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rak sa_ngop

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Posts posted by rak sa_ngop

  1. I have both a wrist (Omeron) and cuff (Boots) model. With the cuff model it is easy to take both left and right arm readings.


    Yes there always is a variation between the results even when made directly after each other.......and I do not believe that the cuff results are any more repeatable than the wrist measurements.


    Only thing that you can rely on is that the hospital measurements will always be higher.

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  2. Yes, I did my first ever TM 30 the week before. And maybe because I was processed by an intern /trainee and not full officer there was no mention of a fine then (maybe they haven't got to that part in their training yet).


    But doing the whole thing on my android phone may have been the reason why it worked out so well.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 25 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    I noticed signature area stated I had been provided a copy but at time had not been and as aware of new law was not concerned (and perhaps an extra copy was on desk that I did not notice) - it was provided when called back to sign extra forms (copies of TM30 paperwork I believe).  With the amount of paperwork they have to shuffle for every application am amazed it works as well as it does.  

    Same for me on Tuesday. Signed all the papers with the rules/requirements and thought I was going to get a copy, but now can't find it. Maybe they kept it after all.


    Yes it was all very efficient and no TM 30 fine (never done one before).



  4. I did my first TM-30 at CW yesterday (Tuesday).  I own my own condo but do not have a Yellow or even a Blue House Registration book.  But I took in a copy (plus original) of my chanote and this was accepted.  The good news was that they made no mention of a fine so I proceeded to renew my retirement visa extension as normal.


    No bigger queues than normal for a mid week so my extension was completed before lunch but had to wait until 2.00pm for my multiple reentry stamp

  5. As somebody who has experienced scabies first hand I would never describe the itching as 'bearable'. A better word to use would be 'suicidal'. When those critters under your skin start moving around in the middle of the night your whole body comes alive with an intense throbbing sensation. The skin all over your body may react with a rash.  You may even see short trails of the debris (faeces etc) under the skin from the bugs, from their travels.  These trails may mis-diagnosed as scratch marks from your fingernails.


    Doesn't sound or look like scabies to me.  Maybe bed bugs?


    I would not wish scabies on anyone........well, maybe just a few people I know.

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  6. Maybe report your old address where you were registered before for your 90 day.


    If you can't do this, e.g. dealing with a new Immigration office, what about moving into a hotel for a few days where they will report your stay and use that address for your 90 day report.


    Then you will have another 90 days to sort our your current rented address (or stay a few months without paying further rent to get your equivalent deposit back and move to another house or hotel).


    Not sure if this will work but maybe worth a try?

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  7. The capacitor advice has come too late.  The repair man removed the electronics unit and motor to make the repair in his workshop. He showed me a small 4cm by 4cm circuit board taken from other units in my building that had also blown.  The guy reinstalled everything today and all is working now.  He said something which sounded like 'ac' so maybe a ac/dc converter?


    Price 2200 baht but cheaper than buying a new aircon unit.


    Thanks for all the TV help anyway.

  8. 3 minutes ago, OKF said:

    TM30 has to be filed by the landlord. If the owner of the condo is a farang the farang does not need to file TM30. Just have copy/phote of passport, TM6 and chanote on your phone to show

    So just to be clear about this, if you are on a retirement extension and have been making your 90 day reports to Chaeng Wattana, and own your own condo, then you do not need to bother about a TM 30 (or 28)?


    You just need to have your passport with the TM6 (departure card) and a copy/photo of your condo chanote to show Immigration?


    Do the Immigration Officers that come to your condo know about this?

  9. I have changed out the remote batteries and also tried the manual start switch inside the unit.  But no lights, no beep, no fan, no nothing.  It is completely dead both inside and outside the room.  But as I say I have had this problem before and it can suddenly start working again after a few days.  But now it has been a few weeks and the weather is hotting up.


    It could be a fault at the breaker but I have changed it once already.

  10. I have a Mitsubishi Mr Slim unit, its quite old but is rarely used so in good condition.


    I used to switch it off at the breaker when travelling, but it was always temperamental when restarting.  Sometimes it would be a few days before it would allow itself to be turned on again.


    I changed out the breaker but the problem remained, so since then I have always left it powered up (on standby) at the breaker when out of my condo a few days or weeks. I could always turn it on on my return.


    Recently we had a short power failure and now I cannot get the unit to work at all.


    Does this sound like a known problem?  Capacitor failure or some other component?


    I plan on getting a technician out in a few days but some early insight from the TV team would be very useful.



  11. The first one definitely looks like a classic tektite 'drop' composed of dirty glass from the condensation of vapourised earth material following a meteor impact (but not the meteor material itself). I have a very similar shaped and textured example and they seem to be pretty common finds in Thailand.


    Is the second one the same density?  Can you tell from its heft if you bounce it in your hand? Glass is much lighter than most rocks you find lying around. It looks like it has a very similar pocked texture to the first sample. Probably a tektite as well but not 100 pc sure just going by the photos.





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