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Posts posted by kmart

  1. First of all, why do you need a receipt for a subway sandwich?

    Secondly, why are you willing to risk your own neck to expose a guy who's ripping off Subway? Let me just make this clear to you. You're not getting ripped off in any way.

    Do you work in an office? Do you rat out a co-worker who takes a pen or stapler home?

    You really don't know what's good for you. You're looking for trouble. And if you keep ratting out poor, crazy Thais for ripping off rich corporations, you will find that trouble sir.

    A lot of Thai people (and especially working in Pattaya) have this mis-placed sense of entitlement to things they have not earned, or do not have the discipline to ever earn for themselves.

    Your post and attitude just reinforces their stereotype of us being easy "marks" to rip off, or physically assault when they fail to do this.

    The "trouble" really starts when you don't nip this mickey-mouse pilfering and attitude in the bud.

    Evil flourishes when good people do nothing.

  2. Looking forward to living back in the UK, tbh; but will always here come for visits. :o

    Don't do it man, don't do it. I kid you not, 5 mins back here and you'll be scratching your eye balls out :D

    Just spent 3 weeks back in the UK on vacation, and me and my Thai missus really enjoyed it.

    Its best to keep a base back in your home country. And some savings too. How many other countries in the world give less interest on bank a/c's, based on nationality?

  3. What idiots would fly to Thailand only to eat mostly crappy french food-- and NOT eat the best cuisine in the world?

    If Thai food is anywhere close to best in the world, they are certainly doing a good job of hiding the good stuff from me - maybe under a pile of blistering hot chili peppers that destroy your tastebuds completely. I much prefer Chinese, Japanese, Italian and lots of other cuisines.

    Man, what I would give for some Chinese food from Clement Street in San Francisco! :D

    They seem to specialise in pig's intestines quite a lot in China. :o Chinese food is best usually outside the country. At least you don't have to bear people spitting sh!t all over the table, and food that is still blinking at you. :D

  4. What's screwed up about it? Everything is exactly as it is supposed to be today. It is unfolding in a magical and mysterious way. This thing called life is wondrous and constantly changing. Complaint is like war inside your mind. Make love not war! Be kind unto yourself; when a complaint arises in the mind, as it will, recognize it, acknowledge it, and let it go...

    This is why runways crack, people get electrocuted, and corruption goes unhindered.

    Talk about cynical! :o

    Nah. Great response to some typically flaky new age <deleted>. :D

  5. The operative word was 'decent' - ie not a place where you look like you're about to sign up for the iraq war.

    You're maybe thinking about an attractive "Kevin Keegan" bubble perm? :D

    I'm only jealous because my hair is receding already; but their are lots of really good quality hairdressers in Bkk. Thais are very serious about their looks and appearances too. :o You'll get what you pay for.

  6. Shock Horror!

    This is turning into a 'Why don't Farangs who complain go home?' thread again, with the usual deap thinkers chipping in on why they would deny other's an opinion.

    As for anger in Thailand.

    My observation of anger in foreigners and Thais in Thailand is that the greatest cause is frustration. And there is plenty of scope for frustration.

    Frustration is a big part of it. I complain only because I am passionate about the potential of this country, and it pisses me off to see the good people (a big majority) of Thailand sit on their hands and let the corrupt; the cronies; the connected; etc, p!ss down their backs and tell them its raining.

    I also pay taxes here. And employ over 70 local people, some of whom I happen to think a lot of... And their future concerns me. Rather more than my next piss-up or fishing trip / golf outing.

  7. nobody likes moaning complaining expats and they should be confined to there own country under lock and key.

    the thais should have a rule that winging punters should be deported immediately and never be allowed to return.

    actually, that would be good for this forum as there would only be half the members and it would be more enjoyable to read at times. :D

    there pathetic mate and a total waste of fresh air. :D

    When you live here full-time, I'll be happy to re-quote this back to you. Until then, a lot of subjects on here don't really directly affect you. Do they?

    Western culture achieved quite a lot from moaning and not being happy with yer lot / the status quo.

    It helped us stamp out a lot of corruption, wastefulness; dysfunctionality, separated church from state; took us to the moon; etc. :o

    If you don't complain, you get nothing. Especially here.

  8. Thailand is almost like 4 different countries. With extreme income disparity to match.

    Anyone really wanting to find out the median salary countrywide for Thais should find the local news classifieds sections in those four parts of the country.

    A lot of Thai salaries include proportionately large bonuses to boost average pay packets. A lot of Thai Chinese firms pay these out as "ang pao" at Chinese New Year.

  9. To give the Thai xenophobia a little perspective; its nice to know that they look down on each other all the time also.

    Central Thais don't seem to be liked much by Northern and Isarn Thais, for example. The patriotism and sometimes ultra-nationalism-bordering-on-fascism seems to be the only glue that binds them as a nation.

    The conquests and land-grabbing that happened during Thai history left a lot of seething resentment. Most especially in the South. :o

  10. Mini Marts?

    Most of those are franchises of foreign chains themselves.

    Open your eyes, it's the mom and pop little stores. Not 7-11's

    Usualy mom and pop stores are called mom and pop stores in Thai media and 7-eleven like franchises are called minimarts, that's what puzzles me.

    I tend to think that the protests are organised by suppliers and middlemen who lost their business, not by shop owners themselves. Look at Macro's business, for example - most of their customers are shop owners stocking for a week leaving no place for a middlemen. For middlemen 7-Elevens are not a competition at all, so we don't have any protests against them.

    Kmart, with a login like that you can't be expected to post unbiased opinions :D

    Its just a pun on my real name. Honest! :D

    I have no connection with the lovely store of the same name. :o

  11. There is definitely a space for both the "mom & pop" stores and the hypermarket in Thailand, but the biggest problem seems to be city planning. ie, there is none.

    People wanting to knock the little shops should try learn to speak some Thai, and they might find that those little old people manning those dusty old shops do not get a state pension / benefits, but will sometimes try their damnedest to find what you require, and are also a fountain of information regarding where you can find the best car mechanic; garden centre; whatever / wherever it is that you need.

    Try asking some spotty kid sniffing shampoo bottles in aisle #37 where the nearest plumbing supplier is, for example.

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