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Iron Tongue

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Everything posted by Iron Tongue

  1. I think that the RTP should definitely fly to Taiwan! After their taxi charges them $US 800 to travel from Taoyuan Airport to downtown Taipei, maybe they can begin the process of healing.
  2. Never noticed it, but is it only in one ear? -You guys are stating odd amounts like B3-5. Then again, I used to put pennies in my penny loafers and never knew why.
  3. I wonder what the fine will be for all the Russian prostitutes, I mean, they ARE taking jobs from Thais...
  4. I think I snorted diet coke out of my nose when Steve Carrell said breasts felt like bags of sand!
  5. Look at the picture of what she's wearing. Not exactly a jet-setter, but more working class/tribal person. Her travelling by herself is going to set-off all sorts of alarms at immigration and call for a "further search". Poor woman, nobody's going to care when they throw her away into prison.
  6. Ha! There's no such thing as a 39 year old Tik Tok star! By the time someone hits their late-20s, they're considered ancient. Only way he might have an audience is if he films bargirls dancing in thong underwear.
  7. Heh heh, comparable to Miami Beach! I guess nobody has been to Miami Beach, which is a separate city than Miami, FL. Don't confuse the two. Miami Beach and its famed South Beach is where billionaires and movie stars hang out with models. It's definitely a great place to 'hang' if you are expensing everything on your company card, I have to admit. I'm sure Jomtien Beach will become just like that!
  8. Dude, you do not know Chinese people. All you have done is repeat stereotypes of Chinese people. Me? I have over 25 years of corporate business experience in China working for US and European multinationals. I have run business units of over 4,000 headcount Chinese employees with western management. I am fluent in Mandarin as well as can understand Cantonese and Shanghainese, where I regularly conducted business meetings in both English & Mandarin to negotiate contracts, implementation as well as institute recovery plans if needed. In an earlier time, I would be called a "China hand". So you've been to China three whole times huh?
  9. I think many of you have never been inside a hotel before. The bottom floor is called the LOBBY, and the numbered floors begin on the SECOND floor, which is called the 1st, and so on...
  10. That big Russian must have a glass jaw to be that wobbly, or he's still completely wasted from earlier. If he got the "full service" bar stomping, they'd be blood all over him and that shirt.
  11. Where did you get your info? No. "Most .38 caliber, NOT 38 caliber" DO NOT have the option of fitting suppressors to them. ".38 caliber" includes .380 ACP = 9mm kurz, .38 special, .38 super, .357 magnum, 9mm NATO, and a host of additional calibers all commonly fitting the .38 caliber designation. NOWHERE near "most" have the option to fit supressors on them. Supressors and threaded barrels are typically controlled items and require licensing and tax stamps to possess legally. THAT pistol is a baby version of the Colt Govt., also known as a "Officers Model 1911". It is, in fact usually carried concealed on the body rather than openly in visible holster. " Glock 15?" There is NO SUCH THING as a Glock 15. Neither is there a Glock G15. PLEASE, PLEASE, don't try to school me on firearms when you obviously don't know what you're talking about. I've been training and competing with firearms for decades in both sporting and defensive firearms, and I own pretty-much everything I've been talking about. I belong to a gun club and volunteer time to teach firearms safety and marksmanship. I try my best to dispel all the stupid assumptions that idiots who know nothing about firearms freely declare, but it can be a losing battle.
  12. Of course not. But THAT gun looks like a murder weapon. 1. It is a .380, nowadays considered rather underpowered unless used very close-up and right in the vitals like the brain. 2. It has a threaded muzzle. You can tell because it currently has a protective cap to protect the threading. The only reason for a threaded muzzle is so that you can screw a silencer (suppressor) onto it. 3. That pistol is considered a subcompact, easily hidden on the body. Short barrel so only good for self-defense or murdering someone with. ...So why is a criminal-looking dude from Sweden doing in Pattaya with that kind of gun.
  13. I understand all that. Qatar had 1.4 million visitors just for the World Cup, btw. But since this article is about the number of people who SEARCHED travel destinations, and may not actually travelled, wouldn't you think the World Cup location would at least motivate people to look into it? And again Angra dos Reis, Brazil, made it into the top searches?
  14. Probably because he used this one. That .380 pistol had a threaded muzzle. It's a murder weapon.
  15. So Qatar didn't make it on that list even though they just hosted the World Cup, yet Angra dos Reis, Brazil, did?
  16. Restaurant supply stores. They'll even deliver depending on the size if your order. Otherwise, have you tried Tesco Lotus?
  17. That does not look like anywhere near 1,000,000 baht of jewelry. And I assume the 700,000 baht cash was somehow lost during chases of the criminals?
  18. Sure you can, I'm sure every establishment would honor gold coins! Just don't expect to get any change back.
  19. That ship was foundering for hours. With that much time available to get abovedeck and abandon ship, how could 31 sailors be lost with the ship? There are more questions than answers, and I doubt any official investigation will reveal what actually happened. Too many admirals' careers are at stake.
  20. Dude, chillax! You seem to have missed my sarcasm, so I'll explain it to you. 1. Different govts treat crime differently. Sweden pursues a man who stole $1 million, while the USA doesn't even arrest someone who has fraudulently stole multiple billions of $ (btw SBF is probably free because he contributed over $40 million to politicians this year, apparently with money stolen from clients) 2. The "upping their game" was directed at criminals not the police, meaning that Thailand deserves wealthier criminals. -sheesh!
  21. Big time fraudster caught! This Swede stole ~$1 million over three years and hides in Thailand! Meanwhile, some fat slob named Sam Bankman-Fried embezzles $3-10 billion over roughly the same amount of time and hides in the Bahamas! I think Thailand really needs to up,its game if it wants to compete as a haven for fraudsters!
  22. My guess is that he has been slaving away in the back of a restaurant or construction project all this time. He probably got snitched-out the day after he went to his boss and asked to be paid for the 3-years of labor he has already performed.
  23. No economic vision. As Western countries seek to move health & technology manufacturing out of China, all the other Asian nations are throwing themselves at these companies to set-up factories in their countries, but how much has Thailand chased after them? I don't see much activity at all for this kind of future. Just ask yourself, would the Japanese, Koreans, Taiwanese, Singaporians, etc. rather work in Thailand or India?
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