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Posts posted by kmart

  1. The class thing eludes me completely. Seems like it is usually Brits that talk about class and you will usually not find Yanks talking about this....I guess the main reason is obvious.


    Its said that if three Brits washed up on a desert island, the first thing they'd do is set up a class system. :D

    I cannot stand the PC brigade. They want everything to fit into their quaint liberal agenda and have hijacked the truth in doing so.

    Its quite ironic that some of these people post in a Thai-based forum, or even live in Thailand; one of the world's most politically incorrect countries. :o They must be having a great time.

  2. My lovely better half and I are reasonably the same age, education level, and speak other's languages fluently. We hit it off right from the start, and really enjoy each others company.

    From knowledge earned from a failed first relationship with a Thai girl, its important to have a lot of things in common, or else the cultural; educational; language; and age gaps are pretty much impossible to bridge.

  3. Could it be? If I went to 1 a day it would take 55 years to visit them all... assuming the rate of growth is nil...

    If Pattaya had 500 bars 20 years ago and now has 20 000, in 2027, assuming the same rate of growth, Pattaya will have 800 000 bars... if you went to 1 a day........

    ""Two decades ago, the town had 500 bars. Now there are more than 20,000, mostly sidewalk bars with a few stools "'

    dont beleive that there are 20,000,not for a minute. sure there are a lot but a lot of them are empty or very close to it. awful lot of them for sale too,just waiting for another mug to buy it so he can stay here with his 'new friend'. still somebody must be making money from these empty beer bars,the landowner presumably.8000 bars still sounds like too many but i suppose hotel bars, beer bars, gogo bars,pubs ,restaurants.anybody have a reliable figure?

    The cops certainly make money from it all.

  4. The Thai team really embarrassed themselves in Singapore, I can't blame the Singapore fans for booing them. I kept asking my Thai friends "Are the refs using instant replay of something? Why arent they taking the field?", Ive never seen anything like that in my life, not even from sporting events with 7 and 8 year olds.

    It actually reminded me of some sort of junior school petulance. The ref's decision was crap, but all the amateur dramatics that have since ensued make Thailand look absolutely pathetic.

  5. Unfortunately, Thaksin had a mandate and a unique opportunity to change Thailand for the better, and he blew it all through his own ego; greed; and despotic personality. He became a tyrant from too much power.

    The "holy trinity of military, royalty, and beaurocracy" will take Thailand back to the dark ages. They are dinosaurs resurrected from the tar pits they blundered into, when they should have become extinct. :o

  6. To master potentially dangerous science, you have to have the discipline to have invented that science in the first place.

    We don't seem to have even mastered the control of an automobile yet, but lets make a quantum leap into nuclear physics on the shoulders of giants, shall we? Only, we'll do it our way....

  7. The 60's never really died, did they? The Thais prolly say they're all engaged in "fee sek"

    I'm only jealous probably because I couldn't afford a "year off" from reality; changing the world from Daddy's cheque book... :D

    Good luck to them. Hope they have a great time before reality kicks the shit out of their dippy world views.

    But if anyone ever mentions the word "workshop" to me, and doesn't mean carpentry or light engineering, then I will hang them by their own dreadlocks. :o

  8. in most peoples books he is a <deleted> , and undeserving of sympathy. his ongoing antics , selfishness and stupidity will probably always mean that the name pete doherty is associated with twatdom.

    Creative and imaginative usage of the word "<deleted>" there, taxexile. :o

    I think if you look up the word <deleted> in the dictionary there is a pic of Doherty. :D

  9. Correct me if I'm wrong. I have read somewhere that the engineer(s) of this ariport was/were western people. I now read that a Thai star engineer says whatever is not on piles will sink. Did they really not consult their own people at all? I mean would a Thai engineer not be more familiar with the grounds of this country than western engineers? Again, I might be wrong on some or all of the above. Was just a thought (I had since quite a time).

    Actually, the geologists are the first on a big construction site.

    Not entirely correct.

    The first ones will be feng shui masters, spirit mediums and astrologists. :o


    Don't forget the saffron spongers either.

  10. What it basically boils down to is that Thailand's 'police force' is basically a giant crime syndicate, that only punishes criminals that are not in cahoots with it. It is just the army of the rich and powerful, and does very little to help the average Thai citizen. Thai people always get what they deserve in this respect; good people do nothing and allow this to happen.

    This is engrained in the national mindset of this institution, and unless the actual people of Thailand try to make a difference, I believe nothing will ever change. You will have to break the ricebowls and lifestyles of some very powerful people to overcome this.

    Ditto armed forces.

  11. Forget that paper. I used to like it a lot more. In recent years so much of Thailand's media has become worthless. Have you heard the news? No. I thought so.

    From the most free media in asia to the almost the most timid. Still better than the rags in Singapore and Malaysia but that's not really the point. I wonder if Mr Armstrong was afraid his visa might be cancelled when he caved in ?

    Thaksin cowed the Thai media into "self-censorship" by pulling (or threatening to pull) advertising from their pages; which is the lifeblood of most publications.

    I can bet that Mr Armstrong's hand was forced by the paper's shareholders into this cowardly action. Now that ol' squarehead is gone though, he could at least admit this..? Either way, I'm not buying the watered-down BP anymore. It seems to be written by blinkers-on middle-class Thai people who live in a different PC world to the rest of this country.

  12. I feel sympathy for the artists and musicians who suffer due to piracy and cheating. It must be rather soul-destroying if your'e talented but ain't famous yet, and see no returns on your work at all.

    On the other hand the major record companies have been cheating everyone for decades already, and can go hang for all I care. :o

    Who has real talent these days? Why do no-talent singers deserve to make a huge income? I have no sympathy for posers and pretenders.

    There are some very talented artists (in every genre of music) out there. They are just sometimes "buried" by record companies, in favor of pushing the flavor-of-the-month crap to their young "target audiences" of young kids who mostly comprise the record-buying public.

    I will leave your questions up to your own judgement.

  13. Rather fitting that they are deferring air traffic to U-tapao airport in Sattahip. It was designed for the biggest bombers in the world at the time. (B52) Its probably the longest and best-built airstrip in Asia, constructed for the "secret" blanket-bombing campaigns in Laos and Vietnam, that won Kissenger the Nobel Peace Prize. :D

    I think squadrons of B52s should be taking off from there again to bomb Suvannabhumi back into the marsh personally. Another testament to the huge squandering of money, time, human and natural resources that is style-over-substance, mega-project-mad Thailand. "We have to do everything twice" could be the TAT's new slogan? :o

  14. I feel sympathy for the artists and musicians who suffer due to piracy and cheating. It must be rather soul-destroying if your'e talented but ain't famous yet, and see no returns on your work at all.

    On the other hand the major record companies have been cheating everyone for decades already, and can go hang for all I care. :o

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