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Big Guy

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Posts posted by Big Guy

  1. I hope not, the one in my pond at home is only half a metre. You would be too scared to walk past if it was that size. I would be a bit dubious hauling that over the side of the boat as well, imagine what the teeth on it are like!!!!

  2. The red shirts are in a bind. Without violence they will be ignored.

    With violence they will be as discredited as they were as a result of the last Songkran events.

    Eventually the bluster will run out.

    Next step? Try to negotiate a 'victory' to justify a retreat.

    I would agree, the government can wait then out - and where will that leave the reds.

    Or they, meaning the paid lackies of Thaksin, can instigate real trouble leading to the bloodshed of innocent people conned into coming to Bangkok in the name of democracy when in actual fact they have been manipulated all for the benefit of one person - namely a convicted criminal named Thaksin and his paid hencemen.

    Why is taksin being treated so differntly from every other thai polition, he is no more corrupt than the rest, his party didnt do any more vote buying than the oposition partys or any previous governments, the whole thing the thai people are worried about is that taksin and his supporters are not being dealt with the same as the yellow shirts , after all who was democratically elected in the first place, why weren't their leaders held and prosecuted when they closed the airport, the main concern is that government be fair and open across the board, not one set of rules for one side and another set for the other as seems to be applying at present.

    By the way most thai's both red and yellow shirts think the present leader Abisit is okay the problem is that he wasn;t democratically elected.

  3. Just back from another day on the water. Headed to a spot I saw on the chart that have never been to before, and was surprised to see lots of schools of baitfish, bursting the surface with fish chasing. Put on a lure and threw it out and was marauded by longtoms, wasnt unusual to get 3 hits to a cast. Hooked and lost heaps and only managed to land one. About a metre long. Never fished for them before, but will certainly do it again, will be refining my gear and technique before I go again. They are heaps of fun on small gear, but the teeth are a bit hard on line.

  4. Just back from a day out from Ao Por, got as far south as Koh Kai. Fishing okay, plenty of small fish when bottom fishing but no luck trolling. Saw plenty of long toms and baitfish in my travels, but was also fishing at the wrong time of the day. Put the boat in the water at 1030 and stopped fishing at 1700 so had timeto get back to ramp before dark. Might pick up some camping gear and find an island to camp on and do a bit of night fishing.

  5. Why did you change the headline to foreigner from the word Singaporean when the newspaper article accurately reported it... the guy has an Asian name and is apparently not a white westerner as the similar sounding Thai word falang would imply. Thais usually report the specific country and avoid the inaccurate translation of foreigner to falang. The story is all about an Asian Singaporean taking drugs from Bangkok to Malaysia and has nothing to do with white westerners.

    Falang means foreigner, it does not imply where abouts he comes from or skin colour, just that he is not a thai

  6. I have been spending a bit of time on the water over the last few months having recently bought a 5m boat.

    I have been launching at Ao Por, 535bt a time and have had no problems. The people at the marina are keen to help and very friendly. I have been able to launch and retrieve the boat at all stages of the tide altough the ramp may be a bit slippery at low water if you are only using a 2WD.

    I havn't had any problems on the water apart from being chased off one of the bird nest islands by a sawn off shot gun toteing thai.

    He was friendly about it though and just told us we weren't allowed to fish so close inshore, but would be okay further out. We just moved on and fished elsewhere. Any fishermen seem happy and give you a big wave upon passing.

    I would recommend a gps, I have one and once you get a few k's away from your start point it could be difficult to find your way back even in good weather.

  7. Thanks to both Newtronbom and Andyman for the good info. I am back overseas at the moment and will be having a closer look at the sarasin area when I get back in early March. I like the idea of chartering a boat out of sarasin to have a look around first so will pm newtronbom nearer to the time for someone to contact locally. What sort of rates is a day charter (approx).

  8. This is a great topic with some excellent posts. Please keep it up as there is good info here, that is otherwise hard to find. Nice one.

    hi there neutronbom

    i see from your Post that you come from near sarasin bridge , do you have any idea what the fishing is like out across the bar there in the andaman side rather than in phang nga bay.

    I have recently been launching at ao por and was wondering if there is anywhere to launch near sarasin.

    the braces near the bridge look quite flat and look like it should be possible to launch off. do you or any others have any knowledge of fishing in the area or launching possibilities .

    by the way my boat is reasonably light and i have a 4wd l

  9. Was fishing just off the edge of koh lipe today, in phang nga bay (the third time so far) and was approached by a sawn off shotgun carrying thai, and told wasn't allowed to fish there. We had seen the signs about not being able to land and look for birds nest, but was surprised at being chased off for fishing. Sure we couldve stayed, probably was after money, but didn't feel like argueing with a thai with a gun. So everyone be warned.

    fishing there was okay but not that great, plenty of fish but all small. not worth argueing about, but will try again in a couple of months, as I understand the sea is the property of the king and free to be used by all.

  10. I have been in recently and it is no different from before, you provide a copy of the tabien baan you are staying at, the owners id a photo with the appropriate photocopies from your passport and the 100bt a copy and you are out of there.

  11. Sorry about your friend, but the prognosis for liver cancer is not good, I had a family member die recently ( in a western country)and when they discovered he had cancer in the liver they just sent him home to be with the family as there is very little they can do. Once it is in your liver you are too far gone.

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