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Posts posted by kmart

  1. There might be another water shortage this year in Rayong. The heavy industry here uses enormous amounts of water, not to mention all the bloody golf courses....

    There was not enough water for domestic use a couple of years ago, and local residents launched massive protests about it.

    There should be some cohesive waste water management or desalination of sea water plants being built here, and I think the last govt. had plans to build something along those lines, but you know what happened there......

  2. If I know anything about art, and I don't, I would have to say these are the most emotionally gripping, images of our time. Very haunting works indeed...kudos. :o

    Indeed. Jeffery is the "Crayon Of A Generation" in this respect. His art redefines the genre, and encapsulates the zeitgeist of this era. :D

  3. Seems like the Thais dont want to wake up to reality.

    I wonder if the Thais will issue another travel warning about "Australia is dangerous because there are wild kangaroos and crocodiles all over the place" like they did afew years ago when Australia was issuing travel warnings for here.

    No kidding? :o

    Given the lack of progress made in apprehending the culprits of the Bangkok bombings, the junta only has itself to blame for loss of tourist revenue. Because it looks either totally inept or even worse, complicit with the b@stards that were responsible.

  4. As many things in this country I find this hard to believe. Same with this so-called Caravan of the Poor we had recently. These anti-Singapore protesters must have been payed by someone!


    Thailand would shit itself if Singapore was to bite back. Behind the scenes the junta would be assuring Singapore that this was all about discrediting Thaksin....nothing more.

    I reckon so. Just something for the top heavy brass to puff their chests out for.

  5. Where are the shrapnel wounds in your head? And the bottles of pills?

    hi, just to share my art knowledge :D The work is abstract, which means it doesn't have to exactly be the same as reality :D

    it is done by emotional input rather than technical input :o

    Quite thrilling new direction with this one, Jeffery. :D Are the character's vivid, angry swords and cigar a transposed metaphor for the evils of modern society's restrictions and greed? Perhaps to highlight the plight of amputee lesbian Nicaraguan dwarf coffee planters in S. America, perhaps? I like how the image's head blazes with fire and anger. A masterpiece. :D

  6. Apirak is planning on adding nine parks to Bangkok, but they will all be in the suburban areas as there's no more space left to build a park in central Bangkok. He will also add more green areas underneath the skytrain and expressway flyovers. There are also plans by the BMA to clean up canals in Bangkok to celebrate HMK's birthday or the queen's I don't remember exactly which. In about a year, Bangkok water district will also set up a hydroelectric plant. That's all I can think of right now. I read all these from Thai newspapers. You can probably google them to find out more.

    I havean't read or seen anything regarding recycling and carbon trading yet. But there are plans to reduce pollution emissions in Eastern Seaboard Industrail complex by 25% in the next couple of years.

    Most of the emissions produced by heavy industry are of the "fugitive" kind, ie; released in very small, difficult to detect leaks that accumulate. This is a problem in any area or country of industry (oil refining-downstream-petrochemicals-chemicals, etc) and not just Thailand. The Maptaphut area has taken a bad rep for pollution, which is justified, but a lot of the time just because a a lot of the companies operating there are foreign-owned / partners. Most of these companies operate recycling of waste programmes and efficient / clean disposal practises.

    The real polluters in Thailand get away with literally murder. A lot of these (sometimes unlicensed) factories operate around places like Samut Prakarn which is becoming an environmental disaster. Headline-grabbers like Greenpeace and local environmental activists always make a beeline for Maptaphut, because of the international companies based there. They might do well to focus on local and Chinese-operated companies, but then again, they probably don't want to be visited in the middle of the night by henchmen of "influential" persons. :o

  7. Amazing facts about JetGorgon;

    Her favourite colour is beige.

    She is scared of woodlice.

    Her nails are so sharp that NATO sends inspectors to erm,.. inspect them.

    She drives an eco-car that runs on bat droppings and marsh gas.

    Unlike her other Gorgon friends; her gaze cannot turn people into stone. Only quivering wrecks.

    She wears nice frocks in rainy season.


  8. I can make more sense out of Leonard Cohen's Lyrics than most of the posters on Thai-visa :o

    we artists are different and sometime misunderstood, it can be lonely :D

    Did the loneliness drive you to chop off your ear?

    Is the mobile phone stuck to your head a cosmetic attempt to cover this up :D ?

    Van Gogh chopped off his ear. Then he shot himself, which is a shame because his paintings of flowers now sell for millions. Hope Jeffrey has better timing than that. :D

  9. It's a very good likeness.

    What is it?

    its a self portrait ! basically what that is, in artist circles, is when you make a drawing of yourself :o i have gone for the charcol effect

    Its great, Jeff! You have real autistic flair. :D

    How much would you charge to do my portrait? I'd like to be stood in front of my house with curly smoke coming out of the chimney; a big happy sun shining, and my big dog "Spot" on a short leash with me.

