    Exactly. Priceless, a few stones and a scattering of dust are falling from the top of your pedestal. Be careful you don't slip -- remember, it's a long, long way to the ground! :D

  6. I've tried to find Le spice on maps ,searches,etc.

    Can someone please direct me :o

    Turn left off Thapae Road into the Night Bazaar street. Take the second left (the one before the four-way intersection where the Burger King is). Le Spice is some 60 meters down, on the right hand side.

  7. In your thread title, you observe that you now know why Thais hate farang. The driving incident that you reported supports very well the idea that they do -- or I should rather say, that they have good reason to, since I don't know myself how many Thais hate farang. Interestingly to me, though, the idea is supported equally well by most of the posts on this thread so far, including your original post.

  8. I try as much as possible to take the overnight train when I travel between Bangkok and Chiangmai. It's relaxed, comfortable, fun and cheap (not to mention environmentally less destructive than air travel). I imagine (but don't know) that pets would not be allowed in any of the other classes, but if you have any interest at all in the possibility of traveling by train, you might want to explore whether you could reserve two bunks in first class, which would give you a room to yourself, and take your pets with you in that room.

  9. If the animal is tested and the test comes back negative, why would anyone go through with the rabies shots??? According to these links there has only been one false negative using the Fluorescent Antibody Test . . .

    One might choose to go through the rabies shots to avoid the risk, small though it might be, that the test had produced a false negative. Who after all would want one's case to be cited as the second false negative?

  10. 1. Definition


    spacer.gif. . . " Work " means to engage in work by exerting energy or using knowledge whether or not in consideration of wages or other benefits.

    In the amateur opinion of this retired American bureaucrat and English teacher . . . ecause the sentence says "whether or not" the definition would mean (in English) that consideration does not matter, whether in wages or in other benefits. . . . . Work is exerting energy or using knowledge, period.

    My goodness! So I am not allowed, among other things, to clean my house, wash my dishes or repair my scooter. Most excellent! :o

  11. Results back today - about 12-hours after dropping the dead cat off at the office and the results were negative.

    Excellent. Have you researched whether false negatives are possible, and if so, what the risk of one is?

  12. Some of my friends have cars, but if they drive, they can't drink, and we are all too cheap to pay a tuk-tuk. I will go when I get a ride.

    You are a bicyclist, are you not? It's not that far to The Neighbors by bicycle, and the whole stretch from the Superhighway on up is really very pretty and interesting, with lots of greenery and little bit of a countryside feeling, without much car traffic. No hills, either.

  13. I hope more Brits will seek them out and give their opinion, but the English friends that I gave samples to all professed to be impressed. :o

    You may have put your finger on an important distinction. Interesting to consider that whereas the English are famed to a fault for being polite, the reputations of the Scots, Welsh, Irish and Cornish are not so blemished.

  14. Great ....2 choices ....we either do it at may place in Sarapee off Hand Dong Road and make it a Pot Luck and make of day out of it by the pool ...

    OR do it at a place that's good with breakfast / brunch things ....like maybe Bake & Bites off Nimanhamein .....Any suggestions ...???

    My choice would be Bake & Bite -- but I'm cool either way.

  15. If these were indeed farangs I would hope they slow down to allow others - let alone themselves, time to live a little longer.

    A harrowing experience, to be sure. Why do you say 'if these were indeed farangs'? Nothing else in your story suggests they were. And why limit your hope that they slow down only to the case where they were farangs? Would it not be sensible to hope they slow down whoever they were?

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