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Everything posted by James105

  1. As soon as I heard about this case, I just knew it would be Islam. How could I know this? Because it's always Islam. The nature of the attack (killing innocents in a vehicle), the profile of the assailant and his religion is textbook.
  2. I think this is what is known as a "straw man" argument with zero basis in fact. I am only tribalistic about my football team and if Labour actually did anything good I would for sure applaud them for it. Have they done anything good though? No. Are they going to pretty much destroy the country economically and culturally on the current trajectory? Probably. I have never seen a more calamitous start to a government than these clowns have managed to do starting almost on day one after promising to "clean up" parliament only to get caught with their fat fingers in Lord Allis cookie jar. It has gone drastically downhill since that moronic start. Even the most tribalistic football fans are capable of criticizing their football teams if they are not playing well, but for some reason that doesn't seem to apply to people who support a political party in the same way.
  3. It will end up costing taxpayers money according to estimates, so to disrupt kids in the middle of their school year with this vindictive spiteful policy will actually mean less tax revenue not more. Of course bigger class sizes will also disrupt the kids already in state schools so it's a loss for private school kids, a loss for state school kids, and a loss for the taxpayer. Creating a policy where literally everyone loses is quite an achievement though and I doubt many other customer service reps would be able to replicate this. https://www.taxpayersalliance.com/analysis_vat_on_private_schools_could_end_up_costing_taxpayers Of course you will likely suggest that the estimates are wrong as you seem to have absolute faith in the lying charlatans "running" the country right now despite the fact they have done nothing but lie to you over and over again.
  4. I think that some people are so tribal they will support anything this clown show of a government introduces. If they decide to "close the tax loophole" on children being exempt from tax on their pocket money I'm sure you will be on here justifying why its a good thing to raise much needed government revenue which just gets spaffed away on carbon capture, foreign climate aid, foreign terrorist aid, foreign aid etc.
  5. Feels very different this time so I doubt we'll see the same again. The leftists have got their wish of a socialist, vindictive, meddling, authoritarian government and are learning the lesson that no matter how bad the Tories are (and they were truly awful), Labour are an order of magnitude worse on every single metric. By the time he visits the UK will be in recession (thanks to Rachel from customer services), the USA will be booming and the only protests I can envisage would be against the clowns in government.
  6. Further proof of his mental deterioration if any was needed. The guy needs to get himself into the care home so he can relax and see out his remaining days.
  7. Not good enough. We should have had these by the 23 Oct 2015!
  8. So if the election was held tomorrow we would have a coalition of clowns government made up of Labour, Lib dems, SNP, Greens and Plaid Cymru. On that basis I am glad the election is not tomorrow. Quite how Labour have any support after such an abysmal and clueless start is quite something, but I guess public sector workers are still having a good time under this clown show which would explain it.
  9. You had a point? I couldn't tell from your post as it is very well hidden.
  10. Well, 52% of people in UK receive more in benefits than they pay in taxes, only 16-18% of last years 1.2 million legal immigrants are on skilled work visas, and some towns and cities are bereft of native Brits, turning into 3rd world cesspits. This is not a sustainable way to run a country.
  11. Well perhaps you should tell the dear leader about this as university students are exempt from VAT. He is aware of this of course but they are old enough to vote and even though he is an absolute moron someone slightly less moronic will have told him that Labour's demise will be hastened should he raise tuition fees by 20% to fill an imaginary black hole. Even Nick Clegg only raised them by 9% and that pretty much destroyed Lib dems for a generation. So anyway now you know it wasn't done out of VAT fair play. It wasn't done to fill a black hole either as it will raise next to nothing considering the repercussion costs. It was purely done out of spite and hatred for people who work hard and make sacrifices for their kids.
  12. So your saying that if the plane didn't get destroyed by the solid death wall right at the end of the runway then there was another "just in case" death wall right after it? Again, I consider this a bad design choice. Also confirmed by a pilot by all accounts on some video on this thread. My prediction is that once the investigation is concluded then unbreakable death walls will no longer be allowed to be positioned right at the end of runways.
  13. Yes but in that scenario the plane destroys barrier rather than barrier destroys plane - passengers live. If the next solid object is half a mile away then the plane will have slowed down and might not disintegrate/explode on impact. I maintain my thinking that putting an unbreakable plane destroying death wall at the end of a runway is a poor design choice.
  14. I think the death wall it smashed into was the bigger problem. I personally think that sticking an unbreakable concrete wall at the end of a runway is a poor design choice.
  15. Well that is a new fear unlocked. Wonder why a solid concrete, plane disintegrating wall is necessary rather than a wired fence at the end of the runway? I feel the passengers would have survived a collision with a wired fence. Is this a common feature at the end of airport runways?
  16. I presume on that basis you are in favour of University students being forced to pay VAT as well then? Or do you approve of exemptions being made for certain things... like education for example?
