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Everything posted by bobandyson

  1. The very under-rated Frankie Miller with his song that got me into Bob Seger.
  2. This one I listen to often before hitting the sack. Clapton really makes the guitar wail and cry. After he stops singing around the 3 minute mark it becomes pure goose-bump inducing.
  3. I found this clip taken at the same concert in Massachusetts October 30th 1992.
  4. I've got that one thanks. I think it was the first ever version I heard because it was from the 'Hard Rain' album.
  5. I've already got this version of the song which sounds like it was from the 'Hard Rain' tour. I've only just recently got around to listen to it and noticed what might be considered a 'blooper'. At around 2:10 Dylan sings the first lines of the previous chorus he sang at 1:30.
  6. When the sun goes behind the moon and darkens a particular point on earth, then why doesn't the moon then emit light?
  7. The movie 'No End in Sight' is available on youtube but is age restricted.
  8. Thanks again for the heads up on that one. An ending that I didn't expected and a bit emotional too that a lot of movies and series seem to lack. It reminded me to watch the following documentary and ties in with the 'Official Secrets' movie. And then I was led to watch this one again.
  9. There's quite a few documentaries about Gacy going around. This one (6 eps) I saw recently reckons that half of the victims he's supposed to have killed were committed by someone else. He wasn't even in the state at the times of the murders according to his receipts, bills etc.
  10. Luckily it ended well and not in a chase. A gas tanker full of fuel or fumes? Anyone remember the gas tanker explosion at Wireless/Phetburi Rd ? The police don,t.
  11. The Invisible Pilot 3 episodes. fmovies. "The Invisible Pilot is a three-part documentary series by Emmy-winning filmmakers Phil Lott and Ari Mark about a labyrinthine story that begins in Hazen, Arkansas and ends in one of the biggest political scandals of our time. The series tells the tale of Gary Betzner, a charismatic, daredevil husband and father who unexpectedly jumped off a bridge in 1977, despite a seemingly happy home life and a lucrative career as a pilot. His small-town Arkansas community searches for his body in vain while family and friends seek answers. Years later, a mysterious story emerges involving hypnosis, secret identities and a double life of dangerous missions and law-breaking. And that’s just the beginning."
  12. You would have to attend immigration to sign any documents especially if agent has just opened a bank account for you with 'suddenly required' finances. Plus a photo taken for their data base?
  13. Meanwhile. . . . .not very far away. . . . . . .a crime is being committed.
  14. The very same. The black male strippers weren't happy with him.
  15. Rather liked this one which is similar in style. Johnny Knoxville playing an 86yo grandpa.
  16. 30+years in Thailand and I've never seen anyone watching ch5. I've only caught sight of it when flicking through the channels when looking to see if a particular sport event was being broadcast by someone.
  17. I could have used a cheap agent and saved myself some money but having to go to Pattaya from BKK to use an agent who keeps my PP for 2 weeks and then needing to send them my PP every 90 days for reporting to some far-flung province didn't appeal to me. I paid out extra to an agent recommended to me by 2 guys who were using them. Not once was I out of sight of my agent or PP when opening a bank account and applying for a retirement visa at CW. And I recently did a 90 day report in person at MTT without any hitches.
  18. What embassies are open weekends? As for where the OP is, maybe he's busy with the process of reporting his PP lost/stolen. It's Monday morning and not the best of days to be dealing with embassies, immigration etc.
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