    By Kmart. age 41-3/4. :D

  10. This is what he deserves.

    Actually what he deserves is a fair trial.

    What the children of Thailand deserve is good governance and regulation of teaching and other areas where perverts seek access to children. Including the ever growing 'Volunteer Industry'.

    Agreed. Barring the usual knee-jerk reaction to nonces, which is understandable; the guy should be given a fair trial to prove his innocence, and also for the cops to present real evidence for a change.

    Although with a name like Steven Erik Prowler, that might not be necessary? :D

    I never knew that sex with miners was illegal? I bet there would be a lot of redundant ex-colliery workers in the UK would be miffed to hear this. :o Especially when they don't have much else to do. :D

  11. From the Bangkok Post:

    Minister cool on IT

    Comworld 2007 gave a welcome lift to IT vendors and many shops within Siam Paragon after the retail sector had been in a relatively gloomy state since the New Year bombs went off. But the event did not get such a good welcome from ICT Minister Sithichai Pokaiudom.

    Speaking at the opening of the exhibition, the minister said that it was wrong of Thai people to admire modern technology, which was not developed by Thai people. "It is a fake development because the country is now getting worse as almost everything at the exhibition here is imported and nothing is made by Thais," he said.

    The minister stated that "Thai computers" should mean Thais producing component parts, not just assembling, and that they should also design the products.

    "It is sad that today we cannot find any Thai products. The technology show here provides foreigners an opportunity to take money from Thai people. To be truly proud, it should show technology that has been developed by Thais," the ICT Minister said.


    There's so much that could be said about this, but I'm truly speechless.

    Perhaps he might address WHY nothing is Thai-made, why there is no IT sector here, instead of making yet another anti foreigner rant from someone who lives in the dark ages.

    Its not really an anti-foreigner rant. He is just bemoaning the lack of Thai-made produce in this field.

    He should take this up with the Education Minister / Ministry. Therein lies the problem..... To everything.

  12. "Parasite" is a little strong. I much preferred the "pompous cockroach" reference that ThaiGoon used to band around. :o That was quite original.

    Who was it that said that it was only cockroaches and farangs that lived in condo's. I believe it was a Thai minister.

    Sounds about right. He probably has houses all over the world himself. Or at least near to major casinos.

  13. Have you tried Golf ?

    I'm still sexually active, so no. Not yet...... :D

    I'm supposed to be preparing a presentation for this afternoon, so I shouldn't really be posting, but what the heck.

    TV has been a very tangible help in matters of real life; finance; property topics; actual visa business, and the like. Wonder what I did before joining now..? :o

    I like the general topics for a larf. yuck yuck. :D

  14. I can't listen to Thai music at all. Even when its professionally performed it sounds like scraping nails down a blackboard to me. That music during the Thai Boxing is worst. Its all discordant percussion, and sounds like groups of kids throwing stones at your greenhouse.

    Talent doesn't seem to be important here, though.

    Isn't it wonderful that everything in the world doesn't follow the western preconceptions of what is correct or not?

    So what you're saying is, in fact, they can't sing? :D

    Some Thai singers have wonderful voices. They should be heard more often. Other than that, Thai tv stations seem to give too much time to talentless, spoiled kids and other relations of the rich and well-connected. Same as any other industry here. :o

  15. PaulUSA302

    God Bless America :o


    You sure to want to go on with this.....?

    Thai ladyboys do have rather a bad rep for "light-fingered-ness" and violence if you catch them trying to rob you.

    Buyer beware.

    And are you sure in your statement?

    As I know, I have never hit anyone else nor rob

    BambinA: just ignore them all......

    couple of trolls not worth..........

    Troll, eh? :D

    I have nothing against ladyboys at all. As stated in a previous post. Just saying that ladyboys (especially in Pattaya) have been in the local news for all the wrong reasons. Do you read the newspapers other than the funny pages?

    Apologies to Bambina for tarring with a broad brushstroke. And sorry, h90; I'm sure she feels very protected with a real hero like you around to protect her. :D Seek Help.

  16. I think this topic is somewhat redundant. What's the point of the question? So one can say that a nation is superior because of the efforts of an individual man, such as an inventor?

    That's a pretty shallow way to look at the world.

    How about we take a leaf from Kennedy's book, what has the world done for Thailand?

    Creativity evolves from hardship. It has to. Cultures that were decimated from disease, famine, war, severe winters, and crop rotation (just coincidentally) had to invent the medicines, science, weapons, agricultural science and power sources to survive and then thrive. All through adversity.

    That Thailand has been blessed by an abundance of Nature; food; weather; and coastline says a lot about its creative drive. It has never had to bother its arse really. That is why Thai peole are naturally content, happy, and apathetic.

    But for Western and Chinese science and merchants; Thai people would still be pointing at the moon.

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