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Posts posted by kmart

  1. Seems that world politics (especially in the US) has never been as polarised as now. Both Fox News and CNN are parodies of news programmes, that have an agenda before any news breaks.

    I find Fox news particularly depressing, as it panders to a totally self-centred and bunkered thinking.

    I agree with the poster above. A lot of my relatives died helping to defeat the propagandists, radicals and book-burners in the last century. It would be a shame if it was for nothing.

  2. I can't listen to Thai music at all. Even when its professionally performed it sounds like scraping nails down a blackboard to me. That music during the Thai Boxing is worst. Its all discordant percussion, and sounds like groups of kids throwing stones at your greenhouse.

    Talent doesn't seem to be important here, though.


    Gustibus et coloram non est disputandum.

    That a latin flame, sweetheart? :o

    Don't get yerself banned whatever you do.....

    Think what a loss that would be...?

  3. This is probably taking it to extremes, but I have noticed that when ever I make a transaction in a shop the shop keeper always uses a calculator to work out the price and change, no matter what the sum, even if its just two items at 100 baht each. Often they repeat the calculation more than once. Even if I say ‘song loy’ they ignore me and use the calculator. It may be completely innocent in that they may be simply showing me that they aren’t ripping me off, but I do wonder.

    I have also noticed when working abroad that I hardly ever come across Thais in engineering jobs. There are plenty of Philipino and Indians etc, but I rarely come across Thais, other than welders and the like. Once again there may be reasons for this, maybe I just happen to be in non Thai locations and positions, but I do wonder.

    It’s easy to be judgmental and criticize.

    Thai pipe-fitters and welders are in great demand at most pipeline construction sites around the world. They are very skillful and good, diligent workers. At higher level jobs though, lack of English skills holds them back, which is a real shame.

  4. Long complicated and convoluted story down there. But there is also a lot of criminal and extortion racketeering against local businesses in the South also. Malaysia may or may not have some complicity in all this, but one way to tell if the insurgency is all about militant Islam would be for the security forces to dip their bullets in pig fat, and bury dead terrorists in a pit with pig's entrails. Gen. Jack Pershing arrested Islamic violence in the S. Philippines immediately with this method. :o

  5. I can't listen to Thai music at all. Even when its professionally performed it sounds like scraping nails down a blackboard to me. That music during the Thai Boxing is worst. Its all discordant percussion, and sounds like groups of kids throwing stones at your greenhouse.

    Talent doesn't seem to be important here, though.

  6. Seems you have a bias.

    Don't we all? :D

    Some of us at the same time are open to adjusting our views based on testing our notions against our sensory experience and the examined testimonials of others. The scientific method brought people to the moon, while dogma never did. Yes, we are all biased, but relying on bias is religious. Openly, brazenly, proudly displaying bias is ignorance.

    Sorry,.... what did you just wrote? :o

  7. the thai authorities have been trying to stop teenagers from having sex this valentines by getting police to enforce a sort of curfew on teenagers in public areas after 10 pm.

    Oh no I guess the thai teens will have to adjourn their date and get down to business earlier than planned. Sometimes I wonder what they are thinking when they come up with these "solutions." This definitely tops the alcohol ad ban as the most retarded idea ever. It cracks me up to imagine some wisened big hair thai minister furrowing his brow brainstorming solutions to keep Porn and Somchai from copulating. Meanwhile his assistants probably all think his idea is as stupid as buffalo sh*t but are afraid to say otherwise because he's the big pooyai of the group.

    Spot on. The dysfunctionality of this "pooyai" system beggars belief. For all their talk of ethics; morals, and supposed conservative outlook, most Thais would wai Satan, if he stepped out of a black Mercedes in front of them. :o

  8. I would never assume the guilt of anyone arrested in this country. The cops here are so lazy, arrogant and bent that finding scapegoats is the norm, and nationalistic grandstanding when apprehending a foreigner is an apparent bonus.

    However, if the pay for teachers is so lousy here, why are there so many teachers still in Thailand, when other countries around the area offer much better packages? :o

  9. The problem isn't Thai food itself it's what's added to Thai food to give it "flavor" to the Thais. They slather their dishes in that super salty fish sauce and they use artery blocking palm oil sometimes to stir fry dishes. They also reuse oil for days that means all the grease from the meat is cooked into the existing batch of oil to make it extremely unhealthy and unsanitary. Watch what they put in their drinks sometime too they dump loads of sugar into everything.

    Thailand has a high rate of heart disease and diabetes because of this type of eating.

    That is correct, diabetes is horrendously high here. Thais eat like children; they have to have loads of sugar or salt on everything. :o

  10. wWthout a doubt , the most beautiful place in the whole wide world is a little country which has everything....good beaches, equitable climate,many picturesque hills and valleys, a long and varied history,and wonderfully friendly people...

    I speak, of course, of Wales! the only drawback is the neighbours.......England!

    Wales only exists to keep the English and Irish apart. :o

  11. Seems to be quite an emotive subject.... :D

    Pity that (at least on a Thailand-related forum) people getting all snippy about the dangers of smoking might not appreciate that the actual road journey to the nearest 7/11 is probably more dangerous than anything you could buy there. :o

    There are tons more interesting ways to die in Thailand than smoking / inhaling cigarette smoke. :D

  12. "We always strive to take (drug busts) to the top of the ladder - 'chopping off the head of the snake', we call it. Those opportunities don't present themselves too often," said Don Rospond, head of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's Northern Indiana office.

    "When it actually comes to fruition like this, it's something to be proud of."

    This part of the quote should interest / generate comment relating to the correct way to cut off supplies and unlike Toxin just go for the tail end distributors, which serves no positive purpose if you are really honest with your intentions to get rid of drugs.

    Especially those who keep insisting his policy was the correct one to take ????

    Again it was his intention to keep the PUYAI in business while making political gains, silencing the tail enders ( who where considered insignificant in society ) and as such using them as capital.

    You should always at the top in these sort of situations and cut off the supply at source !!! IMHO

    Which i have long voiced of course :o

    marshbags :D:D

    I do not in any way agree with the methods employed in Thaksins war on drugs, but the simple fact that prices more than doubled is evidence that it certainly was successful in restricting the supply of drugs.

    The supply wasn't stopped, but for prices to raise that much in such a relatively short time it was probobally one of the most successful attempts at reducing drug flow anywhere, ever.

    The methods used and the loss of life are appalling but that does not mean it didn't work.

    There are still a lot of drugs out there. The media was ordered to suppress drug-related stories is all.

    All Toxin did was murder a lot of people. A green light for some of his pals in the Police to settle old scores and get rid of competitors / people in their way.

    That quite a few low-lives who might otherwise be breaking into your house were slaughtered also was an obvious bonus; it was still just mass-murder on a grand scale.

  13. I've lived here on and off for a long time and I found that many bacterial infections here are seasonal. When the seasons and temperature here change, bacteria can change / mutate also. Flu, cold, stomach; conjunctivitis; ears-nose-throat problems are usually common during seasonal change.

    Do not rely on the doctor all the time, and never over-use antibiotics. Keep reasonably fit, and eat well. Make sure you keep your mind active also, and keep a good circle of friends that you can trust and confide in, if you have problems. If mental health deteriorates, then physical health usually follows. Laying off / going easy on the booze also helps.

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