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Posts posted by kmart

  1. Its not the flying that bothers me ...... more the plummeting at high speed into the ocean or crashing into the side of a mountain :o

    My supposedly "irrational" fear of falling was similarly confirmed upon hitting the ground. :D

  2. I'm a recent quitter (I hate that word, it denotes lack of willpower, no?) But I don't mind other people smoking. Problem is, what will they think of next? There is always some liberal twit thinking up ways to save us from ourselves. Just piss off already, <deleted>! :o

  3. All over the country young male students will be adding Thammassat to their list of potential universities, thanks to her. TU's PR department should make her an exgratia payments for services rendered.

    I doubt anyone in Thailand has a problem with knowing Thammasaht University despite young Amy's efforts.

    For her, beckons a lifetime of 'dtua eechar' and 'puan nung ek' roles. Effectively, she has probably relegated herself to the ignomony of VCD films and other low end drivel currently played by people like Nong Balloon and Nong Ying.

    Worse still, she may have eliminated a chance of marrying up in the world, and may be forced to follow in Ying's footsteps and merely become a 'meea farang' in the future; all from one rather poor choice in clothing. Ah well, she won't be the first; at least once she is married to a foreigner, then all the THai guys can do her behind the foreign guy's back. I hope I am not too late in that queue; I missed the boat with a few other 'meea farang' types in the past.

    Then again, maybe all will be forgotten. She looked pretty bad in that outfit though; nice rack though.

    Real humanitarian aren't you, stevie?

  4. zaza or whoever you are

    get a life

    stop trolling :o

    Sorry,I'm new to this forum language(joined today....computer illiterate too....no time before I retired !)..............so........WHAT IS TROLLING ?(controlling?strolling?rolling ts?)

    and why do I see so many "LOLs.".....can somebody write a book on this 'new' language !Forgive my ignorance,I'm sure I can't be alone in my ignorance..........or am I ?Never mind,your'e only as old as the woman you feel.....my wife is young and beautiful but I want to know if she's a Troller !!!!

    Have a nice day ,can't wait to start Troll spotting !!!!!!!!

    Trolling is an Internet forum phenomenon, where someone makes a faux appeal for sympathy or attention. This can be done by asking provocative questions or appealling to people's vanities or sympathies.

    Responses usually vary from hostility to empathy. But seldom last less than 7 whimsical pages of hot air in cyberspace / time you can never recover.... Hope this helps,... :D

  5. If I were 12 years old I might find the avatar amusing. However I don’t think it is really offensive in any way, unless you are a monk or a Muslim or some such. I opted for ‘no thoughts either way’, since there wasn’t a 'pathetic/crap' option.

    Your avatar brings back a few memories... :o

  6. Here's an avatar good for annoying people who are rather soooo easily annoyed... :D

    Gratis. You're welcome. :D

    That's actually not annoying, that one can induce a fit in an epilectic...

    Not if they use welding goggles to view it first. :o

  7. I don't blame them. Firstly, there is not a great amount of input given into stimulating other areas of their bodies or brains. Moronic tv; films; pop songs. - Rote education at school; no public parks or other land given over to sports or pastimes, (unless your parents are wealthy). Seems like hanging around shopping malls and playing internet games are top hobbies for kids.

    The kids here are always made scapegoats for the stupidity, immorality, and short-sightedness of the state. They are taught not to think or challenge authority, and yet are chastised for base behaviour?

    Perhaps its time they deserved a bit better?

  8. In Thailand? Hmm,.. Dunno. There is usually more smoke outside the restaurant / pub you might be sitting in anyway. :o Ten-wheelers belching fumes out; people burning <deleted>, because they can't be arsed to dispose of it any other way; factories spewing out illegal filth; etc.

    Smoke from cigarettes is annoying to non-smokers, but let's get some priorities first. The ban will be adopted and only selectively enforced here. Laws here are sometimes copied wholesale from Western edicts, just to try and make Thailand seem "developed." :D

    Enforcement will only be in Western tourist areas, I imagine.

  9. Some women always look sexy, no matter what they wear. My wife is one of those :D

    Some women always look ugly, no matter what they wear. My wife is one of those :D


    But she is the most honest woman I've ever met and every farang living in Los knows that an honest Thai woman is a rare and precious diamond.

    A commodity as rare as rocking horse poop, my friend. You are indeed a lucky man. :D

  10. Went down the South of Thailand recently for working purposes, and saw some of the most beautiful scenery and flora. Place called "Khanom" near Nakorn Si Thammarat. No tourists, minging hippies or beer bars, it was a wonderful, idyllic place.

    I'd be bored to tears within about 3 days of actually living there, but after seeing somewhere so breathtaking, it took a while to sink in that this was still Thailand. Doubtless some smart-arsed, posing little Bangkok <deleted> has plans to stuff a 6-lane concrete highway through the middle of it all, but I'll go back soon and enjoy it again while it lasts....

  11. Every government is. Thais are not the most sensitive in SE Asia.

    It sounds faschistic simply because we have a different set of taboos.

    Apparently very recent taboos, btw? :o

    Censorship not “recent” in Thailand,

    Try and find a copy of the film The King & I

    Whether you accept or not

    Their country, their belief.

    I actually live here in Thailand thanx, Ivan. And I'm just stating that the recent draconian censorship is just that. ie; "Recent". Hope this helps.

    I can find a copy of The King & I in any format, any day of the week. Because, as soon as things get banned and censored, it makes people even more curious to obtain and see them. It unwittingly advertises them you see...

    "Their belief" is modified regularly to suit the dictator / junta du jour[/i. Comprendez?

  12. Well clearly "the cap fits here". And as for your university, in Thai Culture ? just proves that on some, education is a total waste if they are unable to absorb the basics of cultural respect, for which unlike yourself, even my English and Thai grand-children can demonstrate. So you just carry on "feeling comfortable if your wife is comfortable" without regard to local culture, but please, please anywhere but Thailand.

    I'm really sure that Thailand is a big girl now, and doesn't need overwrought apologists like your good self to defend her honour. :o

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