  17. She will lose voters due to incompetence, but since she is a black woman no doubt the usual suspects will cry racism. Only leftists care about peoples race over their competence. She has embarrassed herself twice in the last few days, once to falsely accuse and defame Nigel Farage and again to complain to a TV network that he gets too much airtime whilst no doubt declining every single invite she gets to appear from that same channel. That she seems to spend more time and energy holding Reform (with their 5 MPs) to account than the horror show that is the government suggests that she is just another "conservative" who would be more at home on the Labour side of the benches.
  18. Why is it when it comes to cuts leftists assume the only cuts that can be made are to the useful public services like police, NHS etc? You realize there are 542,840 civil servants... right? When I say fire half of them I am talking about those work from home wastrels. At the very height of the British empire there were 40,000 civil servants employed globally, and that was before the age of productivity tools such as computers and mobile phones. Actually, now I am reminded of the numbers firing just 50% seems way too small a number to get rid of and 80% would be more appropriate. Think of the savings that could be made with zero impact (nobody would notice) and many less gold plated pensions to pay for.
  19. 1. No, we could not cut VAT below 15% as EU member: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36430504#:~:text=Changes to the VAT rules,household gas and electricity bills. Cutting VAT will encourage spending in the economy. Economy then grows. Less tax more income. Cutting the public sector by 50%. I'd fire everyone born in the second half of the year and see if anyone noticed and I doubt anyone would (other than those being fired). Disband every quango and also ban working from home to improve the lunchtime economy and encourage 25% more wastrels to resign. Also bring public sector pensions in line with private sector. 2. Companies will go back to innovating rather than relying on cheap labour. Instead (for example) of taking your car to a slave labour car wash to have several illegal immigrants cleaning it with rags, a machine does it. Like the good old days. Former public sector workers (see number 1) and anyone on benefits can fill the gaps or lose benefits. 3. Even if the UK disappeared / vanished overnight it would not make any impact on the cycle of climate change, even if it really was caused by humans and not the giant flaming ball in the sky. So roughly zero cost to the environment. Significantly lower energy prices would be a game changer for growth. Also, drill baby drill. 4. See Australia. Problem solved within a week. Detain and deport anyone who gets through. Zero rights to benefits and blacklisted from UK for life. Obviously leave ECHR to deport the 1.2 million illegals residing in the UK. You obviously think the current system is perfect and doesn't need drastic changing. You are happy with 1.2 illegal immigrants in the country? The growing £2.8 trillion debt that costs more to service than the education budget? Those numbers are just going up with the clowns in charge just now.
  20. Off the top of my head, something like the following would do it. 1. Cut VAT to 7%. 2. Cut immigration to max 50,000 high skilled individuals per year. 3. Cancel Net zero 4. Control the borders. 5. Cut corporation tax to 15% 6. Take an Argentinian president approach to pointless government departments. 7. Sit back and watch as the country prospers beyond all recognition.
  21. Tories and Labour are just WEF puppets and sold their souls long ago to this project. People often state that Reform should unite with the Tories, but the Tories have far more in common with Labour and are more likely to unite with them against Reform. The only difference between them is one of competence, which does not mean I think the Tories were competent (they were not), but Labour are somehow on a different, never seen before level of incompetence. Badenoch and Starmer are both signed up members to the WEF which means globalist first, party second and country in a very distant third place in terms of their priorities.
  22. You seem to forget that Farage was not in government and had no control over the Tory party and their desire to use mass uncontrolled immigration to make it look like the economy was growing with GDP. Brexit was an opportunity to take the country in a different direction, but was ultimately scuppered by the political class who had no desire to do so. The country gave the politicians the ball, removed the goalkeeper and all they had to do was shoot it in the open goal, but instead they took the ball and kicked it in their own net over and over again. Perhaps Thai people don't complain about immigration as immigrants do not get free housing, free money, free child benefits, free healthcare etc on the back of their tax money, nor can they easily compete with Thai people for jobs. If the UK gave the exact same "benefits" immigrants get in Thailand I think many people in the UK would not complain so much.
  23. What kind of clueless and incompetent morons would do this in the middle of a school year? Oh, thats right, the ones we have in government right now. Due to the repercussions that that were not given a moments thought this will probably cost the taxpayer more money than it gains, turning the fictitious £22bn black hole into a real one. Absolute clowns.
  24. Embarrassing from Badenoch as Reform have no reason to lie and can easily prove (and already have) the data behind the numbers. She really should be focusing on holding the muppets in government to account as the opposition and trying to explain to the dwindling Conservative support she still has why this incarnation of the Conservative party will be different to the wet, leftist, climate scam obsessed, mass uncontrolled immigration supporting conservative party of the last 14 years.
  25. Apparently Noah is still kicking himself in the afterlife for not just paying extra green taxes to avoid the need to endure months of backbreaking work building a giant Ark. Extra taxes are apparently more powerful than gods and nature in the effort to prevent the cycle of climate change caused by that "tiny" bright light in the sky seen in daylight hours.
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