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Posts posted by kmart

  1. o my the bus 1 funy well if you did nto get the joke i will not so any more if you did get it good for you lock this post pleas

    I know lots of members think that English isn't your first language, DNK, but from reading some of your slang & terminology, I have a horrible suspicion you're a Brit. Am I right?

    And before anyone starts having a go at me, I'm British! That's why some of his slang seems familiar!

    I think he's having a laugh... English teachers, eh? :o

  2. Well I am starting to lose respect for the Bangkok Post now. I wonder if circulation will drop off now because they punish journalists who report what they see. I don’t think I would waste my money on a publication that endorses that policy as the news would tend to be inaccurate.

    Right enough. They have lost all journalistic integrity already. Governments come and go here pretty quickly, and I don't see why they had to buckle under, even for a despot like the last b@stard.

    Bring back Trink. :o

  3. There are a couple of power stations built in that area that have had nothing but subsidence problems even before commissioning, and have never worked properly.

    There was just a clamor for land when the airport project was floated as an idea, the politicians got mega-rich before any work was even started. They couldn't back-track after that obviously. :o

  4. [

    I don't think it's so much a "that'll do" attitude, I think it's just that the Thai's are reluctant to admit that they sometimes might just possibly need some help from us damm farangs. You see crap translations everywhere from official forms and signs down to restaurant menus.

    My own personal fave is when some big company takes an expensive full centre spread advert out in the Bangkok Post to typically advertise their latest des-res swanky condo building with dreadful and pretentious blurbs, like; "Your elegant is our sophistication. Admirably" or some other such crap. *chuckle* :o

  5. you lady or going to hate me for this 1 im dateign 3 girls now 1 from japan 1 and 2 or from thaialand o hear it come big slap in face for being a play boy let me teal you trust is hard im 100% honest i never cheat all 3 know echother well what im saying is why not you and her new husban share her why do it just got be us guy that its ok to do to girls

    so do not get angry with me 4 years with 2 the girls and 1 year with my new thai gf but i think this post is a joke post im not hear to joke

    now waht you think aboute me now

    Translation please, pretty well any one of the modern terrestial languages will do. :D

    Let me talk to him. I speak fluent gibberish in 3 dialects. And phone text too. :D

    On second thoughts, <deleted> him. Its another troll. :o

  6. When the topic is gore and nudity on frontpages of Thai newspapers, TV members want the government to get rid of it. When the government tries to do something, it's being ridiculed.

    Their methods might be laughable but their goals aren't.

    Telling teenagers that their sex lives should not be restricted is also education in morality, it's just an opposite lesson.

    You can't leave people to themselves either, human nature is degrading without uplifting social pressure.

    We need more "don't drink and drive" campaigns and more anti gambling campaigns. Those are not personal problems, and neither is teenage sex, unwanted pregnancies and abortions. No man is an island and society has a right to protect its members from vice.

    Morality comes from education, and the example of a fair, just, and democratic system of leadership and true justice under a set of strong laws. Until those are inplace first, morality is just a word.

    I agree that the goals of teaching morality are laudable, but these decrees always come from the same self-serving lying hypocrites that perpetuate the corrupt cycle of immorality and base greed on an increasingly cynical population. I'm not just talking about LOS here....

    I remember when some gobshite Tory MP in the UK espoused a return to morality and "Family Values" and then it was discovered he had more than one family.... :o

  7. Sonthi=President for Life

    I hope not, but remember Gen. Mussharaf seizing power over a democratically elected govt in Pakistan, over 7 years ago now? :o He initially said that he was just a stop-gap to facilitate a cleaner democratic government, but then changed his mind, "in the interests of his country."

    Must be addicting, this power game....?

  8. In truth, probably no-one ever admits to say that things now are better than the halcyon days of their youth, or the first time you ever found some new, exotic place to stay.

    I remember Britain in the 70's with strikes; piles of rubbish piled up in the street; blackouts; etc. Its a ###### site better than those days. Okay, a little over-regulated, and the weather was always crap, but...

    It will always be my home.

    If you want to be happy in Thailand for the duration, then you have make a lot of compromises; learn the language; and learn how things work here. This doesn't sometimes go well with a lot of people who are set in their ways.

  9. Who on earth is The Farang Wife Society??

    My wife is the Chairperson. They are a secret society and meet in quiet beauty salons to discuss the various merits (or not) of their respective foreign hubbies; fusion cuisine (somtam pie, anyone?); and the driving highlights of the Toyota Yaris.

  10. No. Not at all. But Thailand seems determined to repeat past mistakes and never seems to have the will for change; or the political will to take some stiff medicine.

    I love this country and the people, but sadly and selfishly I feel that if a lot of things I don't like about this country changed radically overnight, then all the things I like about here would be gone too.

  11. It distresses me to hear farangs using very colloquial thai when they don't really have the full knowledge of the language nor or the cultural implications and nuances that are in the language.

    Me too. Its pretentious, no? :o

  12. Littering should be fined with 10,000 baht!

    It shows a lot of disrespect to the country we are in.

    Thailand is one of the most proper and clean countries in the world.

    Thais don't litter, so let us take an example of them!


    This is either a troll post or the poster doesn't actually live in LOS. Thais don't litter........ :o


    KireB obviously has a deliciously keen sense of irony. Either that or denial..... :bah:

  13. compensation for deaths and injuries is common here and in other asian countries.

    Too true, that's why many perps leave the scene or run over the victims a few times to ensure there are no witnesses.

    Yes, this really encourages truly humanitarian behaviour beneficial to a healthy society, doesn't it? :o

    It was a jetski - jetski accident, the Chinese fella might have been at fault too. Who knows??? :D

    What is always certain is that in any tragedy here, someone is getting their palm greased.

    And the jetski / bus / ferry operator will carry on as if nothing ever happened.... :D

  14. This itinerant dosser obviously needs to be rounded up with all the other minging hippies and be gassed like badgers. I would personally blanket bomb / napalm areas known to contain (Khao San Rd, for example) populations of new age juggling types and their facial hair experiments. For three days. Before committing ground forces and artilliary sweeps. :D

    Someone pick up this dangerous individual and drown him in a vat of p!ss, before he bites somebody, and gives them parvo virus or something. :o